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  贵州毕节市5男孩垃圾箱中“闷死”引起广泛关注的同时,城市信报记者走访目击者,还原他们生前24小时。他们要饭,但从来不和其他人相处,哪怕是说一句话 ,垃圾箱中拾到的一个废足球是他们最大的乐趣,这24小时内,很多人看到他们开心地玩着,虽然在别人眼里是流浪儿,但是他们就是喜欢这里Guizhou bijie city 5 boy in the trash bin"smother"At the same time aroused widespread concern,City daily reporter visited the witness,Reducing their 24 hours before.They beggars,But never get along with everybody else,Even say a word ,Dustbin picked up in a waste football is their biggest fun,This 24 hours,Many people see they enjoyed a,Although the eyes of others is the gamin,But they just love it here .


这一天,仍旧从讨饭开始 This day,Still beg from the start


Xiao zhu is bijie ring road a restaurant waiter,Let her how to also don't understand is,Recent street appeared five little boy,They clothing shoe crushing,A begging all day/Pick up garbage life,Why do they stay in here,Important is,Their home in where?Why no one to take care of them?


From the beginning of,Guizhou province in bijie city seven cities ring east road,Bijie near the college,Much five"regular"Look only 10 years old boy,They each hair fleeciness,Face like haven't wash,Although be shy with strangers people,But every boy liked laughing.


November 15, morning,Thursday,As usual,In a city in the,Five boys also woke up with a start,With fear,They quickly get up.maybe,This night for cooling,They sleep is not comfortable,Wake up from that moment,They decided to 15 this evening,Must find a warmer place.


From sleep after completely conscious,The expression of fear also disappeared,Although the area as a home,But no one would be to cook their food,They need to rely on their own."begging,It is for no,Went to the blackboard the trash can pick up garbage to eat."Xiao zhu said,Since five boys here after home,She often see them,15 the one morning and am,She didn't especially pay attention to them,But also saw them or begging/Pick up garbage.


"once,One of the children embrace my leg,With I need money to,I gave him a dollar."Nearby a staff working said,In the ring road on both sides,Almost everyone saw this five boys,Five boys are to them for meals,"Sometimes they will also go to a nearby markets to get something to eat."Of course,Most of the time,Five boys or self-reliance,Is to pick up garbage to eat."That day they must be in the trash can pick up had something to eat,I saw them in the trash can edges wander over."A witness said,So far the two bins,Contains a small restaurant near pour out leftovers leftovers,These are also the main food before them.


一起踢足球,是最大的乐趣 Play football,Is the greatest of pleasure


here,Garbage can is absolutely five boy best partner,In addition to offer them to eat,Back to offer them play.


Don't know is which one day,One of the boys in the pick up rubbish,Picked up abandoned football,Although be trash away,But can still play,It is here they only pleasure.


Morning is begging and coemption dustbin time,Breakfast and lunch in a beggar and pick up the garbage solved,Eat plenty of food of the boys,Also exceptionally vigorous,They play football in the afternoon time,Maybe this is one of them in the day the happiest moment."Often see their,Most of the time are in the dustbin side looking for something to eat."Live nearby an old lady to city daily reporter tells the story,"Thursday the one day,I also saw them,It's in the afternoon I went to buy food."


Afternoon about SiWuDian,The old lady to ring road markets to buy food,In the markets next to the bus stop place,He saw the five boys,"Several ran in the bus station play very happy,Play football,You play to,He kicked the past."The old lady and five boy didn't get along with what,But she often noticed them.


太冷,他们想找个暖和的地方 Too cold,They want to find a warm place


If they play football is a pleasure,And a function,Is against the cold.In the conversation,A witness if warns.


According to the residents around memories,November 15, the day,Temperature a bit low,And underground point feather light rain,Bleak feeling let a person very terrible.Five boys not only clothing shoe crushing,Also wear very thin,For them,This kind of weather is a torment.


"Go saw they are playing."Play until can't see clearly,The boys up football,This evening,And they want to find place to live.


Since he came here,They have changed several places,Street underground channel is to place their longest,The day underground passage are shops,In the evening,Shops close,The traffic is less,Here became their residence,Still have a place is abandoned site,Witnesses saw them there for the night,On a place to put a shabby plastic curtain and bits of wood,If the night,And almost is open to bed.


But that these two places all not line,The day is too cold,Although just over football,Body still warm,But after last night's suffering,They decided to around looking for a warm place.They find the first place is the ring road to the west of a shabby old,Say the old,The outer walls of the two sides things almost have collapsed,Wood beam frame to support the roof,On top of the tile has dropped most,The rest of the may fall down at any time.In this dangerous house down,Five boys born built a fire,They are going to stay here.


怕生人,哪怕是80多岁的老奶奶 Timid around strangers people,Even if it is more than 80 year old grandmother


They beg,See shall money,But this five boys also is very timid around strangers people,They never getting along with people,Even say a word.


"Many of our students pay attention to the five boys,Remember once saw them playing football at the school gate,We want to and they came near some,Want to play with them together,But just want to join,They scared to run."Bijie college senior student CuiRui to city daily reporter said.


Shabby old and lonely is not a house,In this dangerous house around,There are several families live in.


15 at about 6 PM,The boys born up fire caused a granny's attention,The old woman is 83 years old,The house in which he is living in the southeast of the dangerous house,See the house built a fire was born,There are waves of noise,She went over to have a look.


"Two large point boys are next to the fire,Fiddle with fire,Three other children in the fire jump jumping around,dancing,There is a still carry a porcelain jar in the circle."Granny edge said edge to the city show daily reporters at the time the children's action.


The old woman met before this some boys,She saw them in the old in the old heating,He also feel poor,But here is too dangerous,On the roof tile can always fall down,Will have an accident at any time.


The old lady stepped forward,Remind this several children,"I was just like they say,Here is very dangerous,Don't play porcelain jar,Will top the tile down."It is a good remind,But five boys panic,They thought it was someone drive them,Even in the face of over 80 year old grandmother,They are afraid of,swiftly,5 people ran together,One left not out of the fire.


外面很冷很冷,躲进了垃圾箱 It's very cold outside is very cold,Hide into the dustbin


Five children like it here,Or we can't stay here.Some witnesses said,Even if they think five children is the life of the wandering children.But they lack is their own space,They lived in place,No one can keep out wind and rain and belong to their own place.


Five children ran,Granny had time to say something,They will disappear in the night.But this time,The temperature lower,According to introducing,That night the lowest temperature reached the six degrees Celsius,And it's raining,A cold wind,Five people may be returned to the underground street channel,But there is still very cold,Can't make a fire heating.


Back to the ring road on the east side of the abandoned site place,Is not the fire,But in site wall gap place,Put a dustbin,This is a big dustbin,There are about 1.5 meters long,1.3 meters wide,Height also more than 1 m,Don't know is which child"brainstorm",5 people to trash bin for the night,Can also make a fire.


Dustbin has four pull open the door,Is turned off,The dustbin is a confined space,Inside a big space to,Cheng fang 5 10 years old the child still can.And they did so in,Shut the door,Born in built a fire,May really warm a lot of,With the warm meaning,They slowly sleep,But the god of death so quietly come to their side.(The five children fate will be how?They are come from?)
