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15岁少女辍学种地养家 祖孙三代均无血缘关系--亲稳网络舆情监测室

15岁少女辍学种地养家 祖孙三代均无血缘关系 罗春梅在家做饭 通讯员 杨世江 摄 LuoChunMei cooking at home YangShiJiang correspondent perturbation 15岁少女辍学种地养家 祖孙三代均无血缘关系 昨日,彭水县小厂乡大河村,罗春梅正扛着大捆柴火回家。 记者 蒋雨龙摄 yesterday,PengShuiXian small factory township the river village,LuoChunMei is carrying a big bundle of firewood to go home. Reporter JiangYuLong perturbation 15岁少女辍学种地养家 祖孙三代均无血缘关系 爷爷望着挑水孙女 Grandpa looked at is granddaughter


yesterday,Days cold stiff inroads,15 years old girl peng LuoChunMei finish feeding pigs ran after the hillside,Agile ground pulled out a few days ago a cut wood,With two root cane bundle of good,Will weigh 50 jin wood carry on the shoulder……In fact,From the age of five,LuoChunMei was small"steward"the,8 years, and he scored the almost all the housework.


Dad body unwell,Lying in bed.The 82 - year - old grandpa walks with a walking stick,Standing in front of the house until she comes back……In the three generations of the family without blood,LuoChunMei are cash his promise:Dad grandpa bring me up,I will give them a pension.


15岁少女能扛80斤东西 15 years old girl can carry 80 jins things


Yesterday afternoon,The reporter comes to PengShuiXian small factory township the river village 4 groups.Here is some 1400 metres above sea level,More than 10 minutes walk the road,Reporters have cold face some lost consciousness.


"Spring may,Someone came to see you."Came to LuoChunMei home,Grandpa LuoDeGu on a walking stick,With the reporter comes to the flue-cured tobacco,LuoChunMei is pulling smoke bar.After understanding,Sell flue-cured tobacco is the family's main source of income.


The reporter sees,LuoChunMei height less than 1.5 meters,See strange face was red up."The mu more smoke are you drawn?"Hear the reporter's question,LuoChunMei nodded his head,With dirty hands got just to get eye of bang.immediately,LuoChunMei for reporters show how to pull smoke bar.See her feet of Jordan,Both hands captures smoke lever upwards hard,In less than five seconds out.And the reporter tried it,Results in 40 seconds.


According to grandpa LuoDeGu is introduced,LuoChunMei from 5 years old start housekeeping,8 years, and he almost do all the housework.Until now,LuoChunMei has can carry 80 jins things.


then,LuoChunMei agile ground cut up for firewood.This a bundle of sticks,Seems better than their own weight is heavy.however,For already carry a home for the LuoChunMei,This weight has already accustomed to.And reporters about his story,LuoChunMei every now and then"Luo luo luo"To laugh.Sow the land/To feed the pigs/Bear water……The farm work,LuoChunMei have is a veteran.


Reporters saw,A LuoChunMei hands have played a callous,Rough such as bark,As if wash not to clean at all.


祖孙三代毫无血缘关系 Three generations without blood relationship


"Granddaughter filial piety,Is bitter her",About LuoChunMei,LuoDeGu full of tears.LuoDeGu memories,In 1962,,The most difficult period coincide with the life,On the way he met a 10 years old boy,Ask that his parents died of hunger,The boy alone have become to this,LuoDeGu active took him in,And gave him the name LuoMingQuan.after,LuoDeGu found the boy congenital mentally retarded disease,Even the money will not recognize.but,He did not abandon this son.


In 1997,,LuoDeGu the oldest,Have dry still live,All by helping relatives.Before Chinese New Year,Relatives for the father and his son prepared a lot of food,LuoDeGu let the son LuoMingQuan walk back home.In the home after stream township on the way,LuoMingQuan suddenly heard mountain road from fissure in baby crying.LuoMingQuan ran over to check,Discovery is a baby girl,Then he picked her home.


Although the family poverty,But see this lovely baby girl no one to take care of,LuoDeGu decided to adopt her granddaughter,Named spring may."Spring may come to my house,The father and his son is our biggest blessing!"LuoDeGu a face of said excitedly.


About LuoChunMei,LuoDeGu kept good boast.LuoChunMei 5 years old,The size of the home affairs,Even money,The hands are made by her.LuoChunMei 8 years old,Because dad is in poor health,Is often ill,Grandpa is almost can't do heavy work,LuoChunMei began to hold up the home,For almost all the farm work,Also taking care of my grandfather and father.


"2 am,I got up and saw the room lights on,Ask just know,She is still in doing his homework",LuoDeGu said,At that time,While studying LuoChunMei do housework,So often morning after washing clothes,Then begin to do homework.Two years ago,Small factory township middle school moved to 30 inside,Because the lap time is too long,Add economic some embarrassment,LuoChunMei had to drop out at home.


种15亩地一年收入2万多 Kind of 15 acres an annual income of more than 20000


After school,LuoChunMei kind of 15 acres,Have the three pigs."I planted more than 6 acres of flue-cured tobacco,Other land kind of potatoes/corn/Red tiaoxi",LuoChunMei said,Good harvest this year flue-cured tobacco,With the help of the CunZhiShu LiuXiuQuan,Flue-cured tobacco sell a good price,Income 20400 yuan.


LuoChunMei knead the hands of money,Appear very happy.Grandpa also laughed,For she said:"Spring may,To give yourself some of clothes."LuoChunMei happy nod,She finally replaced their own patch clothes.


"before,She won't give oneself buy clothes,Her dress was torn and wear",Branch secretary liu introduced,Before LuoChunMei wear clothes is a gift of old clothes,She didn't abandon,Washed wear,Broken mended the then wear.


保存课本还想接着读书 Save text still want to then reading


About reading,LuoChunMei certainly said,She wants to have a chance to read and then.then,She took the reporters came to her room.The reporter sees,She put the middle school textbooks preserved very well.In the textbook,Also put a laptop,It filled with students remember the telephone number,Exactly five pages.


"Always in contact,They often came to see me",LuoChunMei said with a smile,She is miss students,Also miss the teacher,More miss class.but,My grandpa/Dad poor health,Home if without her,Will support can't get up,She had to choose to stay guardian grandpa/dad,And this broken is full of warm home.


In this notebook,LuoChunMei also copy some magazine good joke:"If tomorrow beat the palm,Please don't be afraid,I would like to have been cheated on you,Accompany you standing until the morning."When the reporter saw this sentence,LuoChunMei blushed,Shy in flank has been"silly"smile.


延伸 extension


政府重点帮扶 The government key supporting


希望这个家越过越好 Hope this home across the better


"school,LuoChunMei every morning the most late to school,First home",CunZhiShu LiuXiuQuan said,In order to do more to live,LuoChunMei get up early to do some go to school,Come home from school and then dry.


In LiuXiuQuan eyes,LuoChunMei is a good boy,Is also a good family.These years,In LuoChunMei under the strong support,The three generations of the family did not collapse adjustment,And the day is better than before,Warm always is the important features of the house,"Every time I come to,All find spring mei in doing things,And she grandpa always smile,On crutches in the doorway looking at……"


"We were moved by LuoChunMei behavior,We hope that we can have more people to help her,Help the family",Small factory township party committee secretary TuoHuaMing is introduced,LuoChunMei respect for the filial piety spirit is worth the whole social learning.


Learn LuoChunMei family situation,Small factory township party committee/The government try your best to let family LuoChunMei enjoy the entire town the highest amount of subsidies,At the same time also is preferred for its considered the disaster relief fund,Holiday also went to her sympathy.In this,TuoHuaMing called for,Hope love people can lend a helping hand,Let the moving house can better go on……

  记者 代庆 实习生 陆娟珏

A reporter and LiuJuanJue interns
