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四川为防国考作弊 要求长发女生统一扎马尾--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  今日,2013年中直机关及其直属机构录用公务员笔试将在全国各大城市同时举行,我省15个考点均设在成都,共有2.5万余人应考,竞争最激烈的在川岗位招录比例达879:1。继去年国考首次出现“2+X”模式后,今年延续部分专业性较强单位和非通用语职位招录时,需进行专业科目加试的做法。昨日 14:00—16:00,四川考区的 1382名考生在成都唯一的加试考点参加了考试today,In 2013 ZhongZhi organs and their directly under the body employ civil servants written examination will also be held to major cities in the country,Our province 15 centres are located in chengdu,There are more than 25000 people take an examination,The most competitive in sichuan post ZhaoLu rate of 879:1.The kingdom last year, the first time test"2 + X"Mode after,This year continuations professional strong unit and the lingua franca position when ZhaoLu,Need to undertake professional subjects of general practice.Yesterday and:00-16:00,Sichuan examination district 1382 candidates in chengdu only add try the examination site to participate in the examination.


部分专业科目昨日加试 Part of the professional course, general yesterday


Yesterday afternoon,Is located in chengdu west big chengdu vocational and technical college very busy.From the province's 1382 candidates gathered here,To participate in public examination outside of the professional course add try.This specialized subject take an examination add try the number 1735 people,The number of the actually realized exam 1382 people.


Last year"Countries take an examination of"first"2 + X"mode,That exam content in addition to past administrative ability test and explain theory,For professional strong unit and the language ZhaoLu position,Enter oneself for an examination personnel will also unified to participate in professional course exam or foreign language proficiency test.This year,Including the banking regulatory commission (CBRC) and securities regulatory commission and seven non lingua franca position still included in the special professional sequence need to add try,The banking regulatory commission (CBRC) below are five professional,Securities regulatory commission below are four professional.


questions"Don't easily"


在读研究生都是蒙着答 Graduate students are covered answer


Afternoon 4 when,Professional course add try the end of the exam,The examinee a bobo gushed out,Two or three caravans or and wait for already a long time of relatives and friends leave together.A dealer classmate told reporters,She enter oneself for an examination of the banking regulatory commission (CBRC) is under the supervision of the professional,The position corresponding questions are the objective questions,60 way single topic/30 way multiple-choice questions,Plus 10 ways to choose English reading comprehension,"The difficulty of English reading comprehension is equivalent to the six level of test,Paper overall difficulty medium."


Reporter random interviews with most of the examinee is also the same view,Said item difficulty medium.But an electronic hkust's graduate students said,She enter oneself for an examination the CSRC is the computer post,Because holding to play the attitude of the soy sauce,Found in securities regulatory professional problem won't answer,"I am covered the answer."


"Add try not shown purpose too hard,But a wide range,Involved legal/Psychology and human resource all aspects,"Examinee liu said,She enter oneself for an examination of the banking regulatory commission (CBRC) is the comprehensive post,Finish the feeling after topic"No point professional background and comprehensive knowledge reserve,Answer difficult to writing."


Prevent high-tech cheating


长发考生统统扎起马尾 Long hair examinee all bind up horsetail


On one side is the examinee regrets professional examination"Exam out of the level",The other side is more than one thousand candidates for this service organization staff is always busy.A participate in the invigilation teacher said,Before the exam, school devoted to the supervisor for the training,The examination site outside the traffic order, please also traffic police special maintenance.


as"Countries take an examination of"Officially opened the prelude,The examination strict supervision.In order to prevent high-tech cheating,Reference long hair all candidates for bind up horsetail.Before the exam,School special prepared a batch of rubber band,For spare rubber band finished,Test affairs researchers also temporary bought more than 200 a spare."Now high-tech cheating means bad,Bind up horsetail can prevent the examinee to wear miniature headset."Relevant personage introduces,Today's exam is still will require long hair girl firm horsetail.


In addition,The examination room inside also banned the examinee with mineral water.Appear on the market at present the looks and ordinary bottled drinks without any difference between beverage bottle receiver,When the cheaters will in the bottle of water to drink to a certain location,Using optical principle,The rest of the water can be used as amplifier,Will the information in the screen display.To prevent this kind of cheating,In the examination room are not allowed to take an examination of the mineral water bottles on the table.


2013年国考特点 In 2013 countries characteristics test


"Three tenors"


According to the state civil servants ZhaoLu authority news releases,This year the number of ZhaoLu breakthrough 20000 people,Hit a record high,Last year more than 17941 people,About 11.5% growth.


ZhaoLu increase in the number of people,Certainly will mean more people join in the countries take an examination of force,Competition ratio increase.




In the 2013 countries in examination announcement,Explicitly mentioned"to[Recruitment brochure]Of professional/degree/degree/qualifications/Grass-roots work experience and the content of the note information such as the need to consult,Please enter oneself for an examination personnel contact directly with ZhaoLu authority."At the same time,In countries put forward in examination announcement"For in-service enter oneself for an examination personnel,Draw is in an unit to agree to enter oneself for an examination has proved difficult,The ZhaoLu authorities agreed to,Can be in physical examination and investigation provides",Reflects the characteristics of the human kingdom exam policy.


But the announcement of the embodiment/Scientific is also very obvious.




The kingdom of 2013 examination announcement,For the requirements of the grassroots work experience more strictly.In addition to the special position ZhaoLu 100% more than two years work experience at the grass-roots level outside the personnel,On college students' village official services base project personnel's ZhaoLu specific gravity and more big,Reflect the encourage university graduates to descend a basic level of recruitment trends.




This year admit by examination authority also revealed a very important information,That is"Actively advocating honesty to enter oneself for an examination,On display and record and give up hire qualified personnel to take certain measures to restrain,Constantly perfect civil servants employed discipline illegal personnel information base,Establish and perfect the civil servants employed the candidate credit files",therefore,Students in choosing a post to enter oneself for an examination must be very careful,Otherwise in the future it may be possible to continue to enter oneself for an examination or public service position promotion cause certain influence.
