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儿患病需换肾妻亦需手术 男子筹钱救妻儿陷两难--亲稳网络舆情监控室

父亲愿意给病床上的儿子捐献肾脏。本报记者谭青摄 Father is willing to give the son of bed to make the donation.Our reporter TanQing perturbation


Almost every day,61623 army hospital in the corridor will spread the noise,No one knows,In one room,Is put on a field about life and death choice.


By grasping tomahawk,Previously had been diagnosed with nephritis,In order to save his,The family owe 300000 foreign debt,The only way to live only in the kidney.In the face of the shortage of the supply,The father decided to donate renal save the son.the,By grasping tomahawk found,Mother had already suffering from heart disease hide seven years,"She don't surgery have dangerous life at any time".


On November 12,,Father and son in Beijing armed police general hospital, type-specific success,Huge operation let family flinch,The son of difficult to save first mother,Stubborn mother insist to save first son.


重担 burden


儿子患病父扛重担 Son sick father carry heavy burden


In the course of this life I fear most phone sound,It rang,The hospital is in pay


For the good tomahawk speaking,Alive may is a kind of pain.


14 years ago,The father and his son in the Inner Mongolia zhalantun vast between linhai as a forest ranger.A paper nephritis diagnosis book,Let this was great man with collapse,Old father by evergreen burden arbitrary shoulders.


Son permanent hospital,The evergreen will home 10 acres and sell the house,In the thousands of dollars,Fill in the abyss of medicine fuller,But ocean.


Father to farm work,He always work hard,Do others the amount of several times,Can make 23000 per month.Spring sowing wheat rape,Summer hoeing watering,Autumn in farm work less,Every day when just awning,He is carrying a big woven bag,Carried small shovel,Into the mountains to dig herbs.


From the farm work every day back,The evergreen went directly to farm the only a telephone,Ask logistics master:"Have my phone?"The evergreen said,If the phone rang,Means son to inform the hospital, the money is spent,"In the course of this life I fear most is the voice of the telephone,Afraid to wake up with a start sitting up in the evening,Feel rang again..."


The evergreen earn QianYongYuan couldn't catch up with the cost of hospital speed.Old father had to borrow to relatives and friends,Just began to,You feel sympathy for him,More or less in one's pocket to help.Time long,You have said powerless.


绝望 despair


逃避巨债喝药轻生 Avoid huge debt drink the medicine commit suicide


I want to devoid of,These troubles and huge debt,Then I have nothing to do with


The worse thing was still to come.By grasping tomahawk wife after in his serious illness,Left home and go to,Left only a few old son and the burden on the family.


In 2009,,In the people's liberation army general hospital by grasping tomahawk diagnosed with uremia,The best treatment is in the kidney.


"In renal?Heard dozens of patients for a kidney,A lot of people waiting for death in the process",By grasping tomahawk said,On the black market can also buy kidney,But to the already deep in debt family,Why bear such a burden?


On October 4, 2009,Eat every meal at ordinary times two big steamed bread by evergreen drip not into.The evergreen think,Even if he hard spell,Can't earn that hundreds of thousands of medical expenses,He wants to devoid of,From now on how to deal with the trouble of huge debt,Then he had nothing to do with.He stretched out his neck,Drink down 10 ml of highly toxic anthelmintic,The abnormal workers took him to hospital.13 days after,Did he come back to life again,Workmate said,In the 13 days,Family keep close to keep in his side,"They say,If you really dead,They will come with you".


From the jaws of death back his,Don't understand workmate words,His nervous suffered serious damage,He only remember,At that time the son and his wife around his bed,With tears streaming from thorns hurt his heart.


希望捐肾救子寻求生机 Hope to donate renal save the son seek vitality


我不能再寻死,活着是责任也是担当 I can't try to commit suicide,To live is the responsibility is bear


In the dark when,The family saw dawn:That year winter,They saw on TV a news program,A mother as her own son to donate kidney,Finally son survived.The family was in tears at the story,After watching the gang up and wept bitterly:This is a ray of hope.


Father son is the one who holds the hand said:"I dead died once the,What is there to fear?I went to donate renal save you,If type-specific don't succeed,I'll just get my kidney sold to save you!"


By grasping tomahawk feel father iron tongs, hands came hard and determination,"I can't have entered idea,Life is a duty,Is a bear".


秘密母亲患病隐瞒7年 Her mother's illness secret hide seven years


I suffer from heart disease has been 7 years,The doctor advised me to do surgery,But I dare not go,Because will spend.The money for son when medical expenses,I can only deceive him


This home has a secret,Only in the dark by grasping tomahawk a person.


As early as in seven years ago,MinShuZhen mother has been diagnosed with heart disease,At that time the doctor suggest surgical treatment,But in order to give son save medical expenses,MinShuZhen only went to a chemist's shop to buy some simple drugs,And the son conceals the illness.


Every time when the,She swallowed two JiuXinWan star,This is her only measures.


Careful mother secretly in the room corner hide medicine,Take medicine when hide son,But she felt the pathogenesis of interval is more and more short,The pain of the disease rapidly multiplication.


Eventually found out things.November,By grasping tomahawk ill again,Parents from home on the way to hospital,The worry MinShuZhen fire on the bus to fall ill,Father to son had to make a phone call:"Your mother that won't be possible,Arranged for hospitals to rescue."


When father carrying mother appeared in the door of the hospital,Son see mother that a white-haired head slouch in his father's shoulders,Black purple lips ajar.


Mother was in the process of emergency rescue,Son has been kneeling at the door waiting for,His heart with meditation,If god just to take away their house of a life,"That he took me".


36 hours after,The mother turned up,Hear son's first words is blame sound:"How could you not tell me?How can you not tell me?"


现实为了省钱食堂讨粥 The reality in order to save money for the dining room porridge


我们搬到对面的医院去住,因为那里更便宜 We moved to the hospital to live,Because there is more cheaper


yesterday,Two test results were placed in the ward on the table.


In order to maintain the son's fitness,Every day the old father went downstairs to his pack two vegetables,To opposite a worker dining room for a bowl of free white porridge.


They from the armed police general hospital wards moved to the 61623 army hospital,"Because the hospitalization expenses cheap".


Once the weight be 150 catties big fatty by grasping tomahawk has peaked have to only 100 jins,Two eyes deep cut,The left hand arm drum with two grapes the size of the pork bun:This is a XieKou dialysis and transfusion mouth.


Father son sitting on a bed to take care of him,Two people form so bright contrast:Son for perennial in hospital,Skin pale,Muscles relaxation;Father look dark,With fine lines in with his speech fluctuation,HouJian already will he plank snug,Fingers than son coarse two times.


抉择 choice


救子救妻必选其一 Save the son to save his wife will choose one


我的肾给你,用我的命换你的命 My kidney give you,With my life in your life


On November 12,,In the armed police corps hospital family got type-specific successful results notice,"Gather together together 170000 operation can undergo surgery",The doctor said.


At the same time also to mother heart imaging results,"Must as soon as possible the heart of the problem of stent,Need to tens of thousands of yuan operation",The doctor said.


For the families,No matter which one saved,Another you have to give up,They face,Is a life and death choice.


"First to mother's operation."Son close and open the nose began to SOB,Mother low head,Wipe the tears at the thy skirts.

  只有老父亲还在喃喃地说:“我今年已经五十多了,我回去求人,我去乞讨,也要凑够医药费。我死都不怕了,还怕什么呢?我的肾给你,用我的命换你的命。”(本报记者王奕 怀若谷)

Only old father still mumbling:"I this year has more than 50 a,I went back to ask for help,I beg to,Also want to gather together enough medical expenses.I die all not afraid,Fear? What?My kidney give you,With my life in your life."(Our reporter WangYi bosom if valley)
