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学校长跑存废之争引反思 中国青少年何以跑不动--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网北京11月22日电(记者 马学玲)连日来,全国多所高校运动会相继取消长跑项目,一些中小学也开始效仿,争议四起,引发舆论对青少年体质和体育教育的关注。当今中国青少年何以 “跑不动”,是什么摧毁了祖国的“花朵”?青少年强体之路在何方,体育进高考的新政是否将成治本之道,成为关系国家前途与民族未来的疑问。 Beijing Beijing on November 22 (xinhua) --(Reporter MaXueLing)For the last few days,The university games have cancel long project,Some middle and primary school also began to follow,Dispute of four,Cause public opinion to the younster health and physical education attention.Today's China youth why "Run fixed",What destroyed his motherland"flowers"?Teenagers strong body where the road,Sports college entrance examination into the New Deal will into the essential way,Become relations national future and national future doubt.


大学生跑马拉松猝死 学校长跑项目存废惹争议 College students' run the marathon sudden death school run project save waste to provoke controversy


The first marathon held in guangzhou this month 18,Twenty thousand people ran together big carnival let whole guangzhou city excited,A young man's tragedy but let people so concerned:The day,21 year old male player in the university ChenJie 10 kilometers down the end,The next day was confirmed rescue invalid,died.


According to the report,This competition has 1517 people appeared dizziness/discomfort/Cramp the phenomenon such as,hurt/sprain/Most of the faint for 20 to 35 years old young and middle-aged,Fully exposed the young man as the elderly health problems.


similarly,In recent,wuhan/xian/Nanjing and other many universities games have cancel the women's 3000 m and men's 5000 metres project.The school chief has admitted,"Safety factor is the most important reason to cancel run,Because a few years ago all parts of the country had happened in the long distance running exercise sudden death".


the"Abandon run"Storm has not calm,Primary and secondary schools have been involved,Last month at the shenzhen nanshan district primary and middle school students in track and field games,Women's 3000 m and men's 5000 metres project disappear,The longest distance is 1500 meters.


The tragedy of the sudden death in the marathon athletes under cover,"Wounds of long distance"To the society out of a difficult problem run or don't run?


In fact,This is the school run very traditional sports project,Now have be cancelled,this"protection",What is"considerate"Or indulge?


"For security reasons,The school to make this decision,I think that is understandable."Beijing sports university martial arts college secretary XuSheng macro in accepting a reporter to interview said,In this respect because previously had things,The school does not let the child died.


He thinks,Nations have not expressly provided,The school sports meet must run many long distance.In addition,This is not common phenomenon,Just individual provinces of some college act.


This year just take the university LiMeng told reporters,She is in favor of cancel long distance running,For long distance running is not for everyone's constitution,Such as joint bad people,Let him to run it is"Pit dad".


Beijing 4 sports research group leader HuJinJun is the complete opposite views,He told a reporter to interview pointed out,I think the problem is not normal,At this rate words,More and more project will be cancelled.


"Now on the to safety cancel long distance running,The high jump?,Long jump?,Sprint?,Hurdles?,These projects have a dangerous,The future isn't all have to cancel?"


He thinks,The younster health more and more down,This is a necessary reality,But in fact the were afraid of what might happen,More don't practice,The accident.instead,Practise every day,Step by step,Won't have what problem.


"All-round development of course not the lack of sports,Run as one of the important contents of sports,If be cancelled,Particularly wrong."Henan a parents said Mr. Tian,He would often urged are in high school children in field run.He thinks,Children are the future of the motherland,A better future needs both knowledge and wisdom,Also need physical and health,otherwise,"Beautiful China"Would a fly in the ointment.


"Cancel run,As a parent I am against."Freelance writer/New media publishers thousand island said in an interview,Now children already can't bear hardship,Physical difference,Cancel run,Is of,Will the loss outweights the gain.


Thousand island children in this year the junior middle school freshman class,Took part in the school sports,Participate in the training every day.He said he does not pursue the child take an examination of how many points,It is good to health of body and mind.


He also recalled,Their good physical,A big reason due to high school run,Get up in the morning is running,Ran from the school to school after the foot of the hill,Back and forth every day 5 km.


Chengdu sports college track and field, director of the teaching and research section/Famous track and field sports WuXiangMing expert professor also force quite long distance running,He believe that 3000 meters above the project has irreplaceable,"800 m and 1500 m is mainly anaerobic sports,3000 m and 5000 m is mainly aerobic sports,Requirement is different."


何以站不住跑不动 基础教育摧残“花朵”? Why to stand run fixed basis by education"flowers"?


75256 high school students to take part in physical examination,Fully qualified only 10080 people,Only 13.39%.recently,Beijing medical center released[2011 annual Beijing medical statistics report]in,This group of data about high school students once again sounded the alarm of the middle school students physical health.


The report shows that,Nearly ninety percent of the students in the unqualified,In addition to lack of vision/Overweight, etc"much"The problem,scoliosis/Problems such as high blood pressure also gradually revealed.


A high school principal previously has publicly is introduced,The new opening ceremony,The less than 20 minutes"But a lot of students".


Middle school students physical bad cause problems has already appeared in the university,The national dozens of universities sports cancel long distance running project is evidence.Many schools sports teacher analysis think,Long distance running spell is endurance,And now the students exercise less physical difference,Cancel is to avoid the students"injury".


Students' physique difference,This conclusion is not teachers talk nonsense.State general administration of sport/The ministry of education in September 2011 jointly announced the 2010 national civil constitution monitoring results show that:Chinese college students' physical quality, in the past 25 years, has been declining.Compared with 1985,Lung capacity fell nearly 10%;College girls in the 800 - meter run/The boy in the 1000 - meter run result decreased by 10.3% and 10.9% respectively.


"You can run 1500 m or 3000 m?"


"A little difficult."


"1500 is ok still,But 3000 a little suspension."


"It's a long time since I were running over 1000 meters above the"




These are reporter recently in Beijing some middle school and university random interview heard most of the answer.


Why Chinese youth"stand""Run fixed",What destroyed his motherland"flowers"?A college professor had pointed out,This is our basic education on teenagers"vandalize"results.He describes,Compared with the European and American countries,Our youth is not lose in the starting line,But by"Make die in the starting line".


however,For the accused,HuJinJun don't wholly agree.He thinks,And not a link out of the question,This is a need from family/social/The school and education system and so on various aspects of comprehensive control of things.


HuJinJun introduced,Beijing in 4,Five PE lessons a week,Students take exercise an hour every day.In addition to conventional sports extracurricular,There are 25 minutes of exercise between classes,High school students around the playground is basically run three ring(1200 meters)To five ring(2000 meters),Junior high school students in quantity relative slightly less.He believed that Beijing four of students should be got good exercise.


But he also said,Beijing 4 students' learning burden is not like other school students do heavy,Spare capacity to learn,Will devote time to exercise,Other school students,May take more time to focus on learning.


"An hour exercise every day,Our school is concerned,Should be the absolute standard."Beijing Ming division experimental school of physical education teacher introduces a those named li account,The school a/The second grade students every week have four physical education,Three to six year students every week is three.In addition to exercise between classes,Every afternoon will have 40 minutes of activity.


School sports exercise seemingly and many,Can the younster health why continue to decline?Beijing sports university martial arts college secretary XuSheng macro think has the following four aspects reasons,One is to take an examination system make the child too much pressures upon their schoolwork,The second is lack of training standards,The third is the only left a little spare time is occupied network and so on,The fourth is"Sports partial eclipse".


He thinks the current P.E. teaching content/Curriculum arrangement have shortcomings,For example, such as the ball shouldn't be in the classroom said/Teach the things on the class,And should do gymnastics/Track and field projects have been simplified or even cancel.


HuJinJun analysis says,Health is divided into three aspects,The first is sleep,The second is nutrition,The third is moderate exercise."Heavy schoolwork burdens,Competition stress,Now a lot of children lack of sleep,Students even rest time can guarantee that,What about the time that take exercise?so,The child constitution can good yao?"He asked the reporter.


A maybe take pains to passed the tests and the university entrance exam/But in the opening ceremony of the students fainted,Really didn't lose in the starting line?We are opening ceremony faint,China and how to"Stand up"?Media issued such worries.


应试体育争议再起 青少年强体之路在何方 Takes an exam the sports dispute comeback teenagers strong body where the road


"Young strong, strong countries",Liang qichao in[Young China says]Wrote in.Mr. Liang of the eyes"strong",Nature also include health strong.


Experts say,Chinese sports education go to this"Students afraid of/Parents fear/The school is afraid that"Embarrassing point,Are faced with the problem seems to be a series of.If the respect to life into fear in sports,So bring the result is very possible is put the cart before the horse.


As early as in 1993,The former state education commission has issued[The junior middle school graduate entrance examination of sports pilot work plan],According to,The national provinces/Autonomous region/The municipality directly under the entrance examination of sports of pilot work.today,Mid-term exam sports has to deal with the junior middle school students is the necessary lessons.


"Beijing junior high school in the rise,Sports account for 40 minutes,Compared with other courses score,Difference too far."Thousand island smile told reporters,If sport is 120 minutes,The school and parents must have pay attention to.

  “虽然体育进中考在一定程度上增加了学生的锻炼时间,但由此引发的负面效应并不鲜见。” 媒体有着更为深远的担忧,为应对考试,有些学校体育课只练习考试项目,本应丰富多彩的课程变得枯燥无味。平时体育成绩的评定同样流于形式,很多学校的体育教学彻底沦为应试体育。

"Although sports into tests in a certain extent increase the students' exercise time,But caused by the negative effect is not rare." Media has a more profound concern,To cope with the exam,Some school physical education only practice test item,This should be rich and colorful curriculum become dry.Usually sports achievement evaluation also become a mere formality,A lot of school sports teaching thoroughly become exam-oriented sports.


The sports test into tests,Dispute has not calm,now,The university entrance exam add try sports and some areas in China began to trial.the,Through this can enhance students' constitution is the most concern of the people.


Sports into the university entrance exam,Ideal will shine into reality?


There have been educational circles personage points out,Adolescent physical deterioration,Deep reasons rooted in the existing education idea and education mode.The sports examination is introduced"There is no way way",Because the exam is the school education is the most important/It is the only evaluation system and incentive measures.use"Test a magic weapon"To contain teenagers physical deterioration trend,Can only show how much of a problem.


The Beijing sixty-six middle school secretary of the party committee ZhuHeChao think,The university entrance exam into sports add try,To enhance students' physique will have some effect,But not basic.The university entrance exam sports this simple bonus way,Only in the make an issue of on points,Not in the make an issue of on quality,More won't cultivate students' interest/Interest and habit.


Analysis says,Torsional Chinese students' physique continue to decline,Relying on government instruction force students to participate in physical exercise is not a permanent solution,The effect also not acceptable.We should first train college students' interest in sports,And help them form the habit of lifelong sports.


As a senior sports circles,XuSheng macro in the interview several emphasized the importance of training standards.He suggested that,Education department should have a good summary the period since the founding of the experience,According to the specific conditions of China,Make people strong physical planning.According to the planning,Then respectively formulate suitable for kindergarten/Elementary school/Junior high school/High school/University and so on the different age men and women living exercise standard.He thinks that make exercise standard is the fundamental way out.


HuJinJun said,Are now facing the younster health continued to decline this situation,Are not issued a measures can save got.


He thinks,This is a need from the system/family/social/Schools and other aspects of the comprehensive control things,At least the first have to form a"The child health first"consensus.


"As a child grow up every day looking at the teacher,We also worried,But we can only do your own thing,For example with students clear sense,In the class that go up,In the method and efficiency to help students as much as possible."HuJinJun some helpless told reporters.(finish)
