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  当刚开始五个孩子的老师就孩子没上学而找陶进财时,陶进财给孩子们远在深圳的父母打电话,可能因为之前这种情况太多,孩子的父母只嘱咐说问问亲戚就行,并没有想到报警 。其实,孩子父母也是近两年才常年出门打工的,因为当地人多地少,再加上自然灾害 ,家里的经济收入每况愈下,结伙出门打工,实属现实逼迫……

When the first five children teacher didn't go to school children and find the TaoJinCai,TaoJinCai give children far shenzhen parents make a phone call,Maybe because this situation too much before,The child's parents only charged said ask relatives will do,Did not think of alarm .In fact,The child's parents also is nearly two years to perennial go out to work,Because the local people much less,Combined with natural disasters ,Home economic income from bad to worse,Cahoots working out,Is reality persecuted……


孩子丢失,父母并不着急 The child lost,Parents don't try so hard


In five children from the day,Their teacher also found this a few children and didn't go to school,This kind of thing maybe see too much,But the teacher or according to routine,Will kids not go to school notice to their uncle,TaoJinCai.


TaoJinCai the reaction is very dull,Because of this a few children run away is not a two times,He also does not have the heart,Only said it could go out to play,A will be back in a minute,so,He sent the teacher,And the school teacher?,The parents' response,Also no longer dig down.


"When they are not the first time think of alarm,Parents party show indifferent attitude,School teacher is no longer tube."Haizi street ZhenZhen government workers said.


Of course,TaoJinCai and not a little no matter,After all is a few everton-star brother entrust take care of their children,He also want to do brother-in-law obligations.


so,He gave away shenzhen brothers played a few on the phone.


Also may be in his surprise,His brother is also a reaction is very dull,"At that time they said may be looking for relatives to the,population,Relatives and more,And the way is far apart,One to several days to find relatives,Is normal,So they let me ask relatives,Just look for."According to TaoJinCai introduced,This several father heard children ran out of the village,The first reaction is not alarm.Of course,finally,Through the relatives also did not find the children,They finally chose to alarm.


学校的监管在哪里? The school regulation in where?


Five children have four school dropout,A school is often skip classes,Five individual also more than once left the village,Parents is not beside,Cannot supervision,And the school dropout to these and cut class life and what policy?


Through the lee jiaqi is introduced,This is located in the village of wipe gun rock elementary school,Can say is a partial school,Students are around the village/The children in the stockade.At first,The school is equipped with a total of six teachers,A total of six grade school,Each grade a class,this,Every teacher in charge of a class of all affairs,The headmaster is responsible for the entire school of educational administration work.


"A teacher in charge of a class,Also class,Itself workload has very big,Basically do not have free time,But the deal with these cut class/School students,In the more energy."Lee said wenqi,In these two years,In order to reduce the burden of the school teachers,Specially the school with more than two teachers.


"Although added two teachers,But workload is very big still."Lee said wenqi.


To wipe the gun rock village,The children just after school,The children gang gang to go home,And no man escort,Hkej city reporter sees,Some children were not home,But hid himself in the corner playing CARDS.A: why is the teacher is not responsible for shuttle children?Township government and school did not give the answer.For this school teacher,Some villagers is not satisfied,Wipe gun rock village, Mr. Lu feel school teacher irresponsible,Not good to teach children,The school,More what all don't care.


But in fact,TaoJinCai also revealed,The headmaster of the school and the teacher is often the door to ask,And not to the child no matter disregard.Five children in,Only one person in the tao well before six grade in school reading,But poor grades,Often the exam had to part.Five children out of the next day,Namely November 6,School principals ZhouWang with a female teacher together,The door asked about the situation.


9个人三亩地,粮食很紧张 Nine people three acres,Food very nervous


Put the children don't take care of,Husband and wife both perennial working outside,Let children skip classes/Drop out,Even the city to begging,These parents heart is how to think?When the city daily reporter when continue to cross-examine,Findings also have their own helpless.


In fact,In the first two years,Working out the dow brothers,There is not much to the experience of working out all the year round,Most of the time they stay in the village,Sow the land,To support his wife and children,but,They also find slowly,Many up,To relatively less and less,Kind of the food of a little bit nervous.


According to TaoJinCai introduced,In these mountains,To few,Each person can only points to three or four points,9 mouth people family is usually three or four mu,Three or four acres in corn,If is all adults,The food is not enough to eat it."Because it is in the mountains,Food production is also relatively lower,Planting food barely enough to eat,The economic income don't have talked about,Almost no,Sometimes also is kind of point chili peppers and other economic crops to the fairground sell some money,In some daily necessities.


"Before work is also out,Are all spare time a chore,Earn some money,For home use."A villager said.


根本没人照看孩子们 No one to look after the children


Heard that many officials were removed,TaoJinCai and some villagers also feel they have a responsibility,But from the view point of parents,Or parents' dereliction of duty is a big part of it,If the parents can leave a person at home,Take care of these children,May would not be like this.


"The village no parents look at children,No one can tube got,Wild very.You can let the teacher tube?They also can't follow all day."The TaoXing villagers to city daily reporter that way,Children drop out all day/Skip classes,Is the child parents laxity,It's not laxity,There is no one to look after them.


After this matter,The village villagers also reflection,They can't let children,Let the children all day long run mad,It will be an accident sooner or later,But they also want to working out to support the family,Realistic contradictions also let them into dilemma.


At present,The child's condition exactly?According to introducing,Father has children from shenzhen back to order,See the funeral home in children.


According to the relevant person in charge said,The aftermath of the accident treatment work is almost over.Early November 20,,Five young body in the funeral home cremation,Civil affairs departments conveyed greetings to the family and leave solatium.


Stray days,But no one found"Better late than never"Type mechanism how long?


5 the boy died,now,Bijie city the relevant departments to actively respond to,But there is one thing in common,These departments about the most is the future how to strengthen management,How to expand the power.Afterwards just know added,this"Better late than never"Type mechanism how long?


now,Many netizens also in discussion,Lead to 5 boy death dustbin distance flow bin bridge office only more than 100 meters,Distance local police station is several hundred meters.These a few children do have their problems,But ask,At the moment,They should enjoy social security and in where?At present,Although talk about the future,But bijie city is also true that should be in the lessons of reflection,Construction relief stations,Set salvage telephone,Many department linkage perfect beggars personnel placement method.In fact,The main one,Are these things into effect,Don't be talking.


After the incident,Bijie municipal party committee/The municipal government also made the relevant response,The responsible person said,For five boy's death very distressing,The incident exposed bijie city in the social management/Social assistance and the learning control are dropping out the weak link.Bijie will draw lessons,Improve and perfect the active rescue work linkage mechanism,To strengthen school management,Carefully carry out the street children love/Left-behind children of aid work.


At the same time,Bijie municipal party committee/The municipal government in this event to responsible for the leadership and management responsibility of the relevant departments and personnel for the serious processing.


In a bijie city seven cities people's government office file,Have a seven cities people's government office about print and distribute bijie city seven cities relief for vagrants and beggars detailed rules for the implementation of the management of the notice.In the notice of article 4,Public security/Civil administration/financial/health/Urban management/Transportation departments and and villages office shall, within their respective functions, good correlation work.The public security organ and the relevant departments work researchers found that when vagrants and beggars,Should inform the/guide/Escort vagrants and beggars to civil administration department.


Notice time is on September 30, 2012,Before the,For vagrants and beggars,The area also issued a way,But reality,Begging children is at hand,Relevant departments have found.


In an interview with wipe gun rock village,City daily reporters school teacher,Want to know meet children drop out for a long time,Schools should be how to deal with,But got the silence of the answer.


And guizhou provincial director HuoJianKang said,This incident reflects the education work in many shortage.Five children,Four people to drop out,If the sense of responsibility and management level of the real in place,Real timely/Repeatedly and parent or guardian and related department communication,It is possible to avoid the tragedy.


In the concrete measures,The provincial"Accused of dropping out the learning"As a compulsory education balanced development the primary evaluation index,And into the party and government leadership education at or above the county level for the main work supervision appraisal primary content.Starting from the next year,Primary school dropout rates did not control within 2%,Junior high school dropout rates did not control within 3% person,implement"One ticket veto".implement"Accused of dropping out the learning""double"Target responsibility system,Governments at all levels and the villagers' autonomous organization for a line,Education department and school/Parents for a line,Layer upon layer sign responsibility,implement"Accused of dropping out the learning"responsibility.


In addition,Pays special attention to the migrant workers SuiQian children and left-behind children receive compulsory education work,Perfect compulsory education student system,To construct a group of acceptance of rural migrant workers in SuiQian children's schooling school,To offer them to receive compulsory education good environment.Establish school reporting system/Dropout report and mobilization of reinstatement system.
