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12岁小学生没写完作业挨批 留遗书坠楼身亡(图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室

原标题 Original title [  [作业没写完挨批 男孩留遗书坠楼 Haven't finished writing my homework be criticized the boy left posthumous papers falling from a building] ]12岁小学生没写完作业挨批 留遗书坠楼身亡(图)小亮的课本上有一个用涂改液画的图案。南都记者 梁炜培实习生 胡琴沁 摄 Small bright textbook have a use correction fluid drawing design.SMW reporter LiangHuiPei interns HuQinQin perturbation


Yesterday morning at 7 15 points,Small bright(alias)As usual the 16 floor of the house,Family thought he went to school.Five minutes later,His twin brother found brother died after falling from a building.Small light off the window down with an English homework,It was he who gave the world's last testament:"I go to dead,88."

  南都讯 记者刘竹溪 谢亮辉实习生杨强 江辉 小亮今年12岁,是家里五个孩子里的老大,就读于广州花都区龙珠路凤凰中英文学校六年级。“我们平常工作比较忙,孩子主要是姥姥在照顾。”孩子的母亲廖女士说小亮是个聪明孩子,“就是性格有点爱玩,所以成绩不是太好。平常做作业碰到不会写的就不写,或者说忘记写了。我的文化水平不高,六年级的作业也辅导不了。”

SMW reporter LiuZhuXi XieLiangHui interns Yang qiang JiangHui small light this year 12 years old,Is the home of the five children,Guangzhou huadu district in dragon phoenix road school grade 6 in both Chinese and English."We usually too busy,The child is mainly in the care of my grandma."The mother of the child manifold woman says little light is a smart child,"Personality is a little love to play,So the result is not too good.Usually do homework met won't write will not write,Or forget wrote.My cultural level is not high,Six grade assignments are not guidance."


The day before yesterday has been criticized


Because the results is not so good,And is not finish the homework happens,Small light was the teacher criticized a few times.According to his classmate memory,The day before yesterday,Little light and other several students Chinese homework and didn't finish,The teacher sternly criticized them,Also tore lousy their Chinese textbook.At noon on the,Liao lady received a teacher's phone,Said the little light didn't finish his homework."I had told him,Study hard,A good homework."


The students said that at that time the little light is no exception,"He is still with us played".Afternoon 4 when 30 points,The school,The teacher and the small light didn't finish my homework in the situation told to meet his grandmother.After coming home,Grandmother also scolded small light a few words.the,Small light did not reveal what mood,10 at night,He as usual,Darling went to bed.


Yesterday early in the morning to eat my breakfast,Small light back schoolbag,Out of the house.Five minutes later,His a pair of just four grade on the twin brother also go out to go to school together.The downstairs,Two men see brother fall in the flower bed,The nose is blood flow out.They rushed back to upstairs with mom and grandma said the situation.


When the family came downstairs,Find different shaped community security has alarm and notify the 120.The doctor to the small bright transfer to LouMenKou near the rescue.In the morning at about eight,The doctor said:"Mother to the last hug it."Small light wounds cure.


In the floor of the public corridor under the window,Originally should be in a small light bag English exercise books on the floor.The notebook to write a little light at the end of last words:"I go to dead,88."Small bright father told reporters,Yesterday morning the first class,Is English.


At about 4 yesterday afternoon,SMW reporters came to light in small before the school information in both Chinese and English,But have a lock the door lock,Security says leadership all out at a meeting,Refuse to the reporter's interview request.


Results the sixth in the bottom


In the eyes of their parents,Although the small light is home,Character is introverted,Usually also never because school to the family member complained.Free time,He often play computer to mother's shop.


Yesterday afternoon,In a small light was spent in the classroom,The classmates told reporters,All don't know little light why did today.The classroom report a note posted on the wall,Language of the total 300 number three,Small light got 140,In the class in 47 students in 42.He's a bit of a precious things,Chinese got 79 points,Score than the other two families combined.


"His achievement is not so bad it.This morning a recent language test results came out,Small light only the wrong question,Got 95 points."A female classmate told reporters,"The whole class to an average of 88.5 points?.If he came,The teacher will boast of his."She was still don't know,Little light has never know you have got the small success.
