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学生上课网上直播 山东一小学下月率先试点(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  孩子学校一天都做些什么?老师孩子好不好?这是家长每天最想知道的事。12月起,四方小学的家长们就能坐在电脑前看到自己孩子的课堂表现了,老师在教室里上课将"网上直播",家长们只要上校园网就能看。今年 6月,四方教体局在四方小学投入了20万元购买了"课堂在线"设备,并将在四方小学试点"课堂在线",今后四方区所有中小学都要逐步跟上试点。

Children in school one day what to do?The teacher is good for children?This is the parents want to know things every day.Since December,Four party primary school parents can sit in front of the computer to see their child's classroom performance,The teacher in the classroom will be in class"Live webcast",As long as the parents on campus network can see.In June this year,Four square from the bureau in four directions elementary school spent 200000 yuan to buy the"Classroom online"equipment,And will be in square experimental primary school"Classroom online",Sifang district in the future all primary and secondary schools will be gradually keep up with the pilot.

  课堂内容将网上直播 Classroom content will live webcast


November 13,City daily reporter in four directions that primary school,Each classroom DouAn two cameras,Put a dead ahead,Is the rear also put a.Other school classroom are only a camera,Why square, both of the primary school?Four party primary school principals WangLiChan answer a reporter's question.WangLiChan introduced,Each classroom install two cameras is the school was about to pilot"Classroom online"equipment.

  "今年6月份,四方区教体局投入了20万元,给我们学校每个教室安装上了摄像头,还有其他设备,利用这些视频设备和网络技术,老师们的课堂教学都将上校园网,到时候家长只要登录校园网就能看到孩子在学校的情况了。"王丽婵介绍,四方小学将是全青岛市第一所把课堂直接挂在网上的学校,今年秋季开学后,老师们就开始做前期的准备工作了 ,"我们自己在学校里面给每个老师录上课视频,然后把视频拿给老师自己看,让老师自己找上课时候的一些问题,这样老师也会不断地去改进教学方法。"

"In June this year,From the sifang district bureau spent 200000 yuan,To our school every classroom installation on the camera,There are other equipment,Use these video equipment and network technology,Teachers classroom teaching will be on campus network,When parents as long as login campus network can see children in the school."WangLiChan introduced,Four party primary school will be full of Qingdao city's first class directly to hang in the school,In high school this fall,Teachers begin to do the preparation work ,"Our own in schools to each class teacher record video,Then put the video to see the teacher himself,Let the teacher himself to find some problems during class,So the teacher will constantly to improve teaching methods."


but,Once the classroom teaching after live webcast,WangLiChan said the society will appear a few dispute,And dispute is mainly aimed at schools and teachers.For parents and children,This is definitely a good thing."The teacher situation fully open,The teacher didn't know every day how many people will stare at their classroom,This pressure must not small.but,We this pilot program come out later,Not a teacher to put forward objection opinion."

  可看到孩子上课情况 Can see the child attends class situation

  为了给学校老师一个适应的时间,王丽婵和老师商量出一套方案,一开始课堂上线时,学校准备让每个老师一人选一堂课"直播",到试点的第二个月,就实行开放周,这一周的时间老师的课堂都"直播",试点第三个月,实行开放月… …"我们准备这么循序渐进地来,不急于求成,到时候家长可以通过注册,输入密码,看到自己孩子所在班级的上课情况。"

In order to give the school teacher a adapt to the time,WangLiChan and teachers to discuss the a set of solutions,First class when online,The school prepared to let each teacher a candidate for class"live",To pilot the second month,Execute open weeks,This week time the teacher's classroom all"live",Pilot the third month,On opening policy… …"We prepare so step by step to,Don't be anxious for success,When parents can be completed by registering,password,See their children in the class and grade class situation."

  为啥要试点"课堂在线?"王丽婵介绍 ,四方小学在向家长"开放"校园这一块的工作做得很好,"我们学校的家长本来就可以随时进校园,所以就等于是每天上的都是公开课了 ,再挂到网上去,对于老师来说,不需要再刻意做准备。"

Why to pilot"Classroom online?"WangLiChan introduced ,Four party primary school in offering"open"Campus this one did a good job,"Our school parents was may at any time in campus,So so on every day is the public class ,Online to hang again,For teachers is,Don't need to prepare painstakingly."

  2010年,四方小学就向家长推出了预约卡,家长持预约卡就能随时进学校听课。那时候家长要是想来学校听听课或者看看孩子学习情况,只要提前一天和班主任说一声,班主任就会让孩子带回一张预约卡,第二天家长拿着这张卡片就能进入学校了 。刚开始实行的时候,一个周就有 50名家长预约去了学校。后来,有的家长就提意见,来学校还得预约,感觉老师都是有所准备的,能不能随时走进学校走进课堂呢?于是2011年,四方小学就实行了新的政策,给每个家长都发了一张校园开放卡,只要家长想来,不用预约直接来就行。

In 2010,,Four party primary school offering launched YuYaoKa,The parents YuYaoKa can always go to school to attend a lecture.At that time if parents want to school to listen to to attend a lecture or look at children learning situation,As long as one day in advance and the teacher in charge said a sound,The teacher in charge will let the child back to a YuYaoKa,The next day the parents take this card can enter the school .Just began to implement time,A week has 50 parents make an appointment to the school.later,Some parents complain it,Come to school have to make an appointment,Feel the teacher are the prepared,Can you went to school at any time in the classroom??So in 2011,Four party primary school has been pursuing a new policy,Give each parents send a campus open card,As long as the parents want to,Don't make an appointment direct will do.


老师的竞争意识增强 The teacher's competition consciousness enhancement

  "这次更火爆了 ,一个教室里坐了 20多个家长,当时我们在校门口放着小圆凳,家长进来时就拿着凳子到教室里听课。火爆的时间也不长,家长了解孩子在学校的情况以后来得也少了 。家长有什么意见,都可以直接跟学校的老师联系,我们从副校长到卫生老师的电话,全公开给每一个家长。"

"This time the more popular ,A classroom sat more than 20 parents,When we put a small stool at the school gate,Parents came in took stool to the classroom to attend a lecture.Hot time is not long,Parents understand that the child in the school later also comes less .Parents have what opinion,Can directly contact with school teacher,We from vice President to the health the teacher's phone,All public to give each a parent."

  王丽婵说,学校真正开放了以后,老师们的竞争意识越来越强,大家都认真备课,做好课堂准备,最终受益的当然是学生,课堂质量比以前肯定有提升。"家长也更理解学校的工作了 ,有时候老师跟家长说,孩子在课堂爱做小动作,可能有的家长觉得自己的孩子很乖,不会做小动作,但一开放以后,自己的孩子什么表现,家长亲眼能看见,也会主动找老师去解决孩子在课堂中出现的问题。老师和家长的沟通也更顺利了 ,这是双赢的好事。"

WangLiChan said,The school really open later,Teachers sense of competition is more and more strong,Everyone prepares a lesson earnestly,Completes the classroom to,Eventually, of course, is that the students benefit,Classroom quality must be ascension than before."Parents also be more understanding of school work ,Sometimes teachers and parents said,Children love to do in class petty action,May be some parents feel their children behave well,Won't do petty action,But after an open,Their children what performance,Parents eyes can see,Will also actively looking for the teacher to solve the child in the classroom to the problem.Teachers and parents communication and more smooth ,This is a win-win situation of good matter."


Four square elementary school second grade class ZhuQiuLei teacher when accepting a reporter to interview said,Just received lecture content on the Internet to notice,Really have the pressure,No pressure is not possible,"A start has not responded positively to the teacher,But no teacher objected,This is not just to let the parents know the school work,For the school the teacher's self-discipline also beneficial."


ZhuQiuLei told reporters,In the first half of this year the school to all the teacher notified to carry out classroom online pilot.Although the teachers have a lot of pressure,But again,Teachers still as before lessons,Because at ordinary times class the teacher also don't know when the parents to the classroom,"Pressure although there are,But in this way to supervise,With the teacher's work or can play a role in promoting.Now the school teachers to video,Let the teacher himself to see the scene of his class,Then a few teachers are also look at each other,After all each person's idea is different,All views with each other,Common progress."

  文/图 记者 王荣

Wen/diagram reporter WangRong
