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美国大学招生潜规则:“拍马屁”也管用  一些已经被中国学子“抛弃”的东西反而是美国考官看重的品质。 Some have been Chinese students"abandon"It is what the United States the examiner value quality.


南方都市报报道 The southern metropolis daily reported


"Study abroad"The present age is becoming more and more popular,But it also became a misunderstanding of the s flood.A lot of foreign universities"Scramble for"students,Often will many unconfirmed rumors if in the bible,They often don't know,Even in the United States so admit by examination the kingdom of rigorous procedures,Also there are many"Latent rules",And these"Latent rules"Often is and what we known as the study abroad sense abhorrent.


these"Latent rules"Throughout the interview/Enter oneself for an examination/Application letter writing/Employment recruitment/Academic strength/To get along with people, etc.Early November,The United States the tripod with two handles the study organization in shenzhen held a table"American school application"Latent rules"teach-in,That is to present to the accurate student practical guide.to"Study abroad latent rules"Recognition and cognitive,Also from the another level of Chinese and western education culture reveals the commonness and characteristics.


学业“潜规则” academic"Latent rules"


美国学业拼起命来比中国更狠 American academic spell up to life than China more malicious


In the United States,Is being a good as long as a social people/People play can become the elite school?Do all of the American universities have a significant proportion of"play"composition?The past popular in the world public opinion and the rumors,American universities often follow"Play play"Draw equal-sign,This is the American academic environment misunderstandings.


A lot of quasi students do not know is that,In the United States,Check material/self-study/discuss/Open-book examination/Social investigation,"schoolwork"Strength and pressure,Far higher than Chinese students"rote",The study in the United States in the world/Study abroad experts ding ding looks,"The average American high school students sleep less than six hours of data,Is not out of thin air,Whether college or high school,American academic strength,Than China's high."


Shenzhen xu fly entry and exit consultancy study director zhang Dan also expressed the opinion of the approximation:"North American middle schools and colleges in learning pressure is very big,Want to learn from or graduated from college entrance is no easy task.Hollywood movies give everybody the feeling is in North America in the campus life,Students doing nothing all day long.On the contrary,Students to complete their studies will in all respects spend a lot of time efforts to do research.American education system has a lot of characteristics,Is to allow the students to play all sorts of imagination,Positive thinking and innovation.But are put into practice,Both papers/Speech or experiment,Students must scrupulously to gather data and historical materials to verify view.Students will therefore spend a lot of time to do questionnaire survey/The Internet or library data access."


学位授予“潜规则” Degree awarding"Latent rules"


美国名校淘汰率很高 The school is very high mortality


Many students like blindly chasing schools,Little imagine of the best universities is also a degree awarding"Latent rules"of.this"Latent rules"Is of the best universities"Selection index",According to the American the tripod with two handles the study mechanism research,In the United States department of economics of university of Chicago such key disciplines, for example,Mortality nearly 30%,This is also graduates of high quality guarantee.American school graduates aura is a huge risk.


Amber education the United States department senior consultant ZhaoMingYue revealed,The American school"out"According to the/Quantitative standard also"Nominal many"Involving subjects score/Extracurricular activities/Social liveness/Speech ability/Professional literacy/The paper level, and other indicators,And assess these indicators way is not simple"exam-oriented",But through a variety of direct or indirect assessment means,For instance classmate reputation impression can be comprehensive points fluctuation elements.This is what we know"Wide into severe out"/"Strict into a wide"outside,And new ecbolic a"Strict into easy out"mode,It is aimed at students warning in the United States,Into the school never equal to graduate.


申请文书写作“潜规则” Application letter writing"Latent rules"


不要再有“孤儿院、慈善”之类的字眼 Don't have"orphanage/charity"The word of and so on


In recent years,Almost all the students application files,Has participated in the orphanage love charity activities,The U.S. admissions officer think seems to be"show".SMW the reporter understands,At present on market many study abroad intermediary provided"Application documents"Writing service,In fact all is according to fixed/Echo identical in operation,These words appear on the echo of high frequency,I'm afraid has become the American admissions officials idea of"Taboo words".


"Taboo words"And the trend of widening the scope of according to a U.S. admissions officials revealed,"One year,Application of Yale university, the Beijing some middle school students in the 21st,There are 19 year ranked first.and,Application of Harvard University Beijing some middle school,A class has six student body President.so,Grade rankings and student union is chair"taboo"Word??unknown,but,These students are not Yale and harvard admission is indeed true."And SMW the reporter understands,According to the American international education institute data,In 2011,,90% of Chinese students in the application materials,Have no real data,this,The American university has become a guard/Exclusive Chinese students a big reason.


"American high school or university school application,Actually in the real.A lot of intermediary company with a set of successful echo to set on in many applicants.A lot of schools receive the echo too much,Even if students excellent itself,All not be admitted.The applicant for the condition not enough,Don't too much packaging.The past appeared students came to school report to test,Find English achievement has been modified,Immediately the example will be fired out."Zhang Dan told reporters.


"Document writing should be consistent with their own,Each student's documents can do personalized,Window is also various,We encourage students to participate in the documents of writing,Common creation.But documents with their own true match experience is very important."ZhaoMingYue warns.


面试“潜规则” interview"Latent rules"


“个性”不要乱展示 "personality"Don't mess shows


Many students think the United States the examiner like to have"personality"students,So in words and deeds performance very exaggerated,Even in"alternative"Way Po piece,In fact,In the United States,The examiner favor as"Golden mean",They also don't like) type of exaggeration"personality"Words and deeds,humility/polite/Mild these Chinese traditional quality is still their value.

  也就是说,在美国名校的面试环节,你的“个性”并不是指乖张另类的言行或打扮风格,会唱《忐忑》或《江南ST Y LE》等所谓出格“个性”只能给自己减分。另外,虽说美国是尊重“小众”的国度,但某些“小众”言行却是很大的“禁忌”,“譬如,种族、文化歧视、纳粹、宗教偏见、性取向等,总之,别走极端,个性是在约定俗成的共识内的自我表现,是有度的表现。”丁鼎表示。

That is,In the United States school interview link,your"personality"And not the contrariness alternative ways or dress style,Can sing[in]or[Jiangnan ST Y LE]Etc the so-called revolutionary"personality"Can only give yourself a deduction.In addition,Although the United States is respect"The small"country,But some"The small"Words and deeds are great"taboo","For example,race/Cultural discrimination/Nazi/Religious prejudice/Sexual orientation,,In a word,Don't go to extremes,Personality is the DE facto consensus within the self-expression,Is the performance of the chi."Ding ding said.


文化“潜规则” culture"Latent rules"


美国人喜欢“中国STYLE”学生 Americans like to"Chinese STYLE"students


Many study abroad intermediary guidance,Always subtly want to Chinese children went to the direction of the American children close,Words and deeds/Expression has been very"americanized".But this"Cater to psychological"Is the United States the examiner more exclusive if the Chinese students and American students,That they have the necessary recruit Chinese students??

  美国名校希望中国学生带来什么?一些已经被中国学子“抛弃”的东西恐怕反而是美国考官看重的品质。例如,中国学生在学业上的钻研精神、重复执行能力、传统礼仪品质等等,许多准留学生面试时并没有充分表现出这些“中国化”的元素,这是一个很大的误区。如同丁鼎所说:“在申请美国大学时,一定要有意识地保留中国文化的痕迹,美国大学要你带给学校一些有用的东西、特别的东西。美国大学不稀罕西化的东西,你再西化也只是个东施效颦。中国文化中的谦虚、含蓄、内敛、以及千年悠远的文化内涵,等等,都是中国文化的魅力。个人之见,五千年的历史渗透其内、发散其表的中国文化特点,不用刻意,便能吸引其他文化背景的人。”也就是说,中国学生一定要保持“C H IN A S T Y L E”而不是“A M ERICA N ST YLE”。

American school hope Chinese students bring about?Some have been Chinese students"abandon"Things I'm afraid it is the United States the examiner value quality.For example,Chinese students in academic spirit/Repeated execution ability/Traditional etiquette quality and so on,Many prospective students interview and not fully show these"sinicization"elements,This is a big misunderstanding.As ding ding said:"In the United States when apply for university,Must consciously keep the trace of the Chinese culture,The American university school wants you to bring some useful things/Something special.The American university not rare westernization things,You again westernization is just a copy cat.Chinese culture of modesty/implicative/Inside collect/A long time ago in one thousand and the cultural connotation,, etc,Is the charm of Chinese culture.Personal opinion,Five thousand years of history infiltration them/The table spread of Chinese culture characteristics,Need not deliberately,Can attract other cultural background."That is,Chinese students have to keep"C H IN A S T Y L E"not"A M ERICA N ST YLE".


人情“潜规则” human"Latent rules"


“拍马屁”在美国招考面试中也管用 "Kiss up to"In the United States admit by examination the interview also help


In fact,"human"Phenomenon is not peculiar to China,America's recruitment/Admit by examination link also have"People because of".therefore,In the interview,A welcomed or applicant how to build peace/Loose chat environment,How to play to their social"People to practice"specialty,Also can become potential bonus factors.therefore,How to"please"Test an officer,moderate"Kiss up to",this"tips"Are the skills required.


"The United States and,Should be in according to professional ethics on more attention and care,But is precisely this note or be careful,Then make the same score a lot of chance of success.How to grasp and use good,Is a is not words but meanings intangible things,The Chinese people now call"Emotion quotient (eq)"Things may be to show this.In the west,Similar vocabulary is"Breakice",That is,To meet the first few words,Can open the door of communication.Is a interview and almost all occasions the most successful force ability.Most of the time,If you can't meet in the first open the door of communication,Lost the opportunity,Without the chance to try again,Will only out.Breakice and a person's personality and life experience and cultural background are linked,Not short-term training can achieve.As many American examiner experience,Italian people seem to have the talent."Ding ding said.


分数“潜规则” score"Latent rules"


美国人也在乎“分数” Americans also care about"score"

  在目前的留学语境中,美国名校往往被舆论塑造成一个完全不在乎考试分数的地方。其实这又走进了另一个误区。事实上,在美国学校,你的成绩单究竟是A +还是C-,会直接影响家长、老师和同学对你的评价。因为“分数”低而产生的自卑、自闭、被他人孤立等症状,在美国也大面积分布。

In the present study context,American schools are often shaping public opinion into a completely don't care where test scores.In fact, this and went into another misunderstanding.In fact,In American schools,Your report card actually is A + or C -,Will directly influence the parents/Teacher and schoolmate to your evaluation.because"score"Low and produce inferiority/autistic/The symptom such as isolated by others,In the United States also large area distribution.


Many study material overemphasize the so-called"Extracurricular activities",In fact,The United States top student or in high quality students"activities"and"academic"Of time between the/Energy distribution is a set of scientific plan.As shenzhen new Oriental students/Shenzhen high school go abroad class Larry mentioned:"I always keep the academic and"activities"Neck and neck,this"Comprehensive quality"To make the interviewer favour,And a full/A lot of"Social activities experience"But collocation a horrible test scores,Such a resume,Also will make the interviewer extremely aversive."


排名“潜规则” ranking"Latent rules"


专业性文理学院比名校就业率更高 Professional liberal arts college school employment rate higher than

  在美国,一些小型的专业性文理学院,其实比那些“常青藤名校”、“TOP10名校”性价比更高。因为,这些定位准确、专业性强、硬件和软件都比较集中于某个专门领域的中小型学院,善于培养高端“专才”,而这些学校的就业率甚至比传统的“名校”还要高。“许多美国企业的人力资源系统,会根据企业的个性需要、校友比例、专业水平等设置一个高校的"潜排名",以此作为招聘的独家依据,而这个"排名"跟公众所熟知的"常青藤排名"、"T O P10排名"等可能会有较大差距。”深圳西点学院H R总监朱永生如是说。

In the United States,Some small professional liberal arts college,In fact than those who"Ivy school"/"TOP10 school"More cost-effective.because,The accurate positioning/Professional and strong/The hardware and software are focused on a specialized areas of small and medium-sized college,Good training high-end"professionals",And these school employment even more than the traditional"school"And high."Many American enterprise human resources system,According to the character of enterprises need/Alumni proportion/Professional level set of a university"Latent ranking",So as the sole basis for recruitment,And this"ranking"Known to the public"Ivy ranking"/"T O P10 ranking"And there may be a large gap."Shenzhen west college H R director Michael said.
