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Bijie city, the authors of rural primary and secondary school education teaching quality declining causes and countermeasures




a/Basic situation

  自 “普九”以来,毕节市农村小学升初中取消了升学考试后,不论小学毕业生考了200分或0分,都将全部升入初中就读。这是取消应试教育,实施素质教育的基本要求;是教育发展的必然趋势和社会进步的表现。然而,纵观近年来毕节市农村学生的在校表现和中考成绩,却发现学生素质一直呈现下滑趋势。虽然投入巨资改善了办学条件和教学设施,虽然政府、学校高度重视并加强了以各种新课改理念为主的中小学教师继续教育培训,虽然大中专优秀毕业生正源源不断地输入农村中小学给农村中小学师资注入了新鲜血液,虽然一线教师刻苦钻研新课改理念和新教材教法学法,但却仍然没有收获教学质量提高的硕果。这种持续了六七年的农村教育质量普遍下滑的现状,已经引起各级政府、教育主管部门、学校教师以及社会有识之士的密切关注和高度重视。

since "Nine year compulsory education"since,Bijie city rural primary school/junior high school was cancelled after the entrance exam,Whether elementary school graduates got 200 points or zero,Will all attend to junior high school.This is cancel to should try education,The basic requirement of implementing quality education;Education is the inevitable trend of the development of and the manifestation of social progress.however,In recent years in bijie city rural students' school performance and tests the result,But found that students' quality has been tends to decline.Although invested heavily to improve the educational condition and teaching facilities,Although the government/The school attaches great importance to and strengthen the with all sorts of new curriculum concept of primary and secondary school teachers is to continue education training,Although college outstanding graduates are constantly input of rural primary and secondary school teachers in rural primary and secondary schools to inject fresh blood,Although a line teacher studies assiduously the concept of new curriculum reform and the new teaching materials and the research method,But there is still no harvest the fruits of teaching quality.This lasted 67 years of rural education quality present situation of general decline,Governments at all levels have been caused/Education departments/School teachers and social insight close attention and high attention.




a/The influence of social employment situation.Rural people on employment there is a single know,Employment is national bag distribution.2000 years ago,The countryside student as long as the hard work to read good junior high school,For junior college students admitted to technical secondary school,After graduation can get a"Iron rice bowl"the.Office of the government cadres and teachers,Basic is from the road came.Based on this kind of mistake understanding,In the face of nowadays college students do not distribution of employment reality,Many parents students creating a reading useless misunderstanding.so,Parents do not attach importance to students' learning,Students don't study hard,Makes the improvement of the quality of education facing an invisible insurmountable barriers as the understanding of education subject students lack of initiative,Then, as a leading education teachers how to leading?


two/"Two base""PuShi"Heavy traffic data increase the school teachers' workload,Serious disperse the school teachers' teaching time and energy.In order to meet the inspection,Must do all kinds of business data:Such as cultural census,Culture statistics,Culture account book,The old section student list,There are many other does not directly with the teaching quality of the hook all sorts of data - and these data have been rolling in.these,No doubt increase the burden of a teacher's work,To the improvement of teaching quality caused some negative effect.


three/Left-behind children many problems.Left-behind children learning supervision and guidance is close to zero.Most of them are from my grandparents/Grandpa and grandma care,The guardian of the left-behind children are not accepted the school education,Is illiterate or semiliterate.Therefore for left-behind children learning of supervision and guidance is a blank.and,The lack of good family education,Makes the left-behind children psychology and habits very healthy.The lack of father mother love sunshine,To the hearts of left-behind children cast a shadow;Spoil and pamper,Every generation education lack of communication and communication,Lead to many left-behind children stubborn willfulness,Inferiority withdrawn,sullen.Also, because little self-control,Often infected with on some social evil:Such as smoking and drinking/fighting/Play truant Internet,Even steal gambling/racketeering(On the campus to small students accept protection fee).The public security organ and school teachers,Based on the consideration of protection of minors,And can't take compulsory measures;The lack of a family to participate in the criticism of the induction,The effect is so fragile.So a variety of,To study teaching caused great negative impact,Have led to education quality decline.


four/School teacher itself has some problems.In the management of school there are some unfair phenomenon,Heavy punishment light reward management mentality,Much work is not much - dead tired and idle die work reality, etc,All teachers ambition and enthusiasm hit.Many teachers on title later,Before work as hard work and is responsible for;Education concept and teaching model transformation,Teachers accept and use has to be time;In order to avoid back the corporal punishment student and aggravating the student schoolwork burden"blame",Many teachers to students is laissez faire,Passive management,Learning and not learn/Learn to learn more less as you wish;And the age of the rural teachers increasingly aging,The knowledge structure has not adapted to the education development,these,No doubt restrict the improvement of education quality.


three/Some Suggestions


1/Society to understand and support the work of school teachers.On the current teaching situation of education indifferent is wrong,But blindly attacked blame school teacher is wrong.The current education teaching quality decline,Is the traditional education mode to the new curriculum idea transformation of labor,Is the exam education to quality education change the gap at the tenon,Is the education teaching facilities and the construction of school running conditions to improve a temporary failure,is"Nine year compulsory education"Since all kinds of"software"YingJian data for normal teaching order inevitable impact.Thus it can be seen the glide continuous time is not long.Society should to the current situation of rational analysis and understanding,Help education authorities and schools to take active measures,To school teacher's job will give understanding and support,Avoid down time for too long lead to local education to resurrection and existence"fault".


2/Parents should completely change the traditional single employment concept and to strengthen the supervision of the children education.The diversification of economic development will appear the diversification of employment pattern.With the development of market economy in China and the accession to the WTO into international influence,National unity distribution,Is not the employment spindle.Independent careers,Independent business,Is the inevitable trend of employment.How much more will introduce competition mechanism,Competition mount guard,Break the so-called"Iron rice bowl",Is ShiZaiBiRan.therefore,Parents should education children learn the basic knowledge,Learning skill,In order to future in society based on and development.moreover,Parents to work to make money,For your child's learning and life create a good condition,This I.But ignore the child's health and mental health,Let the child in a lack of parents care under the condition of growth,I'm afraid the loss outweights the gain after all affect is the generation.so,The left-behind children to arrange the supervisory ability and education ability strong family relatives,And often call ask your child's learning and life,Often make a phone call and the teacher communication understand children state of mind,Learning situation,Psychological status,these,Work is parents can completely do it.this,There are many left-behind children education problem may be able to get some solution.


3/Teachers should be home to their own responsibility and improving the important education teaching work hard,Faithful to their duties,conscientiously,Leave no stone unturned to strive to improve education quality and teaching results.Eliminate management of bureaucratic style of work and unfair factors,Relying on the teacher,Reduce teachers' teaching work outside of the burden(If a lot of material can be put in the holiday to complete or by several teachers to local finish),Give full play to the teachers' enthusiasm and initiative,Make a"Cast study help super"Teaching platform,Building an uplifting of the teaching style of study,This is the school can completely do get the city field BaZhen middle school is not done these,For several years and tests the result in the rural middle schools?To set up their own music education often teach social image,Strengthen the communication with parents and contact,Much to listen to the opinions and Suggestions,For the social from all walks of life to understand and support,To improve together education teaching quality.A change to each teacher body,Sense of responsibility is very important,The sense of responsibility is strong,Will be active learning,Active inquiry,Active change the view of teaching and education mode;Will try our best to improve the teaching result,Improve education quality;Will seem to solve left-behind children and safety education and other new problems.(Guizhou political consultative conference report)
