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recently,Central China university of science and technology fall sports,Women's 3000 m and the men's 5000 m project was cancelled,Xian more than 30 universities also cancel long project.This trigger social the college students' physical quality attention.Reporters visited Beijing university found that part,Beijing university of science and technology/Beijing normal university/The capital economic and trade university 3000 meters long distance has been cancelled,Substitutes is"400 m steeplechase"/"tornado"/"Knitting long plait"Fun project such as.


Pay more attention to the students' body quality of the experts say,Games 3000 meters long distance running project was cancelled,And students' physical quality is poor relations,When cause education departments pay more attention to.


京多所高校长跑“下架” Beijing many universities run"Next frame"


This year spring sports,BeiKeDa playground,Has not the traditional project men's 3000 m/Women's 1500 metres.A called"tornado"The fun of game is popular,applause/cheering,Many people carrying a long pole,Rotating flying together,Long pole skirr toward more players feet sweep off……The players look long pole to,Try to jump.


Five years ago,Beijing normal university sports game,This is fixed games project of men's 5000 m/Women's 3000 m project was cancelled.instead"Ranking run""Knitting long plait"Etc group interest project.Arm thick red yellow green three color"rope"Dozens of meters long,Many players such as"Workshop workers",Nervous twist plait of Fried dough twist.Braided "who wins.


About 10 years ago,Capital economics and trade university sports game,More than 3000 meters long"Next frame".and"group""skidding""400 m steeplechase"Etc group project sadly arisen.


Although run"Next frame"In some colleges and universities is very common,But it is understood,National People's Congress/tsinghua/Peking University and college maintained the 3000 meters long project,Tsinghua university games more set up men's 10000 metres project.Tsinghua middle-distance race second team captain GaoHongXin says,Long distance running is the glorious tradition of tsinghua university,There are ten years history,Participants immortalization.


 长跑渐成“小众”项目 Run gradually into"The small"project

  北京部分高校运动会缘何取消3000米以上长跑? Beijing part of the university sports meeting why cancel 3000 meters long?


BeiKeDa sports management personnel said,The students are directly related to the overall physical deterioration.In addition,Most of the students are only children,Loved since childhood,Seldom participate in run contour strength movement.The school a basketball teachers said,Compared with long distance,Students more like playing computer,Or learning/Make scientific research.


Beijing normal university track and field teaching and research section officials say,More than 3000 meters long distance was used as a school sports reservation project,Request each department have sign up for,But for a student applicants,Most departments waiver,Long distance gradually from the public into"The small"project,Until cancelled.


The school social sports MengFanBin, director of the center said,Cancel long distance running projects and games held a short time also have relations.


Capital economics and trade university sports department is responsible for the person,After investigation,Most students don't like 3000 meters long,Think boring,Too much emphasis on competitive;Often do not participate in exercise for the student,Suddenly to participate in the 3000 meters long,Because of the accident may influence the body health.


In addition,According to media reports in xian,Xian also has more than 30 universities games already cancel long distance running,The reason is the fear of sudden death phenomenon happened.


学校出招保“长跑惯性” School recruit the"Long distance running inertia"


Although 3000 metres in Beijing some colleges and universities be cancelled,But Beijing science and technology major/Beijing normal university/The capital economic and trade university and other universities adopt different ways,Trying to make the students keep"Long distance running inertia".


Beijing normal university/BeiKeDa university sports department is responsible for the person,P.E. class,School each semester with men's 1000 m/Women's 800 m of the middle-distance race test,And students' test scores.


BeiKeDa sports management researchers said,Long distance running is cancelled,But students daily run is increased,Now in the morning,School department organizes the student to participate in will get up"Running half an hour"activities,Strive to make all the students involved.


Capital economics and trade university is in the term examination arrangements,Set up"12 minutes to run"project,The project with students' test scores,Students are required to in 12 minutes,Men and women are born to complete a certain distance run,Otherwise not to pass the exam.The school management researchers said,"12 minutes to run"Often medium speed can,'d over 80%.


In recent years,In Beijing for the school"games"Concept also changed,Beijing normal university/Beijing university of science and technology/Capital economics and trade university and college sports management researchers said,The school is trying to adopt various methods,Will games into"Sports meeting",Strive to make all students to participate in,"The students from dormitory lira to sunlight exercise."


探访 visit

  多数学生称“怕长跑” Most of the students said"Afraid of long distance"


recently,At the press random interviews of Peking University/Beijing normal university/The Chinese media university, and other school students,The majority of students to 3000 meters long and sports terrified.


In the national cheng kung BeiKeDa freshmen pony it seems,Long distance from the runway"Next frame","Is a good thing".Pony smile said,On Thursday,He took part in the physical education on the men's 1000 m long distance running test,Although run to pass the exam,but"Run like a dog,Tired panting".The school many classmates said,Because never taking part in a long distance from high intensity exercise,Feeling run down is very dangerous,Compared with,More like to play"tornado","safety,interest,Group combat."


Beijing normal university graduate student will ZhangJiLiang says vice chairman,The school sports meet every year,Often such as"Knitting long plait"Recreational sports such as,Or help to strengthen the class team atmosphere of the game,The student interest point will be higher.


And everyone online,Every arrive the end of semester sports during the exam,Beijing post many students spit tank said,Physical examination especially 1000 meters and other projects have paid let people sets,To muddle through.


"Long distance can be addictive,Became a celebrity after a seven-hour run,Often can let the mood stretch;In addition to itself is also a challenge,The school cancels run regrettable",Beijing science and technology university junior student XiaoHan says,regularly,He always his around the playground run 5000 meters.


This article

  新京报记者 申志民 江楠

The Beijing news reporter ShenZhiMin JiangNan


专家说法 Experts said

  高校长跑源于50年代 The long distance running from 50 s


The capital the institute of physical education training, vice President of the college YinJun says,To strengthen college students' physical quality,The long distance running in the 1950 s by tsinghua university horse by John,When schools ask students to three times a week long distance running,Every time run 1000 meters.Then the activity gradually by other universities imitation.Some colleges and universities make 2000 meters and other standards.In the 1980 s,The long distance running appeared in 5000 meters/10000 meters and other games long distance race.In the 1990 s,Long distance running is included in the scope of the exam,Set standards for the men's 1500 m/1000 meters,Women's 1000 m/800 m long project.


In order to promote"Run into the campus activities",Since 2008,The ministry of education/State general administration of sport/The communist youth league central to implement hundreds of millions of students winter long distance running events,The ministry of education at all levels of education department supervise and check the requirements and technical guidance.According to the activity plan,Long distance every day(reference)Base for:University students' 2000 meters.


显示学生体质普遍下降 Show students' constitution general decline


YinJun and Beijing sports university professor XingWenHua said,From the recent student physique monitoring to see,Students' physical decline significantly.3000 meters long distance running project was cancelled,The deterioration of student's physical quality is a reflection of.Investigate its reason,Education of sports during the marginalized.XingWenHua says,Education in,The past speak three integrated education,But the reality is intellectual education moral education first,Sports neglected.


In the state general administration of sport/The ministry of education announced last September of the 2010 national civil constitution monitoring results show that:College students' physical quality, in the past 25 years, has been declining.And 1985 than,Lung capacity down nearly 10%;College girls in the 800 - meter run/The boy in the 1000 - meter run results were down by 10.3% and 10.9%.


XingWenHua Suggestions,College students should actively guide,Let the students gradually adapt to run and endurance sports.Education departments/The school shall take effective measures,The right to guide the students in physical education"Autonomous learning".


长跑对青少年的好处 Run to the benefits of teenagers

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