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  作为国家二级心理咨询师,张小燕曾尝试在学校开展“性教育”课程。缺乏教材的她只能自己搜集资料备课。在她看来,自己所做的并不只是说教,而是要帮助孩子们认识性,认识自己的性冲动,了解保护自己的正确方式。在她看来,“青春期性教育”就是一场战争,老师与家长们应该掌握这一场人生保卫战的主动权。然而我们却因为传统文化、习惯的压力,把这一权利拱手让给了鱼龙混杂、良莠不齐的网络。夺回这场战争的主动权,是张小燕如今要做的事情。 As a national secondary psychological consultant,Tried to zhang xiaoyan in schools"Sex education"course.The lack of teaching materials of she can oneself collect material preparing.In her eyes,What we do not just sermons,But to help children know sex,Know their sexual impulse,Know the correct way to protect yourself.In her eyes,"Adolescent sex education"Is a war,Teachers and parents should master this a life of defense initiative.We, however, because of the traditional culture/Habit of pressure,The right surrendering the good and evil people mixed up/The good and bad are intermingled network.Recapture the war of the initiative,Zhang xiaoyan is now to do.


“借上心理课的机会悄悄传输性知识” "Borrow psychology courses opportunity silently transmission sexual knowledge"


"Touch milk door"/"Gang rape door"/"Bathroom door"/"After 90 yan zhao door"...If to baidu search and teenagers about erotic event,Maybe we will find,Such cases can be found everywhere.


These once let adult people flabbergasted event,Often can cause netizens who bawl out and the flesh of man,But few people think of,These deep in"erotic"Events of the children,Either active or passive,are"China's adolescence sex education lack"victims.


If they mastered enough sexual knowledge,If they know how to protect themselves,If they were not pornographic web site poisoning,May not appear this a series of events.


In China before the time into the network,People obtain knowledge of sex channel is very simple:Few enlightened parents and teachers imparting of reservation,And school"eroded"of"Puberty physiological health class".so,LABS hand/Kiss the mouth will be pregnant jokes can be found everywhere.


But when the network appeared later,This kind of situation has changed.


More and more teenagers are through the network,Even erotic web site to understand"sex"."Although there is no statistics over,But with the students together chat of time,I found that most of them have seen some pornographic films,Also login a porn site."Zhang xiaoyan,National secondary psychological consultant/Shandong sexology council member/Pass nano growth studio psychological consultant.At the same time she has another identity,Provincial capital is a middle school psychological consultants and mental health class lecturer.


Now of she,Are privately push a bold"Sex education"course,Use give children psychology courses opportunities,Let the children to understand/Learn some"Sexual knowledge"."The school had no interference,But I also didn't go to the principal to report my lectures."Zhang xiaoyan such attempt to explain themselves now.


“第一次上课,我也很害羞” "First class,I am also very shy"


Although is psychological consultant,Although long engaged in adolescent psychological consulting activities,Although the office only she and two reporters,But in with reporters chat of time,Zhang xiaoyan will still nervous,Meet some sensitive word,She will involuntarily lower your tone of voice,Even directly Delphic avoid some"term".afterwards,Recall in the interview appeared in the process of the details,Zhang xiaoyan also some bad meaning:"I am in fact not shy,But for a kind of thorough marrow of traditional culture of happiness,Let me subconscious thought in the use of certain words should be low voice,Or is taboo open some words.""First class is in the last may."Recall his first in class teaching to the students"Sexual knowledge",Zhang xiaoyan will be very happy smile,"First time on such oneself also very nervous before class,Worry about class students will kick up a fuss."


Zhang xiaoyan actually teaching content is very simple,Is to tell the children sex is how to return a responsibility,High school age stage curiosity and the rationality of the sex impulse,And how to 15-year-olds protect yourself.She also prepared a hosted by ChaiJing[News survey:Grow up without adult]video."The hope can through the film in the case,Let the children learn more about themselves,Understand the scientific sexual knowledge.The self-protection ability is children should know and master."


Although before class done well prepared,Although there will still be a little shy,But in the first time on sex education classes,Zhang xiaoyan or so calmly opens his mouth,Perhaps only she can realize how in the presence of a few children in the class,Speak out and"sex"The pursuit of knowledge is a how difficult things:"The first sentence is:‘Today we on one day a little special class,But I know is your desire to class,We come to talk about sex that something’,I still use the indirect way,But my palms and back or bleeding in a layer of sweat."


Zhang xiaoyan even stopped a few seconds,Prepared to give the students"Deep fryer"time.In the class have a commotion,We surprised and curious whisper after a few words,All together brush to looked up at her,Eyes is full of hope and desire.


A lesson down,Zhang xiaoyan found this lesson effect surprisingly good,The students attention and serious let her very exclamation,"In fact the children really need this knowledge,They need scientific guide,We just can't speak."


“网站学来的性知识好多是错误的” "Web site to learn a lot of sexual knowledge is wrong"


in[Mental health class]To add some adolescent sex education knowledge,Zhang xiaoyan for is not an easy thing,Because of her lack of teaching materials."Now the country's custom in the teaching material,have[Physiological health],But these knowledge too hard in,Has been unable to meet the real needs of the students.They need more into the heart speaking analysis,The more practical knowledge,They need a warm human nature of science."


therefore,She can only own lessons,Through the reference of foreign age child sex education curriculum,Combine children meet around some of the sexual problems in teaching."Sometimes I surf the Internet browsing web sites,But more looks is more inhumanity hurts,Because a lot of online sexual knowledge is the mainstream,Even is wrong."


In zhang xiaoyan seems,These mistakes of sexual idea let the children received a serious damage.In 2004,There have been a female students find her,Tell her she is pregnant:"Because she didn't grasp the right contraceptive method."In the after hearing the news,Zhang xiaoyan just calmly told the girl,If people to do,What procedure to need,How to take good care of sb.


Be worth what carry is,And their implementation"Sex education"Course as,Zhang xiaoyan afterwards didn't take the girl pregnant news to the school,Also didn't tell the child's parents:"In fact the child has hurt,I can't let her get hurt,So I choose for her secret."


But this also let zhang xiaoyan to feel the pressure:"As a teacher,I must let the child have a correct sexual concept."


“错误的观念,会毁了孩子一辈子” "Wrong idea,Can ruin a child for a lifetime"


MengYan was in when ZuoZhen met a made him the funny things:There have been a male issued to find him,In the finish inspection before sheepishly ask MengYan,Their development is"Not perfect",And he thought he"Not perfect"Because your body as"The movie"The actor so strong and lasting."He didn't know that,Those movies are more flight shooting Mosaic clips into.""It is a kind of wrong sex concept,This kind of mistake of sexual idea will let the child have serious inferiority,Especially boys.And this kind of inferiority and self-confidence is not limited to simple sexual,But will be taken to his whole life,Will cause the child to a series of behavior/Personality changes,May even affect children's life path."


In the eyes of zhang xiaoyan,Adolescent sexual health education is actually a war,A by the school/The teacher/Parents and flashily sexual concept for the children's war,"The war's initiative should be in our hands,We should tell the children,Sex is like hungry to eat/Sleepy to sleep as is our natural physiological instincts,Sex is the human reproductive survival must,Sex beautiful and bright,But the enjoyment at the same time also must assume its responsibility,When we cannot afford the time to learn to avoid,Learn to protect themselves.But it is a pity,Normal science has been we factitious ground is covered with a thick veil,Because our one thousand years of thorough marrow of traditional moral culture idea,Shy let us put education initiative to surrender the network,Curious let a group of and a group of children from only mixed network secretly search their confusion."


“关键时刻给孩子校正下方向” "Critical moment for children under correction direction"


There once was a story,American parents in children after 18 years of age,That child going to dating friends,For the children it quietly preparing some condoms in the bag."In China,So that parents may have,But absolute belong to‘non-mainstream’of,More are a parent teacher's defend,Prohibit to early love,Banning dating,In fact the more so,More will enhance the child's psychological inversion.I'm not advocating Chinese parents give to their children to prepare what condoms,We can be to prepare children for a few this rigorous and interesting book ah,It is difficult for us to open,That let them self-study,I believe that adolescence children have this self-study ability.We only need to offer him a right from wrong standard.What you can do,What are you temporarily can't do;What sex is correct,What sex is wrong even can damage to their own."Zhang xiaoyan such explanations.now,Zhang xiaoyan child has to the university,In children in adolescence,Zhang xiaoyan husband the initiative to assume the children do puberty education problems:"Main is to tell the children how to judge their own body change,How to protect your body."


After the university,Son but is active with the parents about some of his own misery:"Have a holiday home,Children with me about him do a let him very curious dream.I see that it is a sexual bud display,With the aid of his story,I'm a child's growth and maturity to a very gratified appreciate,At the same time let him understand his dream has revealed a wish.Children in self-esteem and self-confidence accepted his youth impulse,Bother him trouble nature also have no.Like children learning to drive,I am responsible for help him understand the car driving conditions,And brake/Steering moment and main point."In zhang xiaoyan seems,Parents should also have such a consciousness:"Protection not tie up the child's legs,Don't let the children know that have run a jump and run jump of fun.As long as there is safety/Environment of trust,People have upward growth space.The parents believe that the child."
