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广州大学生20多刀砍死父亲 庭审称“不后悔”--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  [原标题:弑父大学生当庭认罪称“不后悔”] [the original title:College students at court action, confessed said"Don't regret"]

广州大学生20多刀砍死父亲 庭审称“不后悔” 阿强的妈妈、姐弟等亲属联名向法庭写求情信,希望法庭能对阿强从轻处理。 Strong mother/Elder sister and younger brother and relative joint to the court to write letter,Hope that the court to strong light treatment.

  南方日报讯 (记者/洪奕宜)23岁的广州某在校学生阿强(化名)举起菜刀,连砍20多刀,将自己的亲生父亲活活砍死。昨天下午,阿强故意杀人一案在广州中院开庭审理,对于检方指控的事实,阿强当庭认罪,其亲属以及学校均向法庭写来求情信。据悉,死者生前对家庭成员多年通过打骂等形式施以家庭暴力,因外遇问题在几年前与阿强的母亲离婚。

Southern daily - (Reporter/HongYiYi)The 23-year-old guangzhou some students strong(alias)Lift kitchen knife,Even more than twenty knife cut,Will his biological father chop down dead alive.Yesterday afternoon,Strong intentional homicide case trial then in guangzhou,For prosecutors charged with facts,Strong pleaded guilty in court,The family and the school are written to the court to intercede letter.It is reported,For many years the deceased family members through the beat and scold forms with family violence,In a few years ago because of an affair with strong mother divorce.


 20多刀砍死父亲 More than twenty knife chop down dead father


Guangzhou is a strong college students,Home and two sisters and one brother.On May 6, this year at noon,Strong father came home from the outside,At that time, strong and brother in the room with the computer,Father rudely by hand bang on the door,And scold the strong.According to the strong statement yesterday in the court,For a long time father often so,Home hard pressed,Father often for some household chores and family quarrel,In the air and their children,Often is abused.


The day he saw his father to keep the door were ringing,From out of the door,The father of the chest and head hit two times.See her son playing Lao tze,Father flustered and frustratedly put words"See I don't get kitchen knife cut you",Then he rushed into the kitchen to find knife.With a genial smile that strong,Immediately to the sister's room took a pair of scissors,Rushed into the kitchen head toward the father taken two times.Two people are looking for kitchen knife,Later, strong first discovered the shelf in the kitchen in the wash one's hands the kitchen knife,The father and his son began to hurt,Are no compromises.Strong robbed the handle,Is a drag to come over,Toward the father head slash a few knife.


Father held his head out of the kitchen,Strong followed up all the way,Regardless of the brother's stop,And the head toward the father cut a few knife.Father not parry,Rushed out of the house,Bumble ran to help neighbors door knocking at the door,Neighbors opened inside door is to ask the reason,The strong to rush,Toward the father a slash,Bloody scene let neighbor frighten to shut the door.Too late to get neighbors help strong father,Can only continue to run a few steps forward,But in the staircase,bear,A head of fall.Strong impact to,To see his father is still moving,He wield the hands of the kitchen knife cut a few times,Then with his feet toward the head father played two feet,See no move,It didn't stop,Pick up the phone call 110 surrender.then,In security also rushed to the scene.

  母亲姐姐流泪听完庭审 Mother sister tears after hearing trial


Prosecutors accused murderer strong,Strong said,He was going to father cut injury."He said that he would take kitchen knife cut me,A threat to the safety of the I……He was like a crazy,I moved my hand."Speaking of his father,Strong indignation mood,"He's family is not responsible for,What is the temper out to our body,Home broke,He also outside to lend usury to lend it to others,And usury will we also."


Strong is a college students,Reading is a computer network professional,Still has one more year of graduation.Who also have never thought,A sudden"The storm"after,He was a murderer.The dock, strong less than 1.7 meters,Thin figure,Facial features a clean,Chin with a little beard,Wearing a pair of black frame glasses.Court he looks very calm,Most of the time is low head,Only in response to the public prosecutor and the judge questions will be looked up,Briefly answer.


When the judge asked strong"Have for their own behavior feel regret",Strong answer"Don't regret".


Prosecutors accused murderer strong,But defense lawyers should be put forward"Deliberately hurt",Because of the strong intention and not want to kill his own father,There is no smoke without fire,And strong in the morbid family especially the father has a great relationship.The court's strong didn't do too much explanation.Originally he bring a statement of repentance,Prepare the final time at court statement,But at the end of the,Still choose silence.


Yesterday afternoon,Strong mother and two sister came in court,Tears streaming down the face and finish listen to trial.Because of the strong have myopia,But in the house of detention can't wear glasses,In order to facilitate the strong in the court for trial,The strong family specially at ordinary times often wear black frame glasses took over.


成长经历 Growing experience

  四姐弟长期遭受父亲家暴 Four elder sister and younger brother long suffering father domestic violence


Reporters from the court to know,Because of the strong father had an affair,In November 2001 and strong mother divorced.Before the divorce,The strong request of the family,To loan to buy a house and write strong mother's name,Agreed by the man owing on the loan.


By 2007,Strong father came back again,Want to get a house to bank lending.Start a strong mother don't agree,Was the noise can't,Can compromise the,But for the man take loans,The man agreed.In 2008,,Strong mother found,Borrowed from the bank loan didn't also,In order to keep the house,Two daughters pay also 300000 bank loans.This year before the,Strong father took up the idea of the house,For three days and two head seek to quarrel,Then lead to strong unbearable the loose.


"Our house is a morbid family."Strong brother said,His father sometimes outer suffer indignities/Relatives don't,In order to these little things will beat and scold mother and child.size,Everyone can't resist,"We are all afraid of parents noisy,Most of the time will only tears,See things serious time away from fear."argument,Father will blame the mother won't make money/Children not filial piety,Also said"Nothing left for children"Words like.


In the eyes of his brother,O brother strong is a sensible/Kind person,Although the opinion to his father,But it is for mother and elder sister and younger brother sake,Is love the family.Brother study hard,Don't quarrel with people fight,No bad habits.Know home economic difficulties,All province province eat with,Sometimes go out are not willing to give up a lift or eat/Buy water to drink,Save the money,As their living expenses.Strong attended the school work-study program,Earn tuition fees and living expenses,Also served as guangzhou Asian games volunteers.
