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警方披露虐童老师刑拘释放决策过程 拘放皆依法--亲稳网络舆情监测室

原标题 Original title [  [警方释疑虐童案:拘她依法 放也依法 The police disabuse child abuse case:She put in accordance with the limit with] ]


“浙江温岭虐童女幼师被释放”追踪 "Zhejiang possessing the virgin abuse fine is released"tracking

  新京报讯 “对颜艳红,关她是依法,放她也是依法。”11月20日,在虐童案犯罪嫌疑人颜艳红被无罪释放后的第四天,浙江温岭警方接受采访详细披露了颜艳红刑拘和释放的决策过程。

The Beijing news - "To YanYanGong,Close she is to,She was also put in accordance with law."On November 20th,In the case of child abuse the criminal suspect is innocent YanYanGong 4 days after the release,Zhejiang possessing the police interviewed the disclosure in the detailed YanYanGong XingJu and release of the decision making process.

  虐童案报案人并非家长 Child abuse case BaoAnRen not parents


Wenling city public security bureau XuanChuanKe section chief ChenQiuGao said,Child abuse in the photos on the Internet after exposure,Strong repercussions,Considering the influence of the society at that time,The police on this matter is very concerned about.


According to introducing,The child abuse case BaoAnRen not suffer children's parents,But the land nearby chengxi subdistrict center kindergarten.Because in the initial stage,They are mistaken as the place,Give them the negative effects.


ChenQiuGao said,When found photos of more than 700 a,There are more than ten pieces of obvious suspected child abuse,Such as catch ear make children leave the ground with both feet,Tape sticking to your mouth,The children in the dustbin, etc.According to the clues,The police think that it is necessary to put on record,Investigation are more abuse behavior.


Possessing the public security is the legal basis of the provisions of article 83 of the points,The public security organ or the procuratorate found criminal facts or criminal suspects,Should be done so.


温岭政法委曾问“为什么刑拘” Possessing politics and law committee asked"Why XingJu"


According to the prescribed in article 61 of the criminal procedure law,"In the side or residence have found evidence of the crime"/"Have destroyed/Forgery or confession in collusion possible",Possessing the police"Many times in YanYanGong child abuse event has caused social bad influence,Decided to take coercive measures,Further verification,Gather evidence."


The police to put on record and XingJu decision later,Wenling city politics and law committee deputy secretary Lin had retired life at the public security,ask"Why XingJu the".The police explanation is,Think of the suspected criminal possibility is very large,Need further investigation.Lin explained,Inquiry is not intervention case.


ChenQiuGao introduced,In the choice of charges,The police is very careful,taken"Exclusive method",China has no child abuse sin,In the ruled out deliberately mayhem/Crime of abuse/Insult sin after,Think stir-up-trouble crime compared with.


照片不足以证明颜艳红构成犯罪 Photo is not sufficient to prove YanYanGong constitute a crime


ChenQiuGao revealed,In the case of the qualitative analysis,The police report to relevant department many times,Also consult the legal experts.


In the process of investigation,The police YanYanGong to the judicial psychiatric evaluation,The results show,YanYanGong right mind.


ChenQiuGao introduced,The police after the investigation,Found in the photo and abuse photos related with not much,In YanYanGong and verify each pictures,Evidence is not sufficient to prove that the existing YanYanGong constitute a crime,So according to the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a,Revoked in accordance with the criminal case.


According to introducing,In this case,For stir-up-trouble crime requirements"Disturb the social order",Parties disagree with each other.Some people think that kindergarten belongs to the public,Yan behavior disturbed the social order,Also have ideas that yan just in a small space in violence,And not disturb the social order.


ChenQiuGao said,This dispute case affects the qualitative.


 ■ 焦点 S focus

  警方刑拘和释放决定均独立作出 The police XingJu and release all independent decision to make


Wenling city politics and law committee deputy secretary Lin said retired life,In the case of process,Politics and law committee organization department did not sit together contact and coordination.Lin said,To sensitive events must respect the law.According to his understanding,XingJu and release are the police independent decision.


A local journalist said,Possessing the police and procuratorate are politics and law committee leaders criticized,They shouldn't have said this belongs to the education system LanGuo to.


Wenling city public security bureau director of the political department JiangLiangHua said,"Handling in accordance with the,There is no pressure".But he also thought that,Public opinion concerns is wide,How to improve teachers' quality and protect children's rights and interests is more attention should be focused on.


But from the pressure of public opinion is obvious.JiangLiangHua said,As a case of ChenZhengGuang thereunder,Every day will receive reporters to dial.


XuanChuanKe section chief ChenQiuGao everyday want to collect media reports,Summary together,Online commentary is he needs attention.See support police practice comments,ChenQiuGao always face lit up.


ChenQiuGao admits,If not paid close attention to network,The case would be easier to do it.He said,More than twenty days,Possessing the public security do a lot of work.


 ■ 疑点 S doubtful points

  检察院为何不阻止警方批捕? Procuratorate why not stop is of necessity to the police?


In case the police investigation at the same time,Wenling city procuratorate on October 24, early intervention in investigation.


On October 29,,The police completed a preliminary investigation,Said with YanYanGong behavior"Stir-up-trouble crime",The necessity to material sent to possessing procuratorate.


But the procuratorate and no approval or not to approve arrest decision,The police on November 5, cases to withdraw,Continue investigation.


this,Opinion think,The purpose of the early intervention,Is nothing but"Quick capture fast v.",Procuratorate since already early intervention,Should clear evidence in advance is full,Can approval.


this,Wenling city procuratorate deputy chief procurators HongLingHua said,When stir-up-trouble charges are finalised,Online discussion is very fierce,You can think of,In consideration of the procuratorate."This case is the main program of public security,We have nothing to say."

  动机 motivation

  “颜艳红虐童是想寻开心” "YanYanGong child abuse is to want to make fun of"


A citizen think wen,Female fine YanYanGong changes in the pattern of child abuse,Not only don't think that is wrong,Also photos uploaded,Take these as trophies,Thus he thought YanYanGong psychology has a problem.


In fact,In the case of in the course of investigation,YanYanGong relatives asked for psychiatric evaluation.But the appraisal result is:normal.


Netizens think,YanYanGong child abuse because emotional frustration,Reason is YanYanGong last November 4, micro bo"For some of the fire,All out on the students body,vexed!"West police inspector ChenZhengGuang had denied the guess.


Why should YanYanGong child abuse?ChenQiuGao understand the situation is,YanYanGong idea is make fun of.ChenQiuGao said,Children have a weight of SiWuShiJin,The child catch ear carry up,Easy to tear the ears,Is very dangerous behavior.May cause damage.


 ■ 现状 S present situation

  虐童老师 外出打工未向受害者道歉 Child abuse victims in a teacher fails to apologize


Wenling city XinHeZhen cross pond head at the southeast corner of the village there is a old old floor,A quarter of the house,Is YanYanGong home.16,YanYanGong was released the day has come back,But the next day we leave.


The small courtyard in front of the house was very clean up,Also the new grinding the cement floor.In every window looking,In necessity.


YanYanGong three uncle told the Beijing news reporter,Things happen later,To YanYanGong father yan this friend a great shock.The second day after release,Yan the friends work out,The YanYanGong also away.He thinks,Future work and marriage are problems,This place can't stay.


YanYanGong three uncle say they don't know where YanYanGong.Yan this friend told him,This period of time don't contact him.YanYanGong release,Not to suffer children and parents to apologize.


this,YanYanGong three uncle said,YanYanGong are doing it wrong,Say apology should also,Say I'm sorry not difficult also,But now she would not come out again.


He said,If it were not for the network,Things are not so.

  受害儿童 父母将孩子转到其他幼儿园

For child victims of parents of children will turn to other kindergarten


Jun yan,That is the YanYanGong seized ears from the child's mother feet.She YanYanGong acquit processing results,"Very defy spirit".Let her angry is,YanYanGong even a phone call didn't call her over,Didn't apologize more,Kindergarten also didn't apologize.


Two weeks ago,She took the children turned to other kindergarten.Jun yan said,Send their children to the kindergarten,Children will always hold her thigh,Dare not go in.


Juck son,Has been YanYanGong tape sticking to your mouth.now,He left the kindergarten.


19 in the afternoon,A joint the child's parents say,Another for months,He has to take the children turn away.

事件回放: Event playback:

>>起因:浙江温岭虐童幼师系无证上岗 称因出于"好玩" >>cause:Zhejiang possessing child abuse fine system without card mount guard says because of"fun"


A source says people familiar with the YanYanGong engaged in teachers' professional system without card mount guard,The conditions are confirmed and correct.

>>拘留:温岭幼教虐待幼童被刑拘 拍照女教师被拘留7日 >>detention:Possessing preschool education abuse children were XingJu photos female teachers in custody 7


On October 25,,Yan a suspicion of stir-up-trouble crime,Be the police criminal detention,Another name for female teachers in the pictures of the one,For stir-up-trouble is an administrative detention 7 of punishment.

>>处理:浙江温岭幼师虐童续:事发幼儿园园长被免职 >>processing:Zhejiang possessing fine TongXu abuse:The kindergarten is dismissed calls


On October 27,,Child abuse is a kindergarten teacher yan blue peacock kindergarten the principal has been removed.The local education bureau from public kindergarten transfer hand in the kindergarten management.

>>观点:上海律协研讨温岭虐童案 学者支持"暂不批捕" >>view:Shanghai LvXie discussion possessing child abuse case study support"Temporary not among"


Most experts/Scholars of the prosecution"Temporary not among decision"Be sure,Think from the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a start,Hit and the teacher's behavior into punishment does have some far-fetched.Democracy and the rule of law need all to comply with the law,Method not prescribe is not a crime,This is should stick to the bottom line.

>>观点:专家呼吁设"虐童罪"罪 盘点各国保护儿童法规 >>view:Experts called for a"Child abuse sin"Sin inventory countries protect children regulations

>>当事人:温岭虐童案幕后调查:颜艳红的生活碎片 >>The parties:Possessing the child abuse case investigation:YanYanGong life fragments

>>当事人:受虐儿童正在接受专家心理干预 >>The parties:Battered child is undergoing expert psychological intervention

>>独家策划:教师虐童堪称恐怖片,禽兽如何混进幼师队伍? >>Exclusive planning:The teacher is child abuse horror movie,How do animals in fine team?
