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幼儿园教唱“伦敦大桥倒塌了” 网友晒雷人童谣--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  南京妈妈网晒女儿唱的“奇怪”西方童谣,引来众网友争晒“雷人”童谣 扬子晚报记者走访发现,现在新童谣减少,书店卖得少,幼儿园也教得少 Nanjing mother and daughter sun sing"strange"Western nursery rhymes,Draw the net friend for sun"shocking"Nursery rhymes yangzi evening news reporter found that visit,Now new nursery rhymes to reduce,Bookstore sell less,Kindergarten also teaches less


recently,A mother in nanjing XiCi post is introduced,In kindergarten's daughter came back to she sang a very"strange"song.The lyrics is constantly repeat"London bridge collapsed","At the time I petrochemical,What's this song!",The mother still feel may be daughter to listen to the wrong,Going to which day to ask the teacher.Have net friend say western many nursery rhymes are tragic color/Suffering consciousness.But in China,"The 12345,Went up to the mountain to shoot tigers"/"Rock me,Wave to zhang"And warm classic nursery rhymes with the generation after generation growth.


Now the children are learning what nursery rhymes?Really like some net friend said domestic nursery rhyme also small and single?Yangzi evening news reporter recently investigated several kindergarten, and large book shop.


女儿老唱“伦敦大桥倒塌了” Daughter sing old"London bridge collapsed"


妈妈发帖引来网友吐槽“雷人”童谣 Mother post draws users spit tank"shocking"Nursery rhymes


November 16,XiCi called on"Can smoking puppy"The net friend opens surprised to post[Daughter kindergarten just teach new children's songs,Ray me to death].Posts said,The day before sleeping daughter initiative to sing a kindergarten protestant song,"London bridge collapsed,collapsed,collapsed.London bridge collapsed,collapsed,collapsed,My dear friends".A net friend openly said he was petrochemical,"What's this song!?"But get answer is,The teacher is so teaching.


See this post,Not a few net friend to the building Lord explained,This is the west a very famous nursery rhymes,A lot of kindergarten will teach,But I still can't help but feel funny.Post also cause online parents share their children learn nursery rhymes,There is no lack of among them strange works.A call"Mice melon melon"The net friend said she could not accept daughter sing[The frog looking for a wife],"The pond side frog it looking for a wife,He saw a turtle it said so:tutter,tutter,Would you marry me!Was rejected after,The frog) and please the duckling and cats to be a wife."The net friend regrets,Almost is one of the bridge shock halo.Net friend"Small strawberry 06"Says his son sing is early in the morning"maiden,aha".See the discussion of net friends,And a 80 retrospection on the export of childhood from the nursery rhymes.


觉得西方“忧患童谣”太沉重 Think western"Suffering nursery rhymes"Too heavy


家长更喜欢可爱、欢乐的童谣 Parents prefer lovely/Happy nursery rhymes


The reporter contact post man ms. Chen,Her daughter 5 years old this year on middle shift,One day,Rarely report kindergarten study daughter bedtime active to give mom sang BaiTianGang learn songs.But first she asked her mother,London have bridge,This let ms. Chen wonder,"How she thought that the problem,She know how London this city?"Daughter after life,She was shocked at the,"I thought I heard wrong,But she's always sing‘London bridge collapsed’,Listen to just not feeling well",Think of this kind of nursery rhyme is a bit heavy.She thought it was a children to sing wrong,Going to confirm with the teacher,But the teacher must answer,[London bridge]This song is so sing.


Because it is the popular hundreds of years ago,And now all aspects of life also discrepancy,Daughter sing nursery rhyme,Also don't understand,Experience not to.compared,Ms. Chen feel like[apples]This kind of Chinese nursery rhymes more suitable for,On the one hand the child familiar with,Can also teach them some behavior in life.If the introduction of foreign nursery rhyme word,She also believes the best is lovely/joy/Catchy that.But she also said,because[London bridge]Very famous,Also it is necessary to introduce to the children some classical western nursery rhymes.


Nanjing those old nursery rhymes,Do you still remember??


The gates gates chickens cake,Three green cake,Ride piebald,Band knife,Under gates go one was.


The gates gates chickens cake,Thirty green bean cake.Riding horse,In litters its,Cut a sword into the gate.


The gates gates several cubits high?Thirty six cubits high.Ride a white horse,Band knife,Into the gate and slip.


The gates gates several cubits high?Thirty six cubits high?Ride piebald,Band knife,Into the gate fell over.Ask you to eat an orange or to eat bananas?


The gates gates several cubits high,Thirty six cubits high.Ride Malaysia,Band knife,From your door copy a copy.Ask you to eat oranges in coke!


The moon moon mother,Inside a dad,Dad come out to buy food,Meet a woman,Granny wash feet out,Meet a magpie,Magpie out fly,Met a turtle,The tortoise PaPa out,Meet a doll,Baby to eat oil Fried rice,See who's a good baby.


记者走访 Reporters visited


幼儿园里童谣教得少,书店里纯正童谣也成稀缺 In the kindergarten rhyme teach less,The bookstore is pure nursery rhyme also becomes scarce


Ms. Li's daughter also in kindergarten classes,She said the kindergarten teaching children's songs is a lot,Daughter home often sing,But nursery rhyme is not how much."The teacher said one semester also taught two first it".YouFuXiJie kindergarten LiYuan long also told reporters,Nursery rhyme just as part of your child's language class,Other children's songs and/The story/The performance and so on different forms,"A year off,Children's songs also taught only a few first,Rhyme is even less".


Then the reporter interviewed nanjing two large book shop,The xinhua bookstore,In numerous poetry/The story/Nursery rhyme book of,Have a big red is designed to cover the nursery rhyme book[Love the old nursery rhymes],Divided into"The game""festival""humor"Three articles,44 first,Each capital with traditional illustration.In addition[Rock me,Wave to zhang]/and[Chinese nursery rhymes],The contents therein much coincidence.In addition to a 50 of the first[English nursery rhymes].


In public in the press,Reporter in the children's literature area,And didn't find any a to"Nursery rhymes"Naming books,Children reading area,only[Chinese children's songs]and[English children's songs],Contains some nursery rhymes.Staff miss told reporters,Children's songs and stories of books to rhyme book than a lot.


中西方童谣对比 Comparing Chinese and western nursery rhymes


西方童谣不乏灰色,但引进童谣多轻松富有童趣 There is no lack of grey western nursery rhymes,But how easy and interesting introduction of nursery rhymes


In ms. Chen after Posting,Have net friend soon to explain the post,Europe a lot of nursery rhyme is very dark and even terrorist,And an example[Mother goose]Nursery rhymes.Net friend"Glass heart"The detailed explanation[London bridge]Heavy background,"A full of tragic color folk singing said London bridge of the vicissitudes of life history,London bridge is over the Thames river, the oldest bridge,Not escape the fate of the old,Gradually expose the signs of decay,He spread such a full of tragic color folk."


Reporter connected to the net friend wang,She is a kindergarten teacher nanjing military region,Engaged in infant language research and a line education has more than 20 years."We of familiar nursery rhymes,The general is a good thing/warm/humor.But many of the western rhyme initial hearing feel full of violence and strange,Actually careful ponder,Will find that there are philosophy and history background."She again mentioned[Mother goose]Nursery rhymes.Reporter found that almost every one has"death/kill/blood"Such words,Teacher wang explain this nursery rhymes bloody/Violence and they produce relevant background.


Reporters saw at the bookshop few English nursery rhymes besides included[London bridge],and[Two tigers]/[starlet], etc,But these also are easy and interesting is given priority to.Reporter then again in nanjing experimental kindergarten horse with the help of the principal made a survey,Object for the pathway in 9 class.Each class is still mainly in Chinese nursery rhymes,The introduction of foreign nursery rhymes,For a maximum of 4 first,Least 0 first,Some on the 3 years of executive only taught 1 first.Moreover the horse is also introduced,When the choice,Or in the relaxed/rhyme/Have tong qu is given priority to.Teacher wang also agree with this view,"The child was young,Need protection,Can't describe the dark side of too much,Afraid frighten children.And the western society will be big enough and children about birth/death."


资深幼儿语言老师 Senior infant language teacher


童谣断代可能和经济利益有关,新作难再口口相传成经典 Nursery rhymes cohort may and economic benefits related,New again hard mouth into a classic


In the interview,Parents and some teachers do not too can tell the difference between children's songs and nursery rhymes.Teacher wang explain,"Rhyme: generally it is folk history,S long,And there will be different versions,Most can't find the author,Mainly to the colloquial English and dialect";And children's songs belongs to literature,Structure is more normative,Most of the use of written language.Teacher wang said,In the early childhood education under the rhyme is indispensable good helper,The improvement of language ability,Help memory,"Such as small class baby learning buttons:The little mouse,Drill named,At the beginning of the children to draw when face,The teacher will edge picture edge read:A cauldron,When two,Pot to boil water,Three dumplings.Nursery rhymes finish reading,A lovely big head doll also drew out".

  在对不同的幼儿园的采访中,老师都表示平时教学中使用到的童谣,多是之前流传很久的,或者从网上找到的。王老师也认可,新产生的童谣的确有所减少,“童谣的断代可能和经济利益有关”。很多幼儿教师也会自己创编,基本都是随机的,没有做过特别的记录,“一般是按原作结构仿编,比如《幸福的家》;有的加入自己的经验,继续编出下一小节内容,比如《春天的颜色》。”只是流传渠道不通畅,属于自生自灭的状态。传统比较经典的如“唐僧骑马咚那个咚,后面跟着个孙悟空”,“拉大锯扯大锯,姥姥家门前看大戏”,这些都是口口相传流传下来的,而不是现在的课堂、书本、影像等途径。 记者 陈婧 文/摄

In the different kindergarten interview,Teachers said in the teaching at ordinary times the use of the nursery rhymes,Before is a long history,Or find from the Internet.Teacher wang also recognized,From the new rhyme is reduced,"The nursery rhymes date may be relevant and economic benefits".Many preschool teachers will also creating,Basic are random,No special record,"According to the original structure is usually imitation of knitting,For example[A happy home];Some add their own experience,Continue to make up the next section content,For example[The colours of spring]."Just spread channel not unobstructed,Belong to the state of the course.Traditional more classic such as"Tang's monk ride dong the dong,Followed by a sun wukong","Widening saw pull big saw,Grandma's house door see spectacular",These are the mouth come down,Rather than the classroom now/books/Way such as image. Reporter ChenJing text/taken
