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学生花钱求浪漫恋爱成本追着涨 花费如何分担?--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Near the final and most recently the arrival of hire season,Many students complain about this car work hard to find,Difficult to find food,There are spending like cars,the,Spent on"half"On the love cost is amazing."University life open the door seven things:eat/sleep/Internet/love/Make mean/truancy/Make-up examination,He will spend."recently,This article ShunKouLiu in college were spread widely.


For the last few days,The yangcheng evening news reporter also random to 50 shenzhen university students' love cost investigation,In the high cost of shenzhen special economic zone of the college students,Love cost exactly geometry?


统计:男生恋爱消费高于女生 statistics:boys in love consumption is higher than girls


For the last few days,Reporters to shenzhen university respectively/Shenzhen professional technology institute/Shenzhen institute of information technology three university students expansion random investigation,Nearly students were interviewed(It contains 50 love students)found,babe students,In love/eat/The cost of such as luxury goods are unscrupulously,The love is spending on"big head".Students' consumption is approximately the same as that way,Mainly by the board/Shopping fee/Mobile phone fee, etc,Quite a few students in the interview also said frankly that lack of financial management concepts.


At the press random access to 50 students in spending all contains"Love fee",Their love affair less expenses, hundreds of dollars,Many thousands of yuan is also common.the,More than 2000 yuan were eight students,More than 1000 yuan of 28 students,500 yuan of the following few students.Almost all fall in love of students monthly allowance,There are more than 80% of the money in the"dating"on.


50 have love consumption respondents,Many students think,Love consumption is very normal.In the opinion of the comprehensive interview,Reporter found that boy in love consumption common than girls on the high side.Use a student is words expression:"The boy certainly pay for it,To send his girlfriend a gift!,Do men have this responsibility."


Although boys are a gentleman,Scored the most of love spending,but many girls in this consumption is not less than boys."I also not always call collect ah.Will also give gifts,To polish his."Reporter discovery,Girls is to purchase cosmetics/Protect skin to taste/The needs of the new clothes were also on the love in consumption.


Deep big girls little to say,She can have 1500 yuan every month of the living expenses,but with boyfriend all like to eat in the dining hall,Occasionally the weekend will go to outside pinch of a meal.Small to told reporters,He and boyfriend home living in shenzhen,Home every weekend,After coming home are seldom goes out,Are all in school"dating",She in the cost of living in every month"Pinch and scrape"part,As the cost of love."Like some fruit/Snacks to boyfriend,Or buy some clothes/cosmetics dress up yourself."


探源:恋爱花费受得了吗 retraces:Love spending stand


The comparison of college students' consumption level to see:A recent college students by the institute of zhengzhou light industry press corps to zhengzhou 300 college students love costs survey,Zhengzhou university students love consumption are generally not high,Overall tend to"Equality between men and women";Also has the media to many provincial capital university consumption make survey,college students in love in consumption,Little criterion ten yuan,The more than one hundred yuan.


The yangcheng evening news reporter in shenzhen university in love consumption level in the investigation,Found that students who spend a month in love exceeds 2000 yuan is not in a few.No stable economic source,babe but spend too recklessly shenzhen university students,Their love affair cost come from?


A、兼职老手搏命赚恋爱本钱 A/Part-time veteran stroke life make love capital


Shenzhen university small hong said,The school has a li garden morning breeze bbS,Inside there are always various part-time information,A tutor for the,Have called the laborer's.He said,Shenzhen every year there are all sorts of big/Small exhibition,Always recruiting etiquette/Master of ceremonies, etc,basically, every day can have 500-1000 yuan reward,And he is the exhibition part-time"veteran".


Small flood,A 1.80 meters high sunshine boy,Sophomore year,And girlfriend together for half a year,Using his own appearance advantage,Often among all kinds of exhibition do model/Master of ceremonies.He said,because parents give much pocket money,Will 1500 yuan a month."Since the fall in love,Spend the money more,To have dinner with his girlfriend,And to her in the birthday/Day manufacturing romantic,Weekdays will buy something for her,So want to earn money is enough flowers ah."


In addition to small flood,Reporter discovery,Shenzhen university many students have various profitable way."KTV charge/telephone/cigarette/Snacks and love after all expenses is running out."Deep vocational-technical college of XiaoHan told reporters,Like china mobile,Every year on the campus recruitment part-time students,In every branch work personnel,Work according to the hours time calculation,Do more than a month of also can have thousands of yuan part-time fee,"Used to subsidies his pocket money."


B、父母赞助扶持恋爱花费 b/Parents sponsor support cost in love


Quite a few students now"Social cost"rising,In the interview,Have students said,His parents in addition to undertake necessary living expenses outside,even"Love fee"Will also included in the budget.


Speaking of the"Extra sponsorship",cole even himself in distress situation,He told reporters,Parents promised,He love after more than a month to 500 yuan - 800 dollars"Living subsidies".Not only was to have such"Emperor treatment",interview,There are four boys have such experience."Parents are enlightened,And think boys, he should spend some money,If dated for,The more can't drop."cole said,His girlfriend parents also seen,Parents very identity,so,Great party every month to give him some living expenses.


负担:恋爱花费如何分担 burden:Love how to share the cost


college students and some methods of statistic and different consumption,Together with different family economic conditions,Leads to their consumption degree differ greatly.Reporter survey found,college students' love to funds generally divided into three categories:Regulation reason pie/AA sent/Rich pie.


A、理性计划派 A/Rational plans to send


b: mr.zhang qiang(alias),Deep vocational-technical college,junior,Dating two and a half years


b: mr.zhang qiang told reporters,His house in guangxi,Shenzhen consumption than guangxi high too much,but the boys and girls always collision out sparks,He also fell in love almost three years,Over the years,The cause of the pinch and scrape himself,because and girlfriend together,There will always be a month to see the movie/eat/Shopping cost."call us are cluster network,Each month is 5 yuan,Usually see a movie,Is a bulk on the Internet,Now eat will also group purchase."but a: zhang qiang said,He never more than with their parents to a penny,Each month is 1000 yuan living expenses,finished,Yourself to find a part-time job to do.


B、平等AA派 b/Equality AA sent


chenXuan(alias),Information institute,freshman,Dating two months


chenXuan is a very beautiful girl,That day when I see her,She is talking with his boyfriend in the bookstore to buy books.Porch think that now The Times have changed a lot,The girl also can have the money to pay for it."I don't want to always call the boyfriend,One is embarrassed,Everyone not to make money,secondly,I think I can share is willing to undertake together."She said,They have a meal together or go out dinner will basically"AA system".


C:阔绰富豪派 c:Ostentatious rich pie


Liu handle(alias),Deep big,senior,Dating three years


iPhone/iPad,As long as it is apple out of the new product,As a fruit powder liu handle always preemptive purchase,Also can give his girlfriend also a complimentary copy,Liu handle said,In addition to the parents will give living expenses,He himself also near the school classmates and opened the snack bar,"Every month at least 1000 yuan bonus and profit it."Liu handle smiled.


Liu handle said,Dating is he give money,Usually they will be friends to senior restaurant,Also fixed every semester and women friends go out to play."We have been to dubai,been to Europe,been to Japan,Have been to Thailand."He told reporters,Last month he buy my girlfriend a necklace and bracelet all spent nearly $ten thousand.


观点:恋爱很美好,理财更重要 view:Love is beautiful,Financial management is more important


"Love consumption"Has inevitable to become an important part of college students' living expenses,There is even a month students can spend thousands of yuan.Such to the other half of input and spending what reasonable or unreasonable?


Home has children early maturity, the parents liu in accepting the yangcheng evening news reporter to interview,Hear the students love consumption included in the cost of living/When the amount at every turn thousands of yuan,Very surprised.She told reporters,They that s when dating is not that luxury,"Now the students are too delicate,Love also want to one-upmanship."


In addition,Shenzhen a high school teacher told reporters,college students have a certain work ability,Actually encourage them through their own labor to earn these expenses."Love also is the life a good feeling,Everyone should try to go is understandable,but can be more mature and rational to treat."


In micro bo on,Reporters also see a net friend"I'm on your side apartment"said:"Today's saving,Tomorrow is to spend more generous,More happy,Learn to finance is a kind of wisdom."And net friend"Yellow yellow yellow Hh"Also think,college students' falling in love is really big spending,Now things are so expensive,Light is a gift will have to nearly yuan.


Hong Kong sunshine psychological counseling center director of the shenzhen branch/Psychological consultant Yang guang in accepting the yangcheng evening news reporter to interview said:"After entering the university,Is complete adult,A lot of people have been aware of the emotional life and life is equally important.He is willing to pay for the emotion,Do their own efforts,Is a form of pay,From this point of view,Is a good phenomenon."

  杨光认为,现在的父母也意识到儿女懂得跟异性相处也是人际交往的部分,父母愿意提供这部分费用也是积极的一面。她说,可以正确处理恋爱关系的同时,做合理的支出计划,就有了独立意识。(羊城晚报记者 沈婷婷)

Yang guang think,Now parents also realize children know how to get along with the opposite sex is part of interpersonal communication,Parents are willing to offer this part expenses is also on the positive side of the situation.She said,can correctly handle relationships at the same time,To do a reasonable spending plans,Have the independent consciousness.(The yangcheng evening news reporter ShenTingTing)
