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  新京报讯 昨日,2013年度中央机关及其直属机构公务员录用考试公共科目笔试结束,国家公务员局数据显示,本届国考约有111.7万人参加考试,比去年增加15%,录用竞争比53:1,与去年基本持平。

The Beijing news - yesterday,2013 annual central organs and institutions directly under the civil servants employed examination public course written examination end,National civil service bureau data display,The countries take an examination of about 1.117 million people attended the exam,Increase by 15% over last year,Fool than employment competition,Last year and flat.


25,Countries take an examination of public course written examination in 31 examination district 47 city 987 examination site synchronous KaiKao.Set the examination site of Beijing 148,Involving 16 districts and counties,There are more than 90000 candidates for the exam.


After line measurement and explain theory after the test,The countries take an examination of public course written examination end,National civil service bureau yesterday preliminary statistics show,About 1.117 million people attended the exam.And last year 960000 the number of reference compared,Increased by 157000 people.The countries are expected to take an examination of ZhaoLu of more than 20000 people,When the deadline a total of 1.383 million people signed up,There are 143000 people are examine the qualifications,Finally through the toll at 1.49 million,Hit a record high.And the final reference 1.177 million people for most calendar year.


After the written examination,Relevant departments will organize personnel marking,According to the kingdom test program,In 2013 is expected to 1 month announce results.Results qualified line and into the interview and professional examination personnel list,But through the people club department/State bureau of civil servants on.


现场 field


广东现无障碍试卷 视障者有单独考场 Guangdong is now barrier-free papers have separate visually impaired the examination room


yesterday,Countries take an examination of guangdong examination district first appeared in the visually impaired customization of barrier-free papers and separate the examination room.


XuanHai graduated from anhui filthy,In recent years, three times to enter oneself for an examination national public servant,All because of lack of barrier-free auxiliary for the exam.This year,XuanHai enter oneself for an examination zhanjiang XuWenXian irs a clerk position,He on November 6, to guangdong province respectively people club hall and guangdong province bureau of personnel examination application information openness,Want to know whether guangdong examination district for visual disturbance provide barrier-free papers or work personnel to assist.23,XuanHai received from guangdong club hall reply,Say they will provide for the blind XuanHai alone the examination room,Two special staff to assist,And a big word version of the paper.


8 40 points,XuanHai arrive at guangdong light industry professional technology nosocomial a similar to the teacher's office of the examination room,Staff for its arranged sit chair.For yesterday's exam,XuanHai integral feeling considerate service,Although there are three separate examination room supervisor,But did not feel uncomfortable.The examination site provide him with a magnifying glass/A box of stationery,A desk lamp/A watch and drinking water, etc.


"The exam for me is encouraged,After all the obstacle-free environment had the very big improvement,But for me this level for eyesight deformity examinee,Enlarged edition paper co., LTD., help",XuanHai said,Looking forward to next year have an examination paper,At that time can answer the freely.


And in Beijing examination district,yesterday,Less than 8 point,China university of political science &law xueyuan road campus outside the examination site gathered a lot of candidates.Many candidates holding material use last time to be nervous any review.but,Reporter discovery,There are many examinee near ten minutes before the exam to get the examination site,and"Bare exam"examinee(Before not prepared to or prepare adequately)There are many.Engaged in the IT industry the examinee ling feng hope to have a relaxed stable job,But he told reporters,"Didn't prepare,Over his luck."


释疑 disabuse


国家公务员局回应“职位变苦条件变严” Bureau of national official response"Position bitter conditions become severe"


称细化艰苦地区职位要求,提高报考针对性 Say refining hard area job requirements,Improve the pertinence to enter oneself for an examination


Although enrolment and reference number are added,But this year plan hire number of nearly 21000,More than 3000 last year,The relevant person in charge of national public servant bureau said yesterday,Civil service examination to enter oneself for an examination the whole situation is stable situation.


For the civil service examinations hot reason,National civil service bureau officials say,One is the high pressure of employment.Next year China will have nearly 7 million college graduates,The countries take an examination of take out 20000 jobs unified admit by examination,More graduates enter oneself for an examination is normal.The second is the civil service examination fair justice,is"Glass house"Competition in.The credibility system and operation of the transparent,To attract more people to enter oneself for an examination.


In addition,Civil servants career stabilization,Prestige good,This is also the reason for the choice of many candidates.But some people is blind follow suit to enter oneself for an examination,Some post confirm rate is only 60%.


The two years a lot of countries take an examination of the examinee regrets position change"bitter",Condition change strict.For post Settings change,National civil service bureau 25 said,Countries take an examination of position setting more and more scientific,Position requires characteristics and more clear,In order to further improve the examinee and position matching degree.The ZhaoLu unit compiling employ plan,More reasonably define the position's requirements,Set qualifications.Especially the arduous remote areas position,To work in the refining and instructions,The main purpose is to let the students can fully understand the nature of the work in similar position/Environment and conditions,Improve the pertinence and effectiveness of employment enter oneself for an examination.


试题分析 Item analysis


知识点涵盖广 关注文化发展 Knowledge covers wide attention to cultural development


专家称近几年国考注重考查整体能力,体现对人才综合素质重视 Experts say in recent years countries pay attention to test examines the overall ability,Reflect the comprehensive quality of talents attention


China map education expert analysis,This session of countries take an examination of the administrative ability test topic quantity and topic sequence compared with last year,There is no change.But common sense judgment topic quantity reduce,Verbal comprehension check form also has the change.


行测难度稍有上升 Line measuring difficulty have increased slightly


overall,The difficulty of the subject line measurement have increased slightly.This year there does not appear before the subject rhetorical question way:"And this period not purpose is famous",Requests the examinee should not only find on dry purpose,And increase the examinee to understand words examination.At the same time,Topic rhetorical question way change is big.This year's examination questions rhetorical question is BieChuXinCai way in previous years,appear"Do not suggest that the subject of information"This kind of topic,"Not suggest that"In previous years the setting of the topic is never seen,This undoubtedly requests the examinee reading questions was more careful judgment.


China map education expert analysis,In recent years country examination topic covers a range of knowledge more and more widely,Especially pay attention to the overall capacity examination,Does not exist bias a subject situation,It also reflects the country to the attention of the comprehensive quality of talents.For some"lame"Candidates for,Will need to complement shortcoming,To constantly improve their own comprehensive quality.


申论聚焦文化遗产 Write an essay on focusing cultural heritage


This year exam content is very concerned about the cultural development,Public education in chief research and counseling experts LiYongXin is introduced,Line measuring the first question investigation"1025"Planning the development of cultural undertakings related content.And write an essay on(Deputy provincial cities above and below)The theme of all around in the aspect of culture.LiYongXin introduced,This essay examines the test focuses on the topic of the intangible cultural heritage.Last year the questions which involve moral construction and cultural power content.From this three years of essay examines look,Almost all is culture related topics.


From difficulty to see,Public education in the expert analyzes believed,This essay item difficulty consistent with last year.As countries examination proposition mature,Write an essay on the exam every year there are certain difficulty.overall,Are difficult.


专家说法 Experts said


岗位设置细化 弃考人数减少 Post setting refining abandon examination number decreases


And in the education statistics show,The final exam countries take the exam ratio is 74.5%,Last year to 72.18%.In fact a lot of examinee abandon exam has become a common phenomenon.In recent years about thirty percent every year examinee abandon exam.Such as last year,1.33 million people signed up,The final reference only 960000 people.


China map education expert introduction,Many candidates for career planning is not clear,Blind follow suit the candidate is not a few,Some candidates and no preparation,Final choice abandon exam.There are also some candidates morning exam is not too well,Afternoon choice abandon exam.At the same time,From the start/Qualification examination/Pay cost, and other links of,There are some students may not through the qualification examination,Or because of mistake fail to reference.


Since 2011 the data to see,This three years"Countries take an examination of"Reference rate promoted step by step,Abandon exam candidates began to decrease.Public education in the expert analysis,Countries take an examination of the position requires more refining,Policy conditions change,Make the examinee enter oneself for an examination the more cautious.And through these years countries take an examination of heat,The examinee have gradually started to reason.This case,Adhere to the examinee enter oneself for an examination,Often is the exam will more strongly,Abandon exam smaller possibility.On the other hand,KaoLu policy increasing punishment,Also to a certain extent, reduce the number of abandon exam.The country builds civil servants employed exam discipline violations and integrity archival.The examinee in public or give up the record after employment qualification or give up the exam on the day of the interview,Will be credited to the credit archives.In archival dishonest behavior record as important credit reference.In any civil servants employed in the exam,Have discipline violations and still in the exam candidates,Can enter oneself for an examination again.

  本版采写/新京报记者 韩宇明 魏铭言

This collection &composition/Beijing news reporter HanYuMing wei MingYan

  (原标题:111万人参加国考 录用比53:1)

(Original title:1.11 million people employed PLA exam than fool)
