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贵州辍学率反弹 5名孩子有学上或许不会闷死--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  贵州省毕节市5名男孩垃圾箱死亡事件牵动人心。19日夜间,毕节方面公布了5名死者的身份信息:陶中林,男,13岁;陶中井,男,12岁;陶中红,男,11岁;陶冲,男13岁;陶波,9岁。5个孩子都住在临近的七星关区海子街镇擦枪岩村,他们的父亲是三兄弟。 Guizhou province in bijie city five boy dustbin deaths affect the heart.19 the night,In bijie released five the identity information:TaoZhongLin,male,13 years old;Pottery middle well,male,12 years old;Ceramic in red,male,11 years of age;TaoChong,Male 13 years old;taupo,9 years old.Five children live in neighboring seven cities haizi street town wipe gun rock village,Their father is three brothers.


According to the two were killed the father of the child TaoYuanWu is introduced,Five children has four in school dropout state,The teacher repeated the door or make a phone call to the mobilization,They are"Bad grades,Don't want to read"Refuse to go to school.

  也许他们有学上就不会死…… Maybe they have learn to go up would not have died……


 从“4名孩子辍学”看 “贵州省辍学率大幅反弹” from"Four children drop out"see "Guizhou dropout rates rebound sharply"


According to media reports in guizhou province July of this year:Guangdong provincial statistics show that compulsory education stage student dropout rates rebound sharply,The bijie city in early 2011 dropout rates up to 6.99%,This number higher than the entire province average level.

  2011年贵州省全省初中阶段学生辍学率为5.07%。其中毕节(6.99%)、安顺(6.31%)、六盘水(5.88%)、黔东南(5.53%)、黔西南(5.24%)等5个市(州)超过了全省的平均水平。35个县(市、区、特区)初中阶段学生辍学率超过5%,而望谟(14.46%)、水城(10.46%)、普定(10.33%)3县甚至超过10%。 【查看详情】

In 2011 the province guizhou province in the junior middle school stage student dropout rates is 5.07%.The bijie(6.99%)/anshun(6.31%)/liupanshui(5.88%)/qiandongnan(5.53%)/QianXiNa(5.24%)Five city(state)More than the average level of the whole province.35 counties(city/area/zone)The junior middle school stage student dropout rates of more than 5%,And as wangmo(14.46%)/watertown(10.46%)/puding(10.33%)Three county and even more than 10%. [Check the details]


从“孩子称成绩不好,不想读书” 看“毕节市农村中小学教学质量下滑” from"The child says bad grades,Don't want to read" see"Bijie city of rural primary and secondary school teaching quality decline"


According to the two were killed the father of the child TaoYuanWu is introduced,Five children has four in school dropout state,The teacher repeated the door or make a phone call to the mobilization,They are"Bad grades,Don't want to read"Refuse to go to school.

  而《贵州政协报》2009年刊发毕节市阴底中心校副校长朱祥福的文章《浅析毕节市农村中小学教育教学质量下滑的原因及对策》指出:纵观近年来毕节市农村学生的在校表现和中考成绩,发现学生素质一直呈现下滑趋势,"这种持续了六七年的农村教育质量普遍下滑的现状,已经引起各级政府、教育主管部门、学校教师以及社会有识之士的密切关注和高度重视"。 【查看详情】

and[Guizhou political consultative conference report]Published in 2009, bijie city Yin bottom ZhongXinJiao vice President ZhuXiangFu articles[Bijie city, the authors of rural primary and secondary school education teaching quality declining reasons and countermeasures]Pointed out that:Review in recent years bijie city rural students' school performance and tests the result,Found that students' quality has been tends to decline,"This lasted 67 years of rural education quality present situation of general downturn,Governments at all levels have cause/Education departments/School teachers and social insight close attention and high attention". [Check the details]


从“孩子为什么上学难”看“农村学校撤点并校十年之痛” from"Why did you come to school children difficult"see"Rural schools from point BingJiao ten years of pain"


From 2000 to 2010,In China's rural,On an average day will disappear 63 primary school/30 teaching school/3 junior high school,Almost every one hour,Disappear four rural schools.In 2001, the state council issued[The state council on the foundation education reform and development decision]documents,"From point BingJiao"The torrential rain swept China as the vast rural areas,Become a local government"carnival"."No school village is like no child family",After ten years,Rural didn't loud,Didn't angry,Don't hope,That left only the old man and the dog……[Check the details]


两律师申请公开"五少年死亡事件"工作细节 Two lawyers for application for public"WuShao years deaths"Work details


On November 19 day and night,Five young after the death of the third day,Media reports the day after,Guizhou bijie city propaganda department released five children names and addresses,At the same time, the relevant person in charge expressed"Serious processing",But the specific details of the case,Still have not announced.


At present,Bijie city to declare to the relevant person in charge"Serious processing":Seven cities in charge of civil affairs work deputy district head tang XingQuan and education work in charge of the deputy district head GaoShouJun suspended inspection.District education bureau party secretary/Director zhang Yi,District civil affairs bureau party secretary/Bureau telephoto the,Haizi street town deputy secretary of the party committee/Haizi street town mayor jose yuan xing,Haizi street town deputy mayor LiuHongXi,Haizi street town ZhongXinJiao principal WuKangQin,Wipe gun rock CunGan groove primary school principals ZhouWang,6 per capita was removed.

  北京市瑞风律师事务所律师李方平和江苏志仁律师事务所律师封顶分别致信贵州毕节市公安局和教育局,申请公开两部门在处理五少年"被闷死"一事中的工作细节。内容包括:"1.五名儿童是否是留守儿童?当地教育部门为保障留守儿童接受义务教育,采取了哪些帮扶措施?2.有一名儿童未辍学,他所在学校在发现学生离校或旷课后,教育部门及学校采取了哪些应对措施保障这名儿童的受教育权利?3.七星关区的城乡辍学率分别是多少?五少年中有四名儿童辍学,他们辍学的具体原因是?教育部门及学校采取了何种措施保障这四名儿童在义务教育阶段的受教育权?是否有政府官员因为未能保障这四名儿童接受义务教育而依《义务教育法》等法律法规受到处理?4.区教育局局长张羿被免职的具体理由是?" 【查看详情】

Beijing lawyer of ruifeng li peace jiangsu shiki kernel law firm lawyers are capped written guizhou bijie city public security bureau and the bureau,For application for public two departments in the treatment of WuShao years"suffocated"Work in the details.Content includes:"1. Five children is left-behind children?The local education department to ensure left-behind children to receive compulsory education,Take what supporting measures?2. Have a child not to drop out,His school in found that students who leave school or after cut class,Education departments and schools to take the measures which guarantee the child by education rights?3. Seven cities dropout rates in urban and rural areas were many?WuShao years have four children drop out,They drop out of the specific reason is?Education departments and schools to take what measures to guarantee the four children in compulsory education stage of the right to education?If there is a government officials because they could not guarantee the four children receive compulsory education and in accordance with the[Compulsory education]By processing and other laws and regulations?4. District education bureau chief zhang Yi ousted the specific reason is?" [Check the details]


贵州建立控辍保学措施 要求家长督促辍学生返校 Guizhou to establish control dropping out the learning measures urged parents urged back to school dropout

  贵州省毕节市5名男孩垃圾箱死亡事件暴露了留守辍学儿童管理中的一些问题,贵州省教育厅20日下发紧急通知,将建立更加严格的"控辍保学"措施。贵州省教育厅厅长霍健康表示,这起事件对教育部门和学校教训深刻,令人痛心,是一起悲剧,反映了教育工作中的诸多不足。5名孩子中,有4人辍学,如果责任心和管理水平真正到位了,真正及时、反复地与家长或监护人及相关部门沟通,就有可能避免悲剧发生…… 【查看详情】

Guizhou province in bijie city five boy dustbin deaths exposed the left-behind children drop out some problems in the management of,Guizhou provincial 20 issued an emergency notice,Will build more strict"Accused of dropping out the learning"measures.Guizhou provincial director HuoJianKang said,This incident to education departments and schools teach deep,painfully,Is tragedy together,Reflects the education work in many shortage.Five children,Four people to drop out,If the sense of responsibility and management level of the real in place,Real timely/Repeatedly and parent or guardian and related department communication,It is possible to avoid the tragedy…… [Check the details]
