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Is the city of the subway,Or tall buildings attracts the five little boy?Let them would rather in the city to do a vagrant children,begging/Picking up litter?

  城市信报记者乘车三个多小时,颠颠簸簸,顺着一条泥泞的山路进入到擦枪岩村。在擦枪岩村,城市信报记者看到这些孩子家庭的真实情况,以及父母 、亲戚对这些孩子的关爱度 ,似乎明白了他们为什么要“出逃”。

City daily reporter ride more than three hours,DianDianBoBo,Along a muddy road access to wipe gun rock village.In the brush gun rock village,Hkej city reporter sees these children family real situation,And parents /Relative to these children's care degree ,Seem to understand why are they"escape".


Use in necessity to describe these children family doesn't seem to appropriate,The house really filled with something,But is all some old sundry,A lamp,A TV,There is no any electrical appliances,Not even a decent bed quilts……


孩子们如何来到城市? The children how to come to the city?

  他们身上没有钱 ,只能靠步行到达目的地,虽然擦枪岩村距离毕节市七星关区的环东路,在地图上只有近30公里的距离,但是这30公里,很多都是泥泞的山路,要一路走来,也绝不是易事 ,但是这五个男孩却不辞劳苦地步行到了目的地。

They don't have money ,Can only rely on walking to reach its destination,Although wipe gun rock village distance bijie city seven cities ring road,On the map only nearly 30 kilometers distance,But this 30 kilometers,Many are the mud,Along the way to,Also is not easy ,But these five boy but take the trouble to walk at the destination.


On November 20th 12 noon when xu 30 points,City bus daily reporters from bijie city to haizi street town wipe gun rock village start,This thought would be a very smooth journey,Results all walked more than three hours.

  一路的行程,一开始还是两车道的水泥道路,但是道路泥泞,比较湿滑,加上弯路比较多,车速也并不快,在这些地区 ,多数村庄都是在水泥路的沿途,但是擦枪岩村并不是在水泥路一侧,而是在两条水泥路的山中间,如果要到达这个村庄,必须要走很长一段的土山路。

All the way trip,The beginning or two lane cement road,But road muddy,Is slippery,Add more crooked road,The speed is not fast,In these areas ,Most of the village are all in a cement road along the path,But wipe gun rock village and not in a cement road side,But in two concrete path among the mountains,If you want to reach the village,Must go a long road of the soil.


Because heaven rain,These the mud is very slippery,City bus daily reporters access,The car is several times skid,In some places, accumulated a lot of ditch,"Here because is a mountain area,Most of them are fog,Wet roads,Go bad."The driver to city master daily reporter said.

  乘车都需要三个小时,而如果步行,则需要更长时间,并且在泥泞的山路上行走,对于五个十岁左右的小男孩 ,他们费如此大的力气,逃离自己的家,到繁华的城市当一个流浪儿童,讨饭、捡垃圾,到底是为了什么?

Ride all need three hours,And if walking,It takes much longer,And in the mud to walk on,For five about ten years old boy ,They charge so much strength,Escape from his house,To the heart of the city when a street children,begging/Picking up litter,It is for the sake of what?


In the city daily reporter jolt all run to wipe the gun rock village,Have been in doubt the boys choice,If it is adult boy,May be thought of urban areas,But age such a small child,why.


In the afternoon at about 16,City daily reporters came to wipe gun rock village,descend.


家里没有一件像样的被褥 Don't own a decent bedding


All the way the mud,City daily reporters came to wipe gun rock village,The whole village is divided into several stockaded village,Dow brothers live in miao people.


From the watch,The stockade now house construction are old,"Here the roads are not convenient,Basically all is a farmer,Give priority to with grain,So we are here in a very poor."With is wipe gun rock village, Mr. Lu to city daily reporter said.


"This is the five children's grandma's."According to Mr. Lu of the guide,Reporters into the stockade now,In a small with the door,Mr. Lu to city daily reporter said.


With small door lock,There is no one,According to the person in the stockaded village is introduced,The old man a total of nine children,In addition to five brothers outside,There are four daughters,TaoJinCai are brothers of the boss,Work out the TaoJinYou/TaoXue yuan/TaoYuanWu respectively is second/Old four and catch.,Home left-behind children are old and TaoJinCai help take care of.


Along with small again to walk,Is the dow brother's home,Their house,In addition to a large area outside,And just see little grasses and no two,Earth is LeiQi metope,From the door to look into the,Pitch black.


Into one of the,Is TaoJinYou eldest son home,With LeiQi wall of a house,Look into the door,Home is was things,But most of these were some old sundry,There is a lamp,There is a little television,Then no electrical appliances,The rest of the except for a bed,Hanging is full of long red pepper.

  再看看床上,用满是灰尘的塑料布简单搭了一个小帐篷 ,床上躺着一个小男孩,正在睡觉,被子满是黑黑的灰尘,都没有一件像样的被褥。

Look at the bed,In dusty plastic cloth simple take a small tent ,On the bed lay a little boy,Is sleeping,The quilt is full of dark dust,All have no a decent bedding.

  “这还是好的 ,至少有一台电视机可以看,不少家里什么都没有,电灯都没有。”陶进财介绍道。

"It's still good ,At least have a TV can see,Many home nothing at all,Lamp are not."TaoJinCai said.


When the city daily journalist looking for the child's photo,found,In this home,Didn't it a photo of five children.


最多一家有七个孩子 The most a seven children


In the interview process,City daily reporter noticed,Only one room of the small house,Gathered the four or five children,And these are the children of the pottery house,When consulting losing a child three father whether there are other children,Get the answer is,Three people TaoYuanWu children at least,But also have three children,And TaoJinYou most children,A total of seven children.


TaoXue yuan has four children,Three men and a woman,Daughter maximum,Have 1056 years old,When TaoXue yuan a couple go out when working,Is mainly responsible for the elder sister to take care of the three brothers,now,Home but sister,And a six-year-old little brother.


TaoZhongLin TaoJinYou home is the smallest child,TaoJinYou oldest daughter is married,The first son also married,TaoYuanWu of three children,Older children follow their working outside,TaoChong 21:1011 and is at home to go to school,But out of the accident.


These left-behind children in the home at ordinary times are also depend on themselves,They will not to grandma house or uncle,After school,Returned to his own house,Mutual care,And TaoJinCai as a brother-in-law,It is in after problems,Act as a signalling role,Give the child's parents a call.


interview,City daily reporter noticed,These children eat are also some roughage,"Rarely eat meat."A little girl said to reporters.


The outside temperature is low,But in this shabby everywhere in the houses of the air leakage,No warm meaning,At night,If not watch TV,In addition to sleep,Really nothing can do.


The same cold,Same is to take care of themselves,These children chose the city far away from home,A vagabond life,Although in the garbage pick up something to eat,But they think is better than home and eat well,here,They can also enjoy the city's lively,Although does not belong to them.


因为家里穷,宁肯出来流浪 Because the home be poor,Would rather out stray

  “因为家里穷,出来流浪的小孩还真有。”来到擦枪岩村时,刚好赶上学校放学 ,孩子们成群结队向家里走,看到这些孩子,司机师傅感慨道。

"Because the home be poor,Out the wandering children really have."Come to wipe gun when rock village,Just to catch up with school ,The children in crowds to go home,See the children,The driver teacher rhetorically.


According to introducing,In haizi street on the streets of the town,Sometimes will also see the wandering children,Most of these children are home,But the parents do not,Joe old man to take care of,The home be poor,In the child and don't want to go to school situation,They are willing to run out,These children think in large local begging eat can eat to better.


"Last year,In our school there are several stray children,Older than the five boys want to be a little bigger,Most of the time they are to the school dining room looking for eat leftovers leftovers,We also ask them to have a meal,Also because of the home be poor,Nobody tube,In the school wandering about one year,Some time ago disappeared,Didn't appear."Bijie college senior student PengSiYi said.


It is understood,Many children to run away from home,Is the family is poor,Parents left,No one constraint,They choose to think better place.


最需要的还是父母的爱 The most need or parents' love


In fact,These children choose to run away,Really because a delicious,In order to shake off poverty??In their school,The daily noon all is to provide free school lunches,They're at school can eat good things.


Use haizi street ZhenZhen government li wenqi words,In fact they need most is parents' love.


In pottery house in the brother,The poorest of TaoYuanWu home,And TaoYuanWu two youngest son,Which is the most miserable two children TaoYuanWu had three sons,The first son has 1056 years old,Because not to go to college,His wife and working out considering no one to take care of the children,He is in this year when in July,The eldest son brought to shenzhen to go to work,And let his wife return home to care for his two younger son.


but,Let TaoYuanWu didn't think of,His wife after return home,Should abandon themselves and two sons but go to.In September,TaoYuanWu wife come back soon,She chose to remarry,And is renamed remarried,Go to his home village,It makes TaoYuanWu can't accept,The most poor nature is two children,They hadn't registered permanent residence,The school does not accept,Now and not his mother.

  两个孩子完全没有人照看,当他们的堂哥要带他们去大城市时,他们自然愿意接受。“如果他们的母亲能陪在他们身边,照顾他们,这两个孩子也许就不会出走。”李麒就是本地人,想起自己的童年,他称当时自己家里更穷,但是他的父亲在出去打工一年后,还是选择留在家里,父亲希望给孩子一个完整的家,“父亲留在家里,就是陪着孩子,当我们学着其他小孩子出去野时,他会及时管教我们,即使贷款,他也让我们兄弟姐妹上学 ,现在我们家还欠着十几万元的债。”李麒说道,在父亲的影响下,李麒顺利考上了大学 ,成了山村里为数不多的大学生。

Two children completely no one to look after,When their cousin to take them to the big city,They naturally willing to accept."If their mother can accompany at their side,Take care of them,The two children may not run away."Li wenqi is the locals,Think of his childhood,He says when their own home more poor,But his father in the work out a year later,Still choose to stay at home,Father hoped to give the child a complete family,"Father at home,Is with child,When we learn to other children go out when the wild,He will promptly corrected us,Even if the loan,He also let us brothers and sisters to go to school ,Now our house still owe the several hundred thousand yuan debt."Lee said wenqi,Under the influence of the father,Li wenqi smooth admitted to the university ,A mountain village a few college students.


The children stay at home,The adults all work out,They have what kind of helpless?For children,They have how to concern?

