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高考录取通知书93天才送到 致学生错过入学时间--亲稳舆论引导监测室

刘奇林的父亲拿着儿子“迟到”的入学通知书 LiuJiLin father with a son"late"Of admission.
  重庆商报讯 寄发一封入学通知书,要多久才能收到?今年刚参加完高考的万州考生刘奇林给出的答案是:从北碚西南大学到万州熊家镇,历时93天,通知书才送到家人的手上。让刘奇林苦恼的是,在左等右盼不见入学通知书的情况下,他最后不得不选择了河南的一所普通高校。 Chongqing dispatch sent a letter of admission,How long will it take to receive?This year just attended the university entrance exam examinee LiuJiLin wanzhou given the answer is:Beibei from southwest university to XiongGuZhen wanzhou,Lasted 93 days,Notice just sent to the hands of the family.Let LiuJiLin strait is,In the left and right to see under the condition of the letter of admission,He finally had to choose one of the henan colleges.


入学通知书93天后才送到 93 days after admission letter to arrive


Yesterday afternoon,Contact reporters on the LiuJiLin father LiuChunXiang."Son this year the university entrance exam time,I hope he can bring the volunteer fill the range of chongqing university."Live in wanzhou XiongGuZhen water village 1 group of LiuChunXiang said,In fact the son also hope to be able to local colleges and universities to read,But until this year, termed begins September,Son hasn't received any university despatch of admission,Forced to temporary filled with henan a universities take an examination of oneself professional.surprisingly,On October 16,,Also is after 93 days,A belated admission incredibly sent to the LiuChunXiang hands.


In the letter of admission,Admission LiuJiLin is southwest university higher education self-study exam 2012 level building engineering(college),Requirements for reporting and initiate the procedure in time is on August 16 to 18 between,The address is southwest university to continue education base.Reporter noticed,The postmark on the envelope time display,Beibei in the sorting time is July 15,,Two days later had already arrived at the destination XiongGuZhen wanzhou.


投递方称平信是按址投递 Delivery party says ordinary mail is delivered according to the address


LiuChunXiang said,His work in wanzhou city,On October 16,,He came home pay rural cooperative medical insurance gold,At that time or sister LiuChunQun will son's admission notice to his own.The day,LiuChunQun to the village committee office build official seal,CunZhiShu let she will this letter to LiuJiLin.LiuChunXiang said,He then came to the responsible for forwarding the admission form the company office,As a son that please."At the beginning of the,Staff have been apologize to me."After several times after the door,The other party will not ignore the.


LiuChunXiang think,The envelope is not only the southwest university ",But also leave son's phone number,In the process of sending cause for more than three months of delay,By the company should bear the responsibility.this,WanZhouOu XiongGuZhen this delivery company controller RenYunChun says,The admission notice has been in the office of the village committee.


Why not direct delivery to Lin liu qi hands?RenYunChun says,Liu at that time no one,So they will, in accordance with the practice on the village committee office.The envelope on the telephone,Why the mailman don't call,"Because this is ordinary mail,We generally all is according to the address for delivery."


学校承诺无条件接纳入学 The school promised unconditional acceptance entrance


Yesterday afternoon,Contact reporters on the southwest university from tests the admissions office,A name is the teacher told reporters,At present they have heard it.Teacher zhang said,They take an examination of oneself professional ZhaoLu object mainly is aims at the university entrance exam LaBangSheng,In principle, as long as the examinee apply for their own line,Over the years the school more take is widely issue letter of admission way.


Teacher zhang introduces,Because it is from tests the recruit students,So they more chose to use ordinary mail way send letter of admission.But in the front of the envelope of the conspicuous position,Very clear can find this is sending out of the school.It LiuJiLin now,Teacher zhang Suggestions,Since he has set up a file in the henan university entrance,If over there to deal with the formalities of drop out of school,Also there will be at ease than reading books.Because in addition to take an examination of oneself,Education and/Network teaching and self-study and so on the many kinds of learning methods.but,Teacher zhang commitment,If LiuJiLin may back to chongqing reading,Their school can be unconditional acceptance.

  商报记者 郑友 实习生 郑小红

Business newspaper reporter ZhengYou interns ZhengXiaoGong


专家说法 Experts said

  没及时收到录取通知书 考生可向投递公司索赔 No timely receiving admission notice examinee to delivery company claim for compensation


China people's university of postdoctoral/Stele county court dean assistant ZhangLiHeng pointed out,LiuJiLin it involves two layer legal relationship.One is the school and the examinee the basis of relationship between contract.Southwest university, according to the national policy and admissions criteria are used to determine LiuJiLin employed,Have the obligation to ensure that the admission notice served I.In real life,The school is generally through the delivery company to deliver the letter of admission,Delivery companies actually is acted as the school principal role.therefore,If delivery company failed to timely admission notice will be sent to the hands of the examinee,Should regard as the school admission work has not completed,The school will have the obligation to receive no fault LiuJiLin examinee admission,Ensure that its accept education.The second is the school and delivery company send the contract between the letter of admission.Together with the contract,All have when delivery company because of his fault cause resulting in the mail delay the sender or the recipient of loss,Delivery company shall compensate the implied terms,Therefore liu qi forests for delivery to the company failed to normal entrance and the formation of reasonable compensation.
