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甘肃“倔强”教师病魔缠身 受助学子爱心解囊--亲稳网络舆情监测室

甘肃“倔强”教师病魔缠身 受助学子爱心解囊 何麒瑞老师与同学们在一起。王博雅摄 HeQiRui teachers and students together.WangBo perturbation,

甘肃“倔强”教师病魔缠身 受助学子爱心解囊 何麒瑞老师病重后,学生们前来探望,师生开心交谈。王博雅摄 After HeQiRui teacher seriously ill,The students came to visit,Teachers and students happy talk.WangBo perturbation,


The 46-year-old HeQiRui is a county in gansu province city inn MaZhongXue physics teacher,This year 9 menstrual hospital diagnosed with right knee medial synovial sarcoma postoperative recurrence,The need for a long-term hospitalization.Ruthless disease killed the heart platform of stubborn teacher's health,Let him have to leave his beloved students.Yi MaZhongXue days to all the teachers and students have sent out"Destiny heartless people love for synovial sarcoma patients HeQiRui teacher collection"initiative.


1 yuan/5 yuan/10 yuan/500 yuan……Love money continuously,students/The teacher/interns……You are generous.Compassion donation initiative launched in a short time,By the support of teachers and students,Everyone in this family for extending a helping hand.Just a few days,In the west in the county town of campus,Love money amounts to more than 14800 yuan.


家中的“不孝子” home"And don't"


On November 21st,The author drove to post MaZhongXue,In HeQiRui office met his wife XiaXi cui,Her dress is simple,Keep neat ear hair,Is bending the waist finishing her husband's desk.Simple and easy desk stood a old computer,In the next place a few stack of books,A small bed sheets ZhengZhengJieJie of stack.When the author asked when HeQiRui,XiaXi cui eyes with tears already,She said:"LaoHe engaged in teaching since the job,A heart rush toward on the student body,Even and family have a family reunion dinner opportunity seldom.Her mother-in-law had cerebral infarction,Faint at home,I rushed in,LaoHe but tell me,Wait a complete class,He can come back."


XiaXi cui wipe the tears said:"Father-in-law hemiplegia,Long-term stay in bed.Can LaoHe the graduating class of students see so important,Always said‘The future of the doll than what all important,This is their life event’.LaoHe to counseling good graduating class the university entrance exam,Fundamental those who have no time for father-in-law inspection treatment.later,Or his friends heard the news,This just contact a doctor,Arrange the old man lives in qingyang city people's hospital for treatment.""I often thought,LaoHe heart in addition to his students and teaching work,Still have the house?"XiaXi cui more than once so ask yourself.


“倔强”老师坚守讲台 放弃治疗 "stubborn"The teacher giving up treatment to the platform


Yi MaZhongXue physics teacher liu rong said,What the teacher teaching work more than 20 years,Often right knee pain,Stand difficult,His family/Many friends advised him to the hospital the examination,Were he refused to.This yituo is two years,Miss the best diagnosis and treatment time.Liu rong HeQiRui former students,Today's colleagues,He chose the teachers in this career,And what the teacher's precept are inseparable.


At the beginning of 2010,What the teacher's condition is very serious,He helped his wife,Into the post horse township health centers,Under the condition of without anesthesia,Make the web's pain made three right knee puncture inspection,But still can't diagnose.


In march of 2010,The middle-aged and old qingyang city hospital nuclear magnetic resonance imaging examination,There were tumor suspected right knee.At this time,Difficult HeQiRui were not by disease,With more than a normal perseverance,Resolutely back to the platform,Class for the children.The family saw what the teacher pertinacity would not cure,Will launch the school leader/with,things/A group of friends and relatives take turns to do ideological work.finally,What the teacher or refused all discouraged,And say to you:"This session of the student has not brought out,How can I leave!"


Back to the teaching post soon,HeQiRui condition is more and more serious,Pain can't stand up.family"Stretch the meaning"He had to go to the hospital for treatment.During treatment,HeQiRui even hung up the five number,All have no hospitalization,He still can not let go beloved students and tilling the rostrum.This time HeQiRui family no compromise,They forced brought him to xian tang all hospital to do the tumor resection.the,Attending the doctor told the patient's family,"Xian equipment co., LTD.,,Technology is not mature,Thoroughly cure had better go to a trip to Beijing."


November,HeQiRui treatment in Beijing,Getting better.He said:"In July of next year will be the university entrance exam,I have to go back to give the students coaching lessons".Family agreed after,The situation reflects to the school.The school after careful consideration,Why jiaqi red health reasons,He arranged for him to the academic affairs office work.The heart of the students HeQiRui,In 2011 at the beginning of spring,The school and reflect,Request to teaching a line work.The school leader was his enthusiasm and dedication touched,After careful consideration,He arranged for management school laboratory.


HeQiRui serious and responsible,The laboratory to do in perfect order.At the same time,He active brain,He used all the conditions actively mobilize the teacher/Students use experimental equipment and resources,Continuously improve the beginning ability,Strive to put theoretical knowledge into practice ability,Growing power.His pay and efforts were not in vain,Consensus that the teachers and students,He management of laboratory is"The best laboratory".For laboratory of work,Again he volunteered,To teaching a line to be a physics teacher,For other colleagues or leave for class will do.


病魔再次来袭 学子爱心援助 Disease again incoming students love aid


In August 2012,Disease hit again,HeQiRui with iron will grind to a class for the students.His family was to hide,To students and an extra day,For they speak a knowledge,Many solve a problem.so,He insists that the more than half a month.


One day the end of August,What the teacher's son inadvertently see dad full head big sweat,His teeth clenched hold knee squatted on the ground after the expression of pain,Just know dad was serious,The illness quickly secretly tell mom.At this time,Family again demanded HeQiRui leave,But he refused to push to take off.


On September 17,HeQiRui wife coming to school and education bureau for he asked for leave,It took him out of the podium down,Then go to Beijing treatment.The people's liberation army general hospital inspection of the Beijing,HeQiRui are identified as"Right knee medial synovial sarcoma postoperative recurrence",The need for a long-term hospitalization.May face the treatment list,Family immediately silly eye,"The whole period of treatment need 60 more than ten thousand yuan",The high medical costs to the ordinary teachers for the home,Is undoubtedly a astronomical figures.


Know what the teacher after illness,Yi MaZhongXue the teachers and students in the first time to lend a hand,The organization carries out the fundraiser in love.


Students CaoYaMin said,What the teacher lively.Every time doing the experiment,He is a few days in advance to prepare carefully,Use waste model,Combined with the daily life,funny/Humor for you explain physical knowledge.Now every time open physics textbooks,What the teacher will think of the scene.We take out money,Try yourself most meager strength,Help any teacher,Hope he can get better soon,We can then for a physics class.


Hear what the teacher in hospital again,Once taught by/Now start work of students,From Beijing/yinchuan/Xian, hurried to the hospital to visit;The college students and reading,Through the call/Send text messages to express the form of miss and blessing;acquaintance/stranger,What is the teacher's deeds touched deeply,To do their best to why the teacher a lend a hand,More strengthened any teacher overcoming, determination and the will,Lit his hope for life.

  驿马中学副校长任学谦这样评价他:他永远都闲不住,总是把一切时间和精力都花在学生身上,教学一线就是他的最爱。(李万宝 王博雅)

Yi MaZhongXue vice President RenXueQian such evaluation he:He never'm restless,Always put all his time and energy spent on student body,Teaching a line is his favorite.(LiWanBao WangBo jas)
