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男孩捡蓖麻戏称是长生不老药 多名学生食后中毒--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  南平一名小学3年级男生,上学途中捡了一些蓖麻子,带到班上后,与同学们开玩笑说这是“长生不老药”,还分给同学吃,结果导致不少学生急性食物中毒。其中,8名学生被紧急送到南京军区福州总医院抢救,目前大部分学生已脱离生命危险。 Nanping a primary school 3 grade boy,On the way to school to pick up some of the castor bean,To after the class,And the classmates joked that this is"elixir",Also give students eat,As a result many students acute food poisoning.the,Eight students is urgent to fuzhou general hospital of nanjing military region,At present most of the students already out of danger.


蓖麻子当“神药” 小学生误食中毒 Castor bean when"God medicine" Pupils by mistake eats the poisoning


Three days ago one afternoon,In nanping in politics and ShiTun center primary school of grade 3 boys XiaoHui(alias)On the way to school,In the roadside tree found some oval brown fruit.XiaoHui doesn't know that this is with toxic castor bean,He picked up some fruit to the class,And students joked that this is"elixir".The class usually like to watch TV myth,Learned that XiaoHui have"God medicine"after,In succession to XiaoHui scrounge,Many students will castor bean eat,Soon appeared in succession poisoning symptoms.


According to ShiTun center primary school a teacher is introduced,Found that students who appear after the poisoning symptoms,The teacher in charge immediately call the county hospital emergency telephone,The poisoning of students to the hospital.That night,After gastric lavage and rescue measures,The majority of students upturn,Eight poisoning serious students were sent to fuzhou institute treatment.


Yesterday afternoon,In fuzhou institute inpatient department,Reporters saw to fuzhou treatment of eight children,The majority of students have been out of danger,All parents accompany beside you.A child's mother told reporters,Two days before the child is quite serious,Went into a coma,Now see their children upturn,She didn't so worried now.


Responsible for the treatment of medical staff is introduced,Several children poisoning event,The department of health cause/Education department leaders attach great importance,Request to hospital treatment.At present,To fuzhou institute of eight children,Most of the situation has been basically stable,Temporary dangerous without life.


医生 The doctor


蓖麻毒素无特效解药 蓖麻子千万不能食用 Ricin no special antidote castor bean mustn't eat


"Castor bean toxin toxicity is potassium cyanide thousands of times!"Fuzhou institute of the pediatric doctor told reporters,Castor bean toxic components in ricin and castor base.According to reporter understanding,Ricin 2 mg,Castor alkali 0.16 g can cause adult death,Children taking raw castor bean 3 ~ 5 star can be lethal.


According to introducing,Ricin is toxic strong toxicity protein,But can be high temperature damage,The boil 2 hours or pressure steam processing 0.5 hours after that is non-toxic,And ricin hardly soluble in water and organic solvents,Also not soluble in castor oil,So the general medicinal castor oil without toxicity.

  医生指出,不少儿童不认识蓖麻,不了解其毒性,一旦误食,往往造成意外中毒。2006年,国家卫生部发布第6号公告,公告指出,蓖麻子外观漂亮饱满,易被儿童当瓜子或花生仁误食,我国个别地区就发生多名学生因误食蓖麻子导致食物中毒事件。为此,卫生部门提醒市民,目前对蓖麻毒素无特效解毒药物,蓖麻子无论生熟都不能食用。(海峡都市报 记者 张志宏 王浩志)

Doctors say,Many children do not know castor,I don't understand its toxicity,Once by mistake eats the,Often cause accidental poisoning.In 2006,,The ministry of health issued notice no. 6,Reported that,Castor bean appearance beautiful full,Easy to be children when melon seeds or eat peanut kernel,Our country individual area happened many students because by mistake eats the castor bean cause food poisoning events.therefore,Department of health warns a citizen,At present to ricin no effects drug detoxification,Castor bean either raw practice cannot edible.(Channel metropolis daily reporter ZhangZhiHong WangHaoZhi)
