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北大清华“校长推荐”被指掐尖 江苏两名校退出--亲稳网络舆情监测室


江苏两名校退出北大“校长推荐 Jiangsu two school out of Peking University"The principal recommended"


快报记者昨获确切消息:其中一所是南通的海安中学 Express reporter yesterday was the exact message:One is the nantong county middle school


北大称南京有中学没有申请推荐资质;据称这所学校是金陵中学 Peking University say nanjing have high school do not apply for the recommended qualification;It says that school is jinling middle school

  昨天有传言称,2011年和2012年都参加北京大学“中学校长实名推荐制”的南京金陵中学,2013年没有参加推荐的资格,原因是去年的推荐生“裸分”没达到北大在江苏的录取线。现代快报 记者在采访中了解到,江苏另一所名校海安中学,今年并没有申请北大的“中学校长推荐”。

Rumors yesterday,In 2011 and 2012 were involved in Beijing university"High school principal real name recommend system"Nanjing jinling middle school,In 2013, did not participate in the recommended qualification,The reason is the recommended last year was born"Bare points"Not up to north in jiangsu admit a line.Modern express reporter in the interview to understand,Jiangsu another school at middle school,This year is no application of Peking University"High school principal recommended".


In recently,Tsinghua university clear,In 2013,"Leaders plan"increased"Academic achievement ranked in the top 1% of the whole grade senior high school graduates priority"policy.The two schools of middle school recommend recruit students,MingLi secretly,Seems to be in conveying the academic achievement prior information.Situation how to?Modern express reporter launched an investigation.


新闻事件 News events


南京和南通都有名校退出 Nanjing and nantong have quit school


In 2011 and 2012,Jinling middle school are involved in Beijing university"High school principal real name recommend system".


According to the cultural achievement/Comprehensive interview multichannel link,Jinling middle school chose two recognized blue stocking,And they are all being accepted by Beijing university.


Jinling middle school in 2013 not to participate in recommend whether really?


yesterday,Modern express journalists and jinling middle school contact the school,Because of the principal out on a business trip,In many cases the school teacher is not too clear,"We also heard such rumors,But now still do not understand the specific situation."


rumors,Jinling middle school did not enter the 2013 annual north principal recommended,Because earlier recommended candidates"Bare points"Outstanding north fractional line.


Concerned personage analysis think,If really is fractional reason,That means the north"The principal recommended"This system against selection special talents in the original intention,became"QiaJian"behavior.


"If this is so,Still have preferential policies?"A nanjing high school students parents said,This is not"Not stick to one pattern drop talents",Had become"One case a lattice drop talents".


A three parents said,Famous university QiaJian vicious competition between,Is completely some university surface"Hang sheep head",Inner actual but want to"Buy beef"results.


Nantong county in the middle school,Jiangsu province is a top school,In 2012,,Tsinghua Beijing university admission line to the examinee of nearly 30 people.In 2012,,The school also have Peking University"High school principal real name recommend system",And tsinghua university"Leaders plan"Recommended qualification.


yesterday,Modern express journalists get precise information,This middle school,This year and do not apply for the north's recommended qualification.


The reporter understands,In 2012, jiangsu there were 18 middle school participated in the north"The principal recommended",Nanjing including south division attached middle school/South outside/Jinling middle school.now,South division attached middle school and south outside has completed 2013 recommend raw selection,Jinling middle school there is no action.


北大:南京有的中学没申请 north:Nanjing some middle school didn't apply for


yesterday,North jiangsu recruitment groups to the modern express reporter has sent a written response.The said,This may not be the recommendation system using application system,And implement dynamic management.This year,Nanjing some middle school more than deadline 1 months did not submit the application,Unearned qualification.North welcome to have actual strength and intend to middle school next year continue to apply for,Peking University to recommend excellent graduates.


He introduced,Jolly, school to middle school and my name,To Beijing university admissions office submit[Beijing university in 2013"High school principal real name recommend system"Middle school application form].Beijing university autonomous enrolment committee of experts according to the middle school running characteristics/The students' quality or ever recommend students in Peking University factors such as performance,To file an application of middle school for review.

  至于北大看中的“校长推荐生”究竟是什么样的学生,北大在回应中称,推荐的学生应当是综合素质全面、学科成绩突出、志向远大、具备发展潜能、社会责任感强的高中毕业生。也就是说,综合素质、学业成绩或者学科特殊才能都是可以被认可的。有的学校推荐的学生在综合素质、学业成绩或者学科特殊才能这几个方面都没有达到要求,这种情况下北大会对中学的申请做出相应的处理。 北京大学根据中学校长所推荐学生的具体情况,安排初步审核评价和面试,进行中学校长实名推荐制候选人认定。获得认定资格的考生,在高考录取时最高可享受降至当地本科一批控制分数线录取的优惠政策,并在专业录取过程中享受相关优惠政策。

As for the eyes of Peking University"The headmaster recommend raw"What exactly is what kind of student,In response to the Peking University said,The recommended students should be comprehensive quality comprehensively/Discipline result prominent/ambitious/Has the development potential/Social sense of responsibility strong high school graduates.That is,Comprehensive quality/Academic achievement or subject special talent can be recognized.Some schools recommended students comprehensive quality/Academic achievement or special subject to these aspects are not up to par,This kind of circumstance north will to middle school application makes the corresponding treatment. Beijing university high school principal recommended according to the specific circumstances of students,Arrange preliminary audit evaluation and interview,For high school principal real name recommend system that candidate.An accredited examinee,In the college entrance examination admission can enjoy the highest drop to the local undergraduate a batch of control admitted fractional line of preferential policies,And in the professional admission process enjoy relevant preferential policies.


焦点关注 focus


北大清华推荐难逃“掐尖”怪圈? Peking University and tsinghua university recommend not escape"QiaJian"circle?


"Although the recruit students say words is very beautiful,But it should be a kind of QiaJian."A key high school principal said,At present tsinghua's plan is to directly,Now that gave,Give the students chance to participate.but,Peking University requirements active declaration,Situation is not quite same.


北大:重特长到重成绩 north:Heavy specialty to heavy result


The 2010 Beijing university"High school principal real name recommend system"The implementation of the measures,Peking University officials voice says:Recruit comprehensive quality excellent or discipline specialty outstanding high school graduates.made"Real name recommend system"The high school principal qualification to recommend excellent student at Peking University,Students through the north related department after the audit,Don't take written examination can directly into north interview stage,Through the interview obtain drop 30 points of preferential admission.


By 2011,There are 16 middle school in jiangsu province on the list,For most of the provinces in the middle school.This year,Require a change:Comprehensive quality comprehensive/Discipline result prominent...Which made the outstanding academic performance.


Officials said,From the subject specialty to discipline result,Here are some larger difference."Partial to/GuaiCai affirmation is a subject compared with speciality,But subject made outstanding achievements,Is coco scores are good traditional good student."


清华:成绩需年级前1% tsinghua:Results to the top 1% of the grade


In 2012,,Tsinghua university launched"Leaders plan",And a drop is 60 points.And north also increased strength,The minimum down to this a line.But in 2012 a year of release,Some schools recommended students,And did not reach the university ideal score.Officials guess,The school policy may be tightening.


Indeed as expected,Tsinghua university announced in 2013"The new one hundred year plan"Related policy,the"Leaders plan"selection,increased"Academic achievement ranked in the top 1% of the whole grade senior high school graduates priority"policy.Officials made it clear that,As for high school students,Academic achievement most can reflect whether or not a student has in its should devote major effort career achievements made people leader in quality.


But north,Although do not yet have culture performance requirements of the specific standard,But at the same time with tsinghua Beijing university recommended qualification of middle school,Some automatic to recommend raw performance requirements,Move into the same and tsinghua,For the top 1% of the grade.


“他们都要高分学生” "They will all be high scores students"


A school supervisor in charge of the said autonomous enrolment recommended,To independent recruitment of students school,All is to high scores of students."If the same strength of the two universities,Accounting may be more,We give the students more which school."But school officials also misery,Students choose what university,Have the autonomy,Not for the middle school students of.


Beijing university"High school principal real name recommend system"requirements,High school principal signing your name recommend,And every year in high school by name,The headmaster's big names impressively in them.


yesterday,Modern express reporters more than the high school principal but no one dare say,The list is supposed to be his word.usually,The school should pass culture performance ranking,Let meet the conditions of the excellent student registration,Then by school principal chamber members/School middle-level,Interdisciplinary masters,And even the social people/students/Parent, etc huge lineup,Public witness the generation of person.And in the produce after candidate,In the campus public seven days,"This process is very complicated,so,Later, tsinghua has‘Leaders plan’,We will give the Peking University and tsinghua university have put together to choose.because,These schools are to the best of students,Finally see good student,His ambition is to which school."


新闻延伸 News extension

   被推荐之后 Recommended after考生压力更大了 The examinee more pressure


Beijing university from 2010 the first implementation"High school principal real name recommend system",To the ongoing 2013 high school principal recommended selection,4 times before and after,Two years ago the men down 30 points admission,Begin from 2012 down to this a line.And in 2012,Tsinghua university"Leaders plan"launched,The presenter college entrance examination can drop admit 60 points.


but,As to the examinee,Even won the recommended qualification,Days also seems to be having a hard time.In 2010 the first north recommend raw,Modern express reporters understand the six of the university entrance exam of,In addition to a get a high score,The other five outstanding 400 points.A party parents said,This is because the pressure is too great,Children feel heavy responsibility,The good want to take an examination of the failed the exam.


At present some independent recruitment selection,students/parents/The school,Pressure are of great."Finally still want the university entrance exam."So some of the students,Some schools,Even give up the opportunity to autonomous enrolment.


Education experts:Autonomous enrollment into advance"Ring students"

  21世纪教育研究院副院长熊丙奇 教授称,现在的自主招生,没有给偏才、怪才更多机会,而且演变成了一种抢生源的手段。“学生参加了自主招生,还要高考。而一旦通过自主招生,就是承诺要报某所学校,大学就把学生提前‘圈’起来了。”

The 21st century education institute, vice President of the XiongBingJi professor says,Now the autonomous enrollment,Don't give partial to/GuaiCai more opportunities to,And evolved into a means of the students."Students took part in the independent recruitment of students,Also the university entrance exam.Once through the autonomous enrollment,Is a commitment to quote a school,The university students in advance‘ring’up."


XiongBingJi said,This does not break the original score evaluation system.Even a lot of university,Finally evaluate the success or failure of the autonomous enrolment,Also to record in the students of the university entrance exam for the standard."Including social evaluation,Also see students of high and low points.As a independent enrollment of students,High test scores high,I prove recommend is fair;But the student is the school add cent,That's something fishy going on."He said,If the university entrance exam is still in for a yuan evaluation,Such autonomous enrollment is program problem,Is a kind of variation.


He suggested that,There are two ways of autonomous enrollment,Can let the reform more thoroughly.One kind is can form independent recruit students entrance exam,The examinee by examination results,At the same time apply for many schools,And don't have to participate in college entrance examination.Another way,After the college entrance examination is attended get results,The corresponding university published requirements of the score,To mark students,Can result in many universities independent application.


北大校长推荐 Pku President recommend


2010 requirements:The comprehensive quality excellent or subject expertise prominent


2011 requirements:Comprehensive quality comprehensive/Discipline result prominent


清华领军计划 Tsinghua leaders plan


2012 requirements:ambitious/The pursuit of excellence/excellent/Quality comprehensive


2013 requirements:Academic achievement ranked in the top 1% whole grade is preferred


中学如何操作 Middle school how to operate


1. Row cultural achievement,Let the excellent student registration


2. Through the school principal chamber/middle-level,Interdisciplinary masters/Such as parent witness person produce


3. Produce candidate for 7 days after publication on campus
