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EMBA两年,老有人问我:学得有用吗?值吗? EMBA two years,People have asked me:Learn useful??Value??
Sometimes I want to,Why do we university/Graduate student's time,,No one ask this kind of problem,And business school will always be being asked it?Investigate its reason,Should be the tuition is too expensive,Your to make everyone began to curious and questioned the degree of value is not worth.
but,"Value is not worth"Is a very subjective judgment.EMBA learning is a kind of experience,Not true quantitative every penny and every minute of investment returns,And you can't objective judgment a emotional input value worth is same.
besides,Even the same class classmate,In the same tuition input and time into the next,Each person's harvest is not the same.Such as our class,Someone harvest the professor taught the nausea of knowledge,Someone to share the classmate in different areas of experience,Someone found the business partner,Someone made the rest of your ball friend,Also somebody won the mutual appreciation of men and women friends.
相关阅读:EMBA考生选择商学院必知8大原则 readings:EMBA students choose business school will know eight principles
Harvest what,Depends on how you read the EMBA purpose and attitude.The following may be able to help have a right mindset.
第一,不要指望学习成绩能给你成就感 The first,Don't expect study result can give you a sense of accomplishment
In business schools than to study result is a pretty silly things.There is no result list/Parents and all encouraging results behavior.If you must and financial background students than financial and financial performance,And the legal background students than commercial grades……The wounded must be your own.besides,We from kindergarten to college have been by some people and some organization achievements this thing to measure yourself,Isn't it enough?
第二,不要指望财富能给你优越感 The second,Don't expect wealth can give you superiority
In the EMBA class dazzle rich end,Is most likely the himself humiliation.If you want to feel wealth superiority,You might as well take 500000 buy a convertible to urban and rural attaches a circle around faster/more/stronger.
Of course,Show off knowledge end also is most likely the same.If you and I am limited knowledge,Keep silence is more well-advised practice.The more you deep,Others think you more profound.
第三,不要指望同学能给你业务 The third,Don't expect students can give you business
EMBA is a strange phenomenon,A lot of people are more concerned with who is my classmate,Rather than who is my professor.Because a lot of people think that the great value of the EMBA is social.undeniable,EMBA really can broaden your contacts,but,You can't take a heart to do business and classmates.How to say,If a man with a heart to heart to a girlfriend,You will think he is wrong.One thing if the goal not pure,To must also unknown.
第四,不要指望教授能给你管理灵药 The fourth,Don't expect professor can give you drug management
It is said that,Some students every month after the professor's lecture,Immediately return to their own enterprises begin to apply the theory of learning,So the boss read EMBA two years,Became his enterprise reform and unrest continuously for two years.Advised jun,Don't take my own business as a professor test-bed for ideas,Can moderate/Have a choice for reference,But can't fit right.In a word,Professor if all is to do enterprise and management of the master,They most likely will not do the professor.
既然以上所有都指望不上,那么,50万的学费到底能获得什么呢? Since all hope not,so,500000 tuition exactly can get what?
第一, 体系化的商业思维 The first, Systematized business thinking
Two years of study can help you establish that the system theory knowledge and business thinking,Let you learn more system/Larger pattern/Deeper to look at the economic environment/Business competition and you are engaged in professional.If you to start their own businesses,You will see the macro economic cycle and law of the influence of enterprise development;If you are a professional manager,You will stand in the business competition way of looking at the corporate governance;If you are marketing/financial/Technology in,You will understand a company to the operation of the whole system,To understand more coordination and cooperation.
so,EMBA is not to teach specific ideas and a way of earning money,But let a person learn a kind of thinking method,Figure out a kind of management thoughts,Then use the thoughts and methods to plan the future/Solution of practical problems in work.
第二, 重新的自我审视 The second, The new examine itself
There is a theory,Said people to 35 years old basically psychological will die,No longer growing.35 to 45 years old stage,A lot of people began to produce a expansion heart,Slowly lost a progress heart.
Expansion heart,From the so-called career a success,And there is a really not and sincerely appreciate atmosphere.When you come to the EMBA,Everyone is equal students,Under no obligation to listen to you/Look to you.If someone like as in the company boss around/orders,Many people will just think you sick.So soon,You expansion heart will cease all activities.
At the same time,Every class a classmate,Can become you look at their own a mirror,According to its own deficiencies and thinking.Classmate courage will inspire you,Wisdom will light you,Life attitude will rub off on you,Of course ignorance and arrogance will remind you.
Two years of EMBA,Don't just let you get back to school and campus young feeling,The more important is to let you back to life is full of hope/For all new knowledge is full of curiosity and desire of young state.
finally,In summary,EMBA of input and output cannot be quantitative,But on every one of the students are enormous influence.
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