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“国考”41页行测试卷破纪录 申论关注文化繁荣--亲稳网络舆情监测室

“国考”41页行测试卷破纪录 申论关注文化繁荣考生涌入考场准备一试身手 Candidates into the examination room will try

  城市晚报讯 昨日,一年一度的“国考”在全国各地同时拉开帷幕。据统计,2013年度“国考”招录人数为20839人,招考职位达12901个,共有138.3万人通过审核。在连续两年的报考“降温”后,今年的公务员考试报名人数再次出现“升温”,最火职位竞争激烈程度已近“万里挑一”。

Yesterday evening the city),The annual"Countries test"The curtain in all parts of the country at the same time.According to the statistics,2013 year"Countries test"ZhaoLu number for 20839 people,Recruitment position of 12901,A total of 1.383 million people through the audit.In two successive years of enter oneself for an examination"cooling"after,This year's civil service examination registration number appeared again"warming",The fire position competition degree has nearly"".


41页行测试卷破纪录 41 do test volume record


11 yesterday when,Line measurement test at the end of the bell ring ring out,The first foreign language middle school in changchun test,Many candidates are about to finish the paper didn't answer,"Every year line measurement test topic quantity are particularly big,No answer is also the surprise."Candidates WangMingLi said,The 135 du measurement problem,His last ten problem is no time to look at.


Just out of the school gate ShangYue is senior students,She noticed this year examination paper on a detail."This year's line test roll 41 page,And 2012 years‘Countries test’Forty pages long history the most compared,A page."This year's 41 can say once again broke the record of the last country test.


135题总题量不变 135 problem always the same topic quantity


Although the paper pages than last year a page,But always there is no big change topic quantity is 135 questions.Test sequence on last year's common sense judgment/Verbal comprehension and expression/Quantitative relation/Judgment reasoning/Data analysis.


Candidates introduced,Although total topic quantity and order remain unchanged,But there are still some adjustment,First of all,Is judgment reasoning analogical reasoning and five questions.Judgment is 35 problem last year,This year is forty questions.This year's graphics/Definition and logic or keep ten questions,Only analogy a back to 2011 years of the topic quantity ten questions;The second is numerical reasoning this year still did not get.Syllabus although there are numerical reasoning,But this year the test is still a quantitative relation and topic;In data analysis on the problem,And last year's exams increased 5 questions.


申论关注文化繁荣问题 Essay focuses on cultural prosperity problem


16 30 points,Write an essay on the end of the exam,Marks the countries officially ended test.It is understood,This essay consists of eight material,Five questions,Focusing on cultural development and prosperity.The top three materials mainly is to pay attention to the construction of our country basic unit,College students' village cadres to community cultural development will bring change,Grassroots culture construction to the spirit of the people life more abundant colorful.The first - the seventh material is about the Chinese language,Chinese learning is put forward by the influence of the environment,Be not taken seriously,Parents pay more attention to learn a foreign language,Highlight the importance of the native language of Chinese culture.In the eighth materials also mentioned the example of mo yan won the Nobel Prize for literature,Contemporary Chinese literature is reflected to prosperity.


"Cultural development and prosperity is the focus of this essay review,Do a lot of the exercises."Candidates WangTongXue said,This year's essay answer very conveniently,Not at all strangeness.


参加国考为省考探探路 PLA test for provincial exams ground units


Although this year has become the kingdom of the exam"the",But there are a lot of candidates to face a week after the jilin civil service examination."My focus is on 2013 jilin civil service examination,This test is to practise hand."Candidates ShangYue said,The number of test registration countries too much,And the paper is relatively difficult,She and her classmates registration countries test on the one hand is his luck,On the other hand is to experience the topic,Experience the examination room atmosphere,For a week after the provincial exams ground."Provincial exams is my main battlefield."


培训班趁机“抢”生源 Training course which is"rob"students


Yesterday 10 30 points,With the end of the exam of the bell rang,Otc training staff began to action.Their side with a megaphone shouted slogans,Side just walked out of the room to the hand plug flyer.In fact,These personnel in KaiKao before more than one hour in each examination site action.The test finished,They also again hair round,A day of test down to hair round.


Staff said,to"Countries test"Most students will also attend"Provincial exams",So they selected"Countries test"Candidates for target customers,Hair flyer,Hope I can"rob"To more students.


提醒: remind:


明年1月下旬可查笔试分数 In late January can check test scores


It is understood,Public subjects after the test,The central organization department/Human resources and social security/National civil service bureau will be identified the lowest qualified fractional line.In the western region and arduous remote areas position/Basic position and special professional position,According to the lowest qualified fractional line will be policy support.The end of January, 2013,Enter oneself for an examination personnel but by my id number and admission ticket number login KaoLu project site,Inquires the public course written test results.By the time the interview ZhaoLu mechanism to decide,Generally the end of march in 2013 before.
