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50余大学生“屈尊”读中专 为学技能拿资格证--亲稳舆论引导监测室

50余大学生“屈尊”读中专 为学技能拿资格证 学生们正在学习如何炮制中药。 The students are learning how to processing Chinese traditional medicine.
  放弃工作“隐瞒”学历 为兴趣、为技能、为承父业 Give up work"hide"Degree for interest/For skills/For bearing his father's profession

  本报云浮讯 (记者于敢勇 通讯员廖荣波、何勇、黄德建摄影报道)去年5月24日,本报曾以《女硕士自降身份读中专期望参加国际救援》为题报道过一名女硕士放弃高薪工作就读广东省新兴中药学校(下文简称新兴中药学校)的新闻,在社会上引起很大反响。

Our newspaper yunfu - (Reporter in dare yong correspondent LiaoRongBo/HeYong/HuangDeJian photojournalism)Last May 24,,This newspaper has to[Female master humbled himself to read technical secondary school expected to attend the international aid]Issues reported a female master give up high-paying jobs in guangdong province in the emerging Chinese medicine school(Hereinafter referred to as the emerging Chinese medicine school)news,In society has caused great sensation.


yesterday,Reporters once again came to the new school of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM),Found this semester and have more than 50 college graduates,"hide"Their undergraduate/College diploma or above major in,Give up for work,"Stoop to"The school to read technical secondary school,The undergraduates have 10 people,Junior college student have more than 40.


“屈尊”学生构成 "Stoop to"Student constitution


最大40多岁 男生约占七成 Maximum 40 years old boy about seventy percent


According to the emerging Chinese medicine school principal area wei male is introduced,The school is the first yunfu city guang dong province set an example secondary vocational schools."Stoop to"To attend these students have just finished reading the college,Have a plenty of has been working for several years later attended,The biggest 40 years old,The boy is in the majority,Accounted for about 70%,Read the original is legal/sports/Computer and other professional,After school mainly choose to read the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and rural medical.A schoolgirl much enter oneself for an examination nursing,Now the hospital nursing professional personnel is shortage,After studying turned into a hospital more easily.


就读原因多样 Various reasons for


学技能拿从业资格证占多数 Learn skills take from job seniority card in the majority


They attended a variety of reasons,Have a plenty of home open outpatient service,Or parents in the village clinic work,Because parents have old,Children in order to other alternative options,Also have a plenty of interest because came to the school.


Mr. Li from yunfu quit the job at the bank,His wife to quit the school work,Husband and wife two people go to students.Their aim is to get doctor qualification,Then take over parents open clinic.


32 years old this year, guangzhou skill-studying strong graduates,After graduation once was to yunfu a key middle school teachers,Later admitted in zhaoqing city highway system.This fall,He came to the emerging Chinese medicine school of rural medical professional.Strong said,Hope to work after graduation is engaged in the village doctor,For the masses removing sufferings.


Zhongshan city, from swimming already married,She has huanghai graduated from a university marketing major(college)/Zhongshan university of electronic science and technology of professionals(Bachelor degree),In the city of zhongshan a unit has a good job,This fall after resignation into reading the nursing profession(Technical secondary school).She said,Come here to read technical secondary school purpose is to learn skill,Social services,To take care of the family.


Sports professional background of Mr. Zhang,For treatment of the movement damage entitled very interested,So special to study.


It is understood,These students to attend purpose is very strong,Is to learn skills,Get from job seniority card or from other industries turn to traditional Chinese medicine industry.Because they have higher educational background and work experience,Therefore the course understanding ability and operation ability than the average student strong,It is easy to learn.


不仅不缺课 Not only not absent from class


部分学生还报读函授大专 Part of students called read correspondence college


According to introducing,These graduated university students, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the course can be advanced standing school culture,But as a result of the school teaching pertinence and professional and strong,They will go to,Rarely absent from class.In addition,Some students will read in the weekend correspondence college,Hope to be able to in the technical secondary school after graduation can get medical professional college degree certificate.


According to reporter understanding,Countries are now vigorously develop secondary vocational education,Has the junior high school above are eligible for secondary vocational school to read,The enrollment of the province test center for the record,After the examination issued by the country admits record of formal schooling.


谦虚好学没架子 Modest didn't shelf


Reporters from the school to know,In the newspaper to read Chinese medicine school,Most of these students"hide"The highly educated,Said he only a high school education.But according to reflect the instructor,The students in class common listening,Make notes carefully,Modesty and eagerness to learn;After class, low-key,Behave composed,Don't want to make public.Because older age,The students well played a big brother/Big sister of the leading role.


The teacher mentioned a from foshan students,He was a pharmaceutical company's person in charge,The original without system pharmaceutical professional learning,Have been unwilling.He is opening the car to school,But after a stop at the car,And students' learning/Eat to live together,A little shelf all have no.
