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小学取消几道杠佩戴统一标志 有学生称有些失落--亲稳网络舆情监控室

EF T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB clear STYLE1">   编者按: Editor's note:在武汉市武昌实验小学,一项旨在淡化小学生官本位思想的革新正在展开,学校少先队里98个大队长、中队长和队委被要求取下肩膀上代表身份的“二道杠”、“三道杠”,代之以统一的志愿者标识,没有差别。有人开始叫好,有人开始怀疑,当成人的世界已经在向幼儿园渗透时,一所小学又如何能够幸免? In wuhan wuchang experimental primary school,A pupil to desalt ranking of the innovation thought is underway,The school the young pioneers in 98 district chief/Foreman and DuiWei was asked to take off the shoulder on behalf of identity"Two gang"/"Three gang",Replaced with unified volunteers identification,No difference.People started to applaud,People began to wonder,As the human world has to the kindergarten when infiltration,A primary school and how to will be spared?更多精彩新闻>> More wonderful news>>


In wuhan wuchang experimental primary school,A pupil to desalt ranking of the innovation thought is underway,The school the young pioneers in 98 district chief/Foreman and DuiWei was asked to take off the shoulder on behalf of identity"Two gang"/"Three gang",Replaced with unified volunteers identification,No difference.


People started to applaud,People began to wonder,As the human world has to the kindergarten when infiltration,A primary school and how to will be spared?


In the face of sudden dispute,The headmaster ZhangJiGuang choose silence,Adult world far more than the students psychological complex,He has been committed to let their students happy return tong zhen,but"officer"Thoughts can exactly in his here how much to remove,Don't seem to depend on him,But the final decision in the adult world how much penetration to here.

小学取消几道杠 淡化官本位思想
Primary school cancelled a few gang desalination ranking of thought? ?? ?


志愿者也要竞争 Volunteers also want to competition


Wuhan wuchang experimental primary school grade five C class WuYuHao give up the young pioneers volunteer campaign,In the class cadre's position on for,He repeatedly the memory of a failure,The only time when the work of a long article,Because mistakes replaced the by the teacher.


Even if the parents have privately to his ideas,Even DuiWei campaign speech by in the unit to do propaganda work father write him good,But several times after practice,He is on the platform in the face of the class back up.


But he is now the senior,Relative to the various titles,Parents feel grade is more important,Also let him.For whether the class cadre or volunteers,Parents and him,Can only be and love and hate.


But more children and their parents or to volunteer is longing.


"Assigned to each class volunteers quota is limited,The students actively,Because this is a kind of honor."Sixth grade class D WangSiNi just from a big DuiWei into 98"Hubei wuchang experimental primary school the young pioneers volunteers"of.

  竞选一名少先队志愿者并不容易,要经过四道程序:本学期至少在社区或学校做过一件好事的同学可以自荐;班级对自荐的同学进行海选;各班选出的学 生在全校进行公示,要求有简要的事迹材料;全校学生进行投票。除一年级新生外,全校同学都可以参与竞选,当选者由校长一一给他们佩戴徽章。

Campaign a the young pioneers volunteers is not easy,To pass four word program:This semester at least in the community or schools do a good thing of the students can introduce ourselves;Class students to introduce ourselves auditioned;Each class elected study conducted a born in public,Require a brief deeds material;The entire school student to a vote.In addition to a freshman to outside,The students can participate in the campaign,By the principal electee one to give them wearing badges.


Fourth grade students CDC) seize the chance.He is DuiWei in,Class commissary in charge of studies,Has been,Mother encouraged him to take part in the campaign in the class,"Because cadres on duty besides can help teachers to share,Also can give students services."


"If after junior high school teacher know that I am in my primary school is the class cadre,Will choose the class cadre in when I consider,Mother said,In high school after college work too."


Change volunteers identification,CDC) also led to a new task:Do commentator,In every case after lead to inspect,He may be sent to explain the campus culture.But he did not forget to continue to upgrade the position,Even volunteers,The next year he will"Like as baoguo service",This is mother to give him fixed target.


In the more than two weeks ago the young pioneers volunteers in the election,Many parents continue to act as their children behind the helper,Just as he used to help children campaign as the class cadre.


A grade three students' parents, as a member GuWeiHui,Determined to let children to enter the ranks of volunteers,"This year didn't selected,To choose again next year,Volunteers also is kind of honor ah."


The young pioneers is a"The cadres"place.Wuhan last year was produced"Five gang","Five gang"The father of the young HuangYiBo overwork,Son with the gerocomium,When carvalho half-grabs son's various publicity as,Contact newspaper published an article to his son,Finally the fashion into"Five gang"Political prodigy.

  一年过去,“五道杠”的影响还在。【 "五道杠"少年父母称官味由环境养成】

In the past year,"Five gang"Influence is still in.[ "Five gang"Young parents say GuanWei is composed of environmental cultivation]


Wuchang experimental primary school a grade three students' parents liu xin there is a reflection,But more feel entered the helpless,She is also expected to son in the school can get a class cadre position,Even volunteers,but"Number co., LTD.,",Is also an important opportunity to raise the children.


Son was last year transfer to the wuchang experimental primary school,In the elementary school before,Liu xin the most headache way bad the class cadre campaign atmosphere."In order to let their children when work cadres,Some parents to call I send text messages,Let my son to give his child to vote,Others teach their children in the class students to buy gifts."


Wuchang experimental primary school situation better,But sometimes she will not consciously in distress:"I don't go to teach children to learn to business/Clever some,Who knows the parents wouldn't say goodbye to teach their children,That my children do not suffer,You say that help my child to write a campaign draft should be human it?"


服务与权力区别在哪里 Service and power difference in where


Children sometimes learn not to adult mind.unship"Three gang"brooch,Change volunteers identification,Sixth grade class D WangSiNi still don't quite understand this change mean,She is just think this logo also"Quite good to see".But walk on the campus,She found,"The younger students no longer cast to her to have let her impressive fear eyes."This make her some slight loss.


But no matter in the young pioneers or class,WangSiNi work also as before,As a monitor,She stood up the class shouted,Maintenance class order,The most important power to exercise class.


Remembered just put on"Three gang"That moment,This is better than age child thinking more careful girl or excitement some on wings.Out of the school gate,Have the students parents see she said:"wow,Three gang!"She instantly have a pair of"grownup"look,Alacrity tossed up ponytail.In her impression,"Three gang"Than to monitor"severe"than.

  优越感就像病毒一样滋生,校长张基广描述了这样的情景,“老师不在教室了,一个学生像模像样地拿根教鞭在巡视教室,还时不时用教鞭在这个同学桌 上敲敲、在那个同学头上晃晃,而被敲、被晃的同学都拿一种异样的眼光瞅着他;有时,他站在讲台上,一双眼睛像老鹰一样盯着全班同学,巴不得哪个地方有个风 吹草动,他就会马上做出反应,在黑板上得意洋洋地记上一个不守纪律的同学名字,或者大声地喊着‘某某某,你不要讲话’……”

Superiority as virus growth,The headmaster ZhangJiGuang describes such a sight,"The teacher is in the classroom,A student with an air of importance to take root pointer in the tour of the classroom,Return often use pointer in the students on the table knocking/The students in his head,And on/Be sway the students take a strange eyes stared at him;sometimes,He stood on the platform,A pair of eyes like the eagle as staring at the whole class,Which place if there is a wind grass still,He will respond immediately,On the blackboard proudly written on a discipline students name,Or cried out‘XXX,You don't talk’……"


ZhangJiGuang resent classes and the young pioneers of cadres"govevnment",Let the school level distinct"A bar"/"Two gang"/"Three gang"Become volunteers,And in external sign not differentiate,In his view,No doubt can directly contain this kind of atmosphere,And let the children from culture to the spirit of volunteering service.


Wuchang experimental primary school the young pioneers volunteers generation should pass cover/auditions/Voting procedure,This undoubtedly is a innovation,Although the infiltrated the style of the adult world.


Wuchang experimental primary school ZhengJiaoChu director XuZhong read says,Before the young pioneers cadres are study result as the standard,Now volunteers selection by the students have to vote,Value is the child's specialty/responsibility/Active service consciousness and interpersonal skills, etc.


Unified volunteers identification seems to make the class cadre and captain/DuiWei"But do all the unfailing",But the volunteers is still school rarity,Also the children strove to be the first goal.


WangSiNi said:"We have 58 class/98 volunteers,In fact each class to assign the two places around,Most also not more than four,Our class has three.I also recommend after class,Do the speech,The last students vote to very not easy when the."


98 volunteers most are the class cadre and the young pioneers cadres,Volunteer service content is still not clear,Wear the volunteers identification,They are still out of the class team cadre's identity.


In children's minds,They also can't distinguish between"service"and"power"What is the fundamental difference,Many people still yearning"scarce"volunteers,And be willing to listen to parents' analysis and guidance.


XuZhong read emphasized,"We make some changes,(Through the when volunteers)Cultivate the children's sense of responsibility and sense of service,Set up every child is equal campus‘The master’New ideas."


But change is just beginning.


校园里的官本位: Ranking of campus:

  校园官气弥漫家长推波助澜 小学生争买五道杠 Campus bureaucratic AIRS diffuse parents add fuel to the fire for primary school students to buy five gang


"mother,Can you buy me a‘Five gang’??More than three gang can much cattle,Our class have a classmate who secretly wear to school."yesterday,On the fourth grade tintin to mother put forward this request,Ms. Zhang shocked,Online check just know,"Five gang"from"The young pioneers dep = deputy in wuhan city"HuangYiBo,The 12 years of primary school children recently wearing red scarf and"Five gang"Team brand photos. Look solemn and respectful/unsmiling,"GuanWei"dye-in-the-wood,Have been through the micro bo becoming popular throughout the country.He wear"Five gang"Also adore,Sell very fire,Price of 10 yuan,Many stores volume have hundreds of.Ms. Zhang thought,claims"Seconds kill three gang"of"Five gang"The child was such a big attraction.[detailed]


班里要选班干部 小学生竟然贿赂同学拉选票 Class should choose the class cadre pupils unexpectedly bribery classmate ballot


Wuhan is very troublesome to ms. Zhang:Children in the class should choose the class cadre,Frequently to pocket money,Say to the class gift ballot.similarly,Netizens Posting:Early in the morning on the table colleagues found 100 multivariate money missing,The results were primary school grade four children take bribes classmate pull the votes.Without the children,Unexpectedly proficient in"Try to curry favor with".Such a"mature",Let a person all sorts of feelings.[detailed]


一小学全班61名学生全是班干部 班长按学号轮换 A primary school the class 61 students are all the class cadre monitor according to the student id rotation

  从这届学生上一年级开始,班主任夏湘华就在班上设立了20多种职务,让孩子们通过填写申请、发表演讲竞聘、民主投票,最后持聘书上岗。如今,青园小学一、二年级的所有班都采用了这种模式。10月8日,教师夏湘华告诉中国青年报记者,这种"人人有事做,事事有人做"的特殊班干制度最终目标是培养孩子的责任心、荣誉感和归属感。自打上个月,孩子们都升入二年级后,这位教师又做了一个更大胆的决定:为了淡化"官僚意识", 她干脆取消了固定的"班长"职务,改为按学号轮换。[详细]

From this class at level of the previous year,The teacher in charge XiaXiangHua in the class has set up more than 20 position,Let the children through the filling in the application/Speech hired/Democratic vote,Finally the letter of appointment mount guard.now,Green garden primary school a/Second-year class all by this model.October 8,The teacher XiaXiangHua told China youth daily reporter,this"Everyone has something to do,Everything someone do"The special class dry system ultimate goal is to cultivate children's sense of responsibility/Pride and a sense of belonging.Since last month,The children are in second grade hind,The teacher made a more bold decision:In order to fade"Bureaucratic consciousness", She simply cancel the fixed"The monitor"position,According to the student id to rotation.[detailed]


搜狐教育专题策划:当不上小队长,你还会和我玩么? Sohu education project planning:When not small captain,Will you play with me??

  下一页提示: The next page hint:成人的官本位在误导孩子,是成年人的社会问题折射进了儿童世界。

Adult children in ranking of misleading,Is adult social problem refraction into the children's world.
