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一间教室塞80人 百年老校现“超载班”(组图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室

一间教室塞80人 百年老校现“超载班”(组图) 由于“名校心理”的作用,近年来,不少家长想方设法让孩子进麟峰小学,学校早已超负荷运转 because"School psychological"role,In recent years,A lot of parents try to let the child into our peak elementary school,The school had overload running 一间教室塞80人 百年老校现“超载班”(组图) 教室里课桌共有3组9排,每组都有3张桌子,仅有的两条通道只容学生侧身而过 The desks in the classroom has three groups and exhaust,Each group has three tables,The only two channel only let students and side

  本报记者 陈盛钟 马俊杰 文/图

Our reporter ChenCheng clock MaJunJie text/diagram


summary:"A class has more than 80 students,How to still don't divide into classes?"a,Putian a citizen to our 968111 news hotline reflect,His son is our primary school grade five peak a class in more than 80 students,The first row student desk even and platform side by side,To stick his head to see the blackboard;The back of the students from the blackboard is because too far away,Even the words on the blackboard all can't see clearly,Class effect extremely bad.The citizens of this"Jumbo class"The teaching quality of worried about.Reporters visited surveyed on it.


上课起立都很困难 The class are very difficult to stand up


At noon on November 16,,Reporter arrived at the li city zhenhai street BeiDaJie our primary school of the peak.This is a one hundred years old school,Covers an area of more than 20 mu,There are four teaching buildings,A building area of more than 12000 square meters.When school is over time,Reporters interviewed some of the students at the school gate and pick up the child's parents.


Five grade(3)Class one student said,Their class a total of 83 people,The desks and chairs in the classroom is three side by side in a group,Intermediate only allow the two corridor,The first row desk close to the teacher's desk."I sit seat is partial,Light bad,The words on the blackboard can't see clear,Had to ask other students after class."The students said,Because the corridor is too narrow,Peacetime out a very trouble.Five grade(4)Class a student would say,They the classmate of class more,Tables and chairs clearance is very narrow,The students turned to all difficult,Stand up answer this question is very difficult also.


then,The reporter also random survey some of the students,Find the school in addition to lower grade each class is more than 60 students outside,The senior and junior each class's and grade's student number basic has about 80 people.This also from posted on each of the students in the class roster has been confirmed.

  教室太挤人太多几年了都没解决 The classroom is too crowded people too many years didn't solve


Because during the class school don't allow those on the outside from getting in,Reporter in the class to enter the campus.The reporter sees,Almost every classroom filled with desk,Some of the first row of the classroom desks and platform side by side,From the blackboard only about 1 meter distance,The last row almost next to the wall.The classroom is very narrow corridor most,Can't accommodate two people at the same time through the.


A lot of parents for children in"Jumbo class"The study present situation expressed dissatisfaction.Six grade(6)Class a student parents told reporters:"My son class has 82 people,He sat in the first row,From the blackboard very close to,Class have to stick his head to see the blackboard.This want to give son turn class,But the child said that they years period of each class basically the same,I had to give up."This name parents said,Too many people in the classroom,They were afraid everyone crowded out when the accident.


"So cramped learning environment,Sure go against students' physical and mental health.Although we do not question the teacher's teaching level,But in this case,The average time between teachers and students exchange must be few,Teachers to teach students in accordance with their aptitude."A student of grade 6 parents revealed,In fact a few years ago they found this problem,Worry about so many students teacher can't cope with,But the school has not trying to solve.


Some parents also said,Now the primary school education"Scribing area recruitment of students,Came near to the entrance"principle,Our peak primary school a lot of students do not belong to the school recruit students limits,Occupy the limited education resources.


 班级配了扩音器学生听讲没问题 The class with a microphone students attended the lecture no problem


The reporter understands,Our primary school due to the peak in the local enjoy a high reputation,Many parents even understand to the school already overload operation,But still trying to, to send their child to kindergartens here.


The school with a teacher"Parents dissatisfaction,Teachers complain about,The school is also very worry"Such a word to describe current school meet dilemma.In his view,Expanding the number of the students had more than the school of the actual capacity range."The classroom area constant,But students' too much,Existing safety hidden trouble also let everybody did not dare to relax.Every class is over or on exercise between classes,There are teacher stood in the corridor and stairs to maintain order,For fear that dangerous event."


Our peak primary school principals LinMaoCheng when accepting a reporter to interview admits,The school does exist"Jumbo class"phenomenon,but,This is because the problems left over by history cause,The school is also very helpless."The school also don't want to collect more students,Can come from various sectors of the community relations,Who also push off,Lead to class is more and more big."LinMaoCheng very reluctantly said,They also want to divide into classes,But according to plan,Schools can only configuration 68 class,Can't expanding class.


But LinMaoCheng said,The classroom now than in the past,Each class is also equipped with a microphone,The teacher is conscientious,The students in class lecture should be no problem.


LinMaoCheng revealed,This one or two years,Li city education departments and schools has been trying to control the school students,Standard school,This junior class from the number of students has decreased can see come out,"Now we can only in time for space".


深度调查 Depth investigation

  名校超载班已成常态 School overload class has become a common phenomenon


The reporter understands,According to the provisions of the state,Small and medium-sized school standard the classroom students generally no more than 45 people,Per shift 46 ~ 55 people"Executive frontal",56 to 65 people"Large class size",For more than 66 people"Large class size".


The personage inside course of study points out that,"Large class size"The growth of digital behind is actually parents to school and ZhongXinJiao chase.In this kind of environment,Putian city some better public praise in middle and primary schools,Each class is less 60 people,The more than,These are all in a day's work.


Putian city education bureau taught the department at the beginning of a staff member told reporters,In our province last year launched education reform pilot clear,In the 2012 years ago to solve the more than 66 people"Large class size"problems,2015 years ago in the primary and middle school class frontal generally reach national standard.According to ministry of education related regulations,That primary school students per class control in 20 ~ 45 people;Junior high school students per class control at 30 ~ 50 people;Ordinary high school students per class control in 40 ~ 50 people.


The staff are also introduced,At present,City education department has been in school students strengthen the standardized management,Each class is only admits 66 students quota."Here we can see the number is,Our primary school each class peak number of students have more than 66 people.As for why there will be more than 80 class,We also unknown."At the beginning of the city bureau of education taught the department staff said.


Since the education department has stipulated in each class can't more than 66 people,so,Why our peak elementary school also there will be good"Large class size"??More than part of the school students how to deal with?Reporters tried to know the situation to the relevant departments,But didn't get an answer.


Li city education bureau initial teach shares a person in charge said,As li city built up area area continues to expand,High quality education resources are getting more and more serious,Lin peak elementary school"Large class size"Phenomenon is the concentrated reflection of this problem.According to its revealed,To solve the problem of urban and rural residents their children to school,Alleviate the pressure of the existing school,At present,Li city have to planning and construction city real small vanke campus and li city experimental primary school in the first two primary school.
