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小学零花钱调查:六年级小学生攒6万元 图为:各种彩票引来学生零花钱购买 (记者刘蔚丹 实习生王书雨摄) The graph is:All kinds of lottery draws students use pocket money to buy (Reporter LiuWeiDan interns WangShuYu perturbation)


Neotenous pupils how many money in his pocket?Is on small scale of some change,Or a chubby pig can save money?If you still think so is the OUT!A primary school in wuhan city an eleven-year-old grade six girls,Saved 60000 multivariate money,And like her such deposit after,Have a class should have 7 students!


你有多少零花钱?“我现在攒了六万多” How many you have the money?"I now save more than sixty thousand"

小学生巨额零花钱存款折射家庭教育失 A primary school students pocket money deposit refraction family education lost? ?? ?


recently,Reporter in the HuangBei street primary school/Single hole xincun primary five/Six grade issued a titled"My pocket money"questionnaire,A total of 292 children to fill in the questionnaire.According to the results of the survey,Less than 10% of the children have no money,71% of the students monthly allowance are in the yuan of less than,Sixty yuan a month to 150 yuan money 17% of the students,2% of the students have 150 yuan to 600 yuan of money.


A grade 6 students small party nearly 600 yuan every month allowance,Is almost the most"rich"of."I'm reading‘Seven to five’Day-care classes of,Most of the time in the school,Mom and dad to work in the field.Every month so they give me some money to spare."The little party told reporters:"Almost every average twenty yuan,Most of the time spent in a points left."


Reporter in the HuangBei street primary school class 5 survey found,Most students have pocket money."Few day 5 cents,Many a day 10 yuan."Teacher in charge teacher said,The majority of students made it clear that you have savings,Less hundreds of yuan,The tens of thousands of dollars more than.A six grade 11 years old girl is rich:"I'm a Spring Festival can earn 10000 multivariate money as a gift,Now has saved over 60000."


In the investigation,Have a class forty students,Money saved five digits of the above seven people,4 digits of the above twenty people.


Money is what,What's the use of?"Money is especially useful things"


"Money is what?What's the use of money?"Reporter in the questionnaire for the five or six years level of primary school children to write money cognitive.Reporter discovery,The children's answers ranged,surprising."Money is especially useful things,Very important"/"Money can buy a big house"/"Money can go abroad to go to college"/"Put the money in the bank can earn a lot of interest"/"Money can get what you want,eat/have"……


this,HuangBei street primary school grade 5 GaoYouQin teacher said:"For all the money/money,The pupils not strange,Their money to the operation and cognitive level is far beyond our imagination."


零花钱用来买什么?文具、书和零食名列前三 Pocket money to buy?stationery/Books and snacks ranked in the top 3


Among 292 students,Pocket money on most is a little boy,My mother every month give him $600 spending money,And he almost spent every month,Ask him to buy what things,Is nothing but snacks/toys/School supplies,There is a spending"gift"The class have a good friend's birthday,Or some special festival,Between good friends to each other gifts.


Reporter in the survey found,The students use pocket money to buy the most is the stationery/Books and snacks.in"Purchase reason"in,Most children chose"Oneself to like",Secondly to consider"Useful to oneself".


this,Wuhan a primary school teacher said,Now the life is getting better and better,The children have their own private savings,Have independent control ability,but,Because parents or schools for children education consumption is less,The students there are one-upmanship,Speak about eating in,Spend too recklessly bad habits,"A boy playing the new toy,The rest of the class students will follow to buy".


Reporter in the survey found,The consumption of the primary school students there"Diet with advertising go,With famous brand clothes away,Entertainment with trendy walk,And go with adults"phenomenon.


你有没有存款?过半学生有小金库 Have you deposit?More than half the students have a private coffer


According to the results of the survey,More than half of the students said allowance in credit,And deposit.The rest is"Small moon".In 292 students,Less than 10% of the students said money will charge at ordinary times;80% said it was not clear his money is spent to where go to;No one is in control budget allowance.PengPeng(alias)For money no concept,At ordinary times very"generous".Classmate say:"XiaoPeng home is business,Who asked him to lend you some money to him,A give is five dollars/Ten piece of."PengPeng don't deny,He also ask:"The teacher is not to say to want to help?"


New Year's money is own or to keep parents?About 30% chose their control,The remaining 70% were chose parents custody."My New Year's money there mother there,Must be more than twenty thousand."The girl xiao ling in the class said in a low voice."We always education students the save,The hardworking and thrifty,But let the students to participate in the course of the actual financial really few."A primary school in wuhan city of Chen said,For primary school students set up financial class is a very good thing,Can teach students"Control and create wealth",Change blind consumption/The high cost of bad habits."Many parents will say‘Small age,Spend any money?’But if you don't teach them simple financial knowledge,Children have money will lavish.so,In the primary school students to develop financial education is necessary."


教育专家花钱重自制 给钱教理财 Education experts money heavy homemade give money to teach finance


The child's pocket money how to?What is to much good,Still give less? Good?"Do not want the child lack of money,And don't want to let the children not to waste money",This is the most common psychological parents,Also let the parents ravel.Experts say,Parents don't put money as emotional expression tools,To guide rational children with good money."Now students more and more rich,Parents to master guidance method.and,By family economic level/Children of different spending habits/Different age different mind,To give children pocket money to vary from person to person."HuangBei street primary school principals FanYong years said,If a child is just needs to use the money to,That certainly will give,Such as buy stationery,Buy some like the outside reading,Or contribute to poor students, etc.But will give you proper,Amount to meet the needs of children in a line,To prevent the formation of psychological bandwagon.If the child's poor self-control,Most of the money in the play,Parents should constraint and the correct guidance.


He suggested that,Peacetime life might as well let children do some work,Let the child know money don't come easy.


Single hole xincun primary school principals lead vocal think,Money is not the key to or not to give,But in training children to finance the preliminary understanding.Some children have the initial formation of financial concept,To encourage his ideas into action.Such as took the kids to the bank,Step by step teach him how to put money in the bank,How to calculate interest etc..


Of course,Children spend money is not the better the more economical,After all The Times are different,Consumption idea will be changed,Focus on the cultivation of them form the habit of rational consumption.


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美国儿童理财教育目标 American children financial education goal


a/Second grade:Not only realize that money,Know the role of the coin/Learn to coin of the conversion between,To know the real life of a family expenses,The family investment savings situation.


Third grade children:Begin to contact the money,Know the consumption of the money/The function of the bank, etc.Parents should give children pocket money,Let him have the ability of free,As long as in general have limit,Small aspects need not careful understanding.


four/Five grade:Is financial education deepening age,Then can let the child contact more aspects.

  具体为零到3岁:能够辨认硬币和纸币;4岁:知道每枚硬币是多少美分;5岁:知道硬币的等价物,知道钱是怎么来的;6岁:能够找数目不大的钱,而且能够数大量的硬币;7岁:能看价格标签;8岁:知道可以通过做额外工作赚钱,知道把钱存在储蓄账户里;9岁:能够制定简单的一周开销计划,购物时知道比较价格;10岁:懂得每周节约一点钱,以备大笔开销时使用;11—12岁:知道从电视广告中发现理财事实,并能制定、执行两周以上的开销计划,懂得正确使用银行业务中的术语;13岁至高中毕业:尝试进行股票、债券等投资活动以及商务、打工等赚钱实践。(楚天金报 记者郭会桥 通讯员肖莉)

Specific for zero to three years old:Recognize COINS and paper money;4 years old:Know every coin is how many cents;5 years old:Know the coin of the equivalent,Know money is how to;6 years old:Can not find the number of money,And be able to count a lot of COINS;7 years old:Can see the price tag;Eight years old:Know you can make money by doing extra work,Know how to give money in a savings account;9 years old:Can make simple week spending plan,Shopping in the knowledge that compare the prices;Ten years:Know how to save a little money every week,For costly use;11-12 years old:Know from TV advertising found that financial fact,And can make/Implement two weeks or more spending plan,Know the correct use of the term in banking;13 to graduate from high school:Try to stock/Bonds investment activities and business/Work to make money, such as practice.(Chutian 27 reporter guo will bridge XiaoLi correspondent)
