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网络诞生新词“被催族” 指到年龄未成家立业者--亲稳网络舆情监控室


何为“被催族” What is"Be push family"


now,The network was born a new term"Be push family",Interpretation is used to this kind of phenomenon."Be push family"Refers to the age to marry and have children,But have not"A fond memory",Thus by parents or relatives to hurry,Some people have to against their will,To meet the requirements of the parents.

  城市晚报讯 现如今,人们的思想已经越来越开放了,可是这“男大当婚,女大当嫁”却是亘古不变的话题。看看电视上大大小小的相亲节目和各种各样的交友网站就知道还有多少剩男剩女为了“脱光”在努力着。不过在这群人中,还有一部分是被父母一步一步赶着往前走的,有的网友甚至调侃自己成了被催一族。

City evening news - nowadays,People's minds have more and more open,But this"Only the lonely,A girl should get married"It is the eternal topic.Look at the TV greatly small to programs and all kinds of friendster will know that how many left with female to male"off"In diligently.But in the crowd,One of the parents is step by step driving move ahead,Some net friend even ridicule a be push gens.


一路成长:从小被父母催着过来的 Growth all the way:From childhood parents by drives come over


Say to this is push gens,But they believe that wang of the typical representative.wang,female,Born in 1983,Graduate student degree,He is now working at a large company.Wang when I was in college,Parents always told,Age still small,The idea on academic studies,Try not to because other things distraction.Wang understand with their heart,Parents don't want to fall in love too early.


Graduated from university,Wang went to graduate,Since there is no meeting the right,There would be no boyfriend.Because can always receive the classmates wedding invitation,Wang parents can sit."Your uncle wang's son is good,Which day have time to introduce you to meet.""You to age,This account of personal problem."Parents' a well-meaning,Helpless under,Wang can only is to cope with a blind date.


Originally wang thought,Has a boyfriend,Parents will not rush me.But had not thought,Parents and urged the two people get married."graduated,work,The married."This plan to enter the workplace of her ambitions,The face is the urge marriage family.Say oneself also to the age of marriage,Both the right,Wang and boyfriend is the meaning of the parents.


During the,The parents urged did not end so.The old man often suggested that,Hope wang young children early."Push the wedding push children,What time is the head ah."With wang own words,This is all the way parents drives come over.


走红网络:“被催族”已成网友调侃、抱怨话题 Popular network:"Be push family"Has become a net friend ridicule/Complain that the topic


In fact,Wang's experience is not accidental.Reporter in the baidu input"Parents urge marriage",Can find 5 million relevant posts.now,"Be urge marriage family"Popular network,Urge marriage push education has become a net friend ridicule and complain about the topic.Someone comically summary:Single men and women most afraid hear a few words is greeting:"Are you married?""The somebody else ZhangDaMa next to the girl,With your general big,Children can play the soy sauce.""Take the time,The age is not small.""So-and-so aunt colleagues nephew a nice person,You to meet it!"


子女心声:一路被催 生活压力很大 Children voice:All the way be push life under a lot of pressure


Said here,"Be push family"Experience can be divided into trilogy,Drives to push a wedding drives a son.some"Be push family"Rest day or even all used to blind date,Eleven long holiday into"To false",Let them cry again and again.so,Have to marry and have children they,Why not try so hard?In the interview,The reporter understands,In fact they have a lot of your own ideas.


Parents urged a boycott of the negative mentality.Xiao li feel,She can not accept to the marriage,Two people together to be familiar with each other,Not see a surface eat a rice is done.Marriage is life,Is find a husband is not parents to find a husband.


There is life and work pressure,Just to work when it is played,This time is not suitable for marriage.


Life pressure big,Married high cost.Now say to get married,Has the room have a car like previous three big seems to become as basic conditions.But this didn't room/Don't have a car,Economic pressure is very big also.And save enough money to buy a house,This day will drag on.Besides said children,The cost of raising a child relative to 20 years ago to a much higher,Make a lot of in house dust young couple.


父母观点:子女没着落不行 男大当婚女大当嫁 Parents view:The children didn't landing not only the lonely a girl should get married


The children's voice is every rational,So these"Be push family"Another leading role,Parents is how to think?Parents why be so anxious?


Ginger aunt said,More is from traditional idea.She says,Neighbors around friends the children got married,The house of his children haven't landing,Unavoidably some worry.Aunt wu is from reality analysis,"The bigger the age not seek object,Children are more difficult.And I now also retire,Nothing to do,Can help with the children."Aunt wu said,Marriage sooner or later and,Children born sooner or later,That why? Wait and wait,After all, as the old adage goes,"Only the lonely,A girl should get married".


网友交锋:拒绝还是接受 各有说法 Net friend exchange:Refuse to accept or the statement


for"Be push family"encounter,There are many netizens have a lot of different opinions about it.Some said,No matter what do parents push or according to his own ways to,After all is his own wedding.Net friend"Round treasure"said:"Happiness is my own,Although parents living I to raise me,But option forever in our own hands."Net friend"Small XiaoXuan"Also think:"Adults should know what it is to be your own boss,Filial piety can but don't fool filial piety,Or you will regret a lifetime,After all this is all life event."


Have net friend agree with or understand parents' difficulties.Net friend"Triangle nail"Just think:"We are all ordinary people,Should be in a certain stage of life can finish a certain phase of the mission,In the capricious and humors grew up in"After 80"for,Parents' guidance/Teach and supervise should be and necessary."


应对之措:租女友 含糊推托 离奇想法迭出 Measures to deal with:Rent girlfriend vague ifs and buts extraordinary outstanding ideas


In order to deal with the parents urge marriage push brood,"Be push family"Went the whole nine yards.Wang said,Her in marriage promised to the parents,In a son problem won't compromise the."First dragged,He said his work busy,Can drag time is time.And citizens to reduce parents urged,use"Rent his girlfriend"Go home for the holidays"Odd recruit".More people take"hide"strategic,Parents nag pretend to hear,Relatives and friends urged is ambiguous"Looking for it",With changeless should changing.But these measures, after all, not a permanent solution,most"Be push family"Or in urged struggling.


专家支招:家长孩子应多沟通 Experts move:Parents children should communicate


Originally marry and have children is a good thing,Why parents and children have such a big difference?So in the face of such differences should be how to solve?Reporter consulting the jilin academy of social sciences institute of sociology HanGuiLan deputy director.She says,This kind of phenomenon to appear,Mainly comes from the traditional and modern thought of the clash of collision,Old people pursue the idea of reincarnation,Hope that their children a fond memory at an early date,Enjoy family life.And young people are busy work,Pressure big,To a half-rural don't worry,The two sides have come into conflict.


Can't say who is right and who is wrong,But there is a generation gap in thought.As children,Should communicate with their parents,Explain own condition,Best can decide a goal,Let the old man have a"this".And the old man to understand their children's difficulty,All letting nature take its course,Try so hard but just the opposite,Can not succeed.
