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温岭虐童幼师已被释放 愿意接受警方处罚--亲稳舆论引导监测室

EF EF T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB clear STYLE1"> 新京报讯 (记者宋识径)16日,温岭虐童案当事人颜艳红警方释放。当天温岭市政府新闻办向媒体发布消息称,警方认为艳红构成犯罪,依法撤销案件,对其作出行政拘留十五日的处罚,羁押折抵行政拘留 The Beijing news - (Reporter song general diameter)16,Possessing the child abuse case YanYanGong release by the police.Wenling city government information office day announced to the media,The police think YanYanGong does not constitute a crime,Revoked in accordance with the case,Give him a administrative detention 15 punishment,Custody folding to administrative detention.

  “浙江温岭幼师虐童事件”追踪 "Zhejiang fine possessing child abuse event"tracking

  新京报讯 (记者宋识径)16日,温岭虐童案当事人颜艳红被警方释放。当天温岭市政府新闻办向媒体发布消息称,警方认为颜艳红不构成犯罪,依法撤销案件,对其作出行政拘留十五日的处罚,羁押折抵行政拘留。

The Beijing news - (Reporter song general diameter)16,Possessing the child abuse case YanYanGong release by the police.Wenling city government information office day announced to the media,The police think YanYanGong does not constitute a crime,Revoked in accordance with the case,Give him a administrative detention 15 punishment,Custody folding to administrative detention.

  涉事幼师被刑拘22天 It was fine in XingJu 22 days

Possessing child abuse fine expiration of detention on November 16 release? ?? ?


On October 25, YanYanGong by adopting criminal compulsory measures,To release date,Has been XingJu 22 days.


October 24,,Kindergarten teacher YanYanGong carry boy's ears let it leave the ground with both feet of events is the exposure,Since then,Net friend and from the QQ space found other child abuse photos.Related photos on the Internet after exposure,Trigger strong concern from all walks of life.


The next day,Wenling city public security bureau criminal put on record,And carries on the criminal detention.


On October 29,Wenling city public security bureau for suspected stir-up-trouble crime request wenling procuratorate approval of arrest.According to introducing,Procuratorial organs after review the case that requires supplementary investigation.meanwhile,Suspect relatives asked for judicial authentication.


Wenling city public security bureau on November 5, to the procuratorial organs in accordance with the withdrawal of the case,Continue to investigation.


16, 22 at night when 37 points,Wenling city public security bureau official authentication of rule micro bo said in a news release said,"Child abuse event deeply by the police investigation,According to the principle of legality,Think that the parties involved YanYanGong does not constitute a crime,Now revoked in accordance with the criminal case,Give him a administrative detention 15 punishment,Detain deadline to fold the administrative detention.today,Possessing the police in accordance with the YanYanGong release."

  不追究多羁押7天一事 Not more than the custody shall be investigated for seven days


YanYanGong lawyer ZhangWeiYu confirmed to reporters YanYanGong release news,Said yan has Thursday night at about 9 returned home.


On November 1,,ZhangWeiYu accept entrust YanYanGong family,YanYanGong to provide legal help.According to ZhangWeiYu introduced,The second day after accepting a commission,He had to wenling procuratorate,And is responsible for the approval of arrest of investigation supervision department prosecutors communication,Hope that procuratorate and the public security bureau change case properties,Into public security case.ZhangWeiYu said,YanYanGong approach is wrong,Should pursue its legal liability,But in the form of criminal responsibility shall be investigated for its hold different opinions,Advice not to approve arrest.


ZhangWeiYu told reporters,Procuratorate said it would carefully consider his opinion.On November 3,ZhangWeiYu has met with YanYanGong,YanYanGong said"Didn't expect things on this scale",She spoke about her behavior"Quite regret".


Police are now on the processing results,Welcome ZhangWeiYu.He said,Now cancel case is a right choice,If can be in 15 days release will be better,This is"a fly in the ointment".


ZhangWeiYu told reporters,YanYanGong and her family to accept the police the punishment,And said to the custody more than 7 days no longer pursue.

  焦点 focus

  1为什么不以涉嫌虐童罪立案? 1 why not for suspected child abuse sin on record?


China's present criminal law does not stipulate the crime of child abuse.


China university of political science of criminal law professor RuanJiLin told reporters,YanYanGong behavior is damage behavior,But in the criminal law intentionally mayhem requirements must have"Minor injuries"Damage consequence,To human body caused by the organization of the essence of destruction or functional damage.For example,A knife cut on her head,To scalp fracture reach 8 centimeters of above,Is minor injuries;Out front teeth to achieve two stars,To constitute a minor injury.


RuanJiLin said,The police are considering stir-up-trouble crime,Because of the crime of no rigid minor injury consequences requirements,In a criminal case no law on the mechanical damage.


Child abuse event once bursts,From all walks of life have proposed setting up"Child abuse sin",From the criminal law to child abuse severely punished.


this,RuanJiLin think,Child abuse sin set up,In the operation still exist problems.


RuanJiLin analysis said,Even in the criminal law provisions on child abuse sin,Also want to add a"Plot bad".In this case,Even if has a child abuse sin,It doesn't have to be shall be prosecuted for criminal responsibility,Still want to consider if the circumstances are serious enough.

  2为什么不构成寻衅滋事罪? 2 why do not constitute stir-up-trouble crime?


RuanJiLin identity possessing the processing means of public security at present.RuanJiLin analysis said,Child abuse behavior must be illegal,But YanYanGong behavior does not constitute a crime.The behavior of harm to society,Our country law there are two kinds of punishment system:The first layer is a public security penalties,Punishment have administrative detention/Fines and other;The second is the criminal punishment,Methods have sentenced to imprisonment or the death penalty, etc.


RuanJiLin said,Constitute a crime generally want to have larger harmfulness and heavier damage consequence.


To constitute a stir-up-trouble crime,Must achieve"Plot bad".RuanJiLin said,This standard is generally put people into minor injury,Or multiple loop hit,Social consequences of harassment,To the public hostility,Cause people uneasy.


RuanJiLin judgment,The public security organ may be through the investigation and collection of evidence found YanYanGong behavior does not meet the degree.


RuanJiLin said,If composition try to pick a quarrel,At least want to cause slight injury,Such as heads/Children in hospital, etc;Or is always beating many times,Give children caused great psychological shadow.


ZhangWeiYu said,The public security had made the cognizance of the suspected stir-up-trouble crime,Should be think YanYanGong beating others,Infringe upon the public order.But he thinks,Yan's act doesn't constitute"beating",No infringement of social public order.

  3 多刑拘7天警方违不违法? More than 3 XingJu 7 day police violations not illegal?


The police have decided not to make YanYanGong administrative detention 15 punishment,But in fact YanYanGong has been detained to 22 days.


this,RuanJiLin think,Not so think public security did misjudged case,Because YanYanGong illegal facts are really exist,The public security organ to take the detained by criminal compulsory measures, etc,And in legal permissible limit and within the time limit,Did not violate the law.


but,RuanJiLin think,YanYanGong behavior the fact is clear,She won't hamper the investigation,Also won't escape,No necessary to facial criminal detention,Should allow the guarantor pending trial.

事件回放: Event playback:

>>起因:浙江温岭虐童幼师系无证上岗 称因出于"好玩" >>cause:Zhejiang possessing child abuse fine system without card mount guard says because of"fun"


A source says people familiar with the YanYanGong engaged in teachers' professional system without card mount guard,The case was confirmed and correct.

>>拘留:温岭幼教虐待幼童被刑拘 拍照女教师被拘留7日 >>detention:Possessing preschool education abuse children were XingJu photos female teachers in custody 7


On October 25,,Yan a suspicion of stir-up-trouble crime,Be the police criminal detention,Another name to participate in the pictures of the female teachers a child,Because stir-up-trouble been made to administrative detention 7 of punishment.

>>处理:浙江温岭幼师虐童续:事发幼儿园园长被免职 >>processing:Zhejiang possessing fine TongXu abuse:The kindergarten is dismissed calls


On October 27,,Child abuse teacher yan in a kindergarten blue peacock kindergarten the principal has been removed.The local education bureau from public kindergarten transfer hands in the kindergarten management.

>>观点:上海律协研讨温岭虐童案 学者支持"暂不批捕" >>view:Shanghai LvXie discussion possessing child abuse case scholars support"Temporary not among"


Most experts/Scholars of the prosecution"Temporary not among decision"Be sure,Think from the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a start,Hit and the teacher's behavior into punishment does have some far-fetched.Democracy and the rule of law need all to comply with the law,Method the absence of express stipulation is not a crime,This is should stick to the bottom line.

>>观点:专家呼吁设"虐童罪"罪 盘点各国保护儿童法规 >>view:Experts called for a"Child abuse sin"Sin inventory countries protect children regulations

>>当事人:温岭虐童案幕后调查:颜艳红的生活碎片 >>The parties:Possessing the child abuse case investigation:YanYanGong life fragments

>>当事人:受虐儿童正在接受专家心理干预 >>The parties:Battered child is undergoing expert psychological intervention

>>独家策划:教师虐童堪称恐怖片,禽兽如何混进幼师队伍? >>Exclusive planning:The teacher is child abuse horror movie,How do animals in fine team?
