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一年级女生被老师用剪刀划破脸 警方调查称误伤--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

一年级女生被老师用剪刀划破脸 警方调查称误伤  昨日,复旦大学附属儿科医院,7岁女童若若(化名)左边脸颊还留有被划破的伤痕。 早报记者 王辰 图 yesterday,Fudan university affiliated pediatric hospital,7 years old girl if if(alias)The left cheek there were cut wounds. Morning paper reporter WangChen diagram
   事发燎原实验学校 The start a prairie fire experimental school
闵行区教育局及警方介入调查认为当事老师为误伤 Minhang district education bureau and the police investigating parties think teacher for fire
为何校方7天后才介入调查? Why the school 7 days to get involved?


Start a prairie fire experimental school LiuJiaoChang explanation says,November and, when the incident,The parties to the teacher and class teacher judgment wound is not deep,The school fails to report,Until December 3, students reflect parents turned up,The school did not learn.But for December 3,,First-year students out for an outing,So choose 4 survey.


yesterday,LiuJiaoChang revealed,At present,The parties XueJin teacher is still the normal classes,But school officials will certainly to her improper behavior for processing.At present the results of the survey has been reporting to the area of education.The school will also carry on the apology for students and parents,And in the reasonable scope to give compensation.


A grade girl don't listen to the teacher carefully in class,Lower the head with pencil sharpener,Hand scissors teacher approached her when remind,Unfortunately girl looked up,The teacher hand scissors accident split the girl's face.


This is a few days ago happened in Shanghai start a prairie fire experimental school(Hereinafter referred to as a)A grade 2 class of things,The age of seven if if(alias)Scratch by the teacher in the face,And scratch her was the math teacher XueJin.


Teacher: for,Officials say the teaching quality is good,But for the behavior of students some seriously.And many first-year students said,Xue teachers often lost his temper.


Yesterday morning,In minhang district education bureau of investigation to verify the school events,At the same time, the local police station to investigate the incident,Investigation to confirm that the teacher is not deliberately hurt the behavior of students,Cut face is from students.


According to the parents of the students went to school complaint,Puts forward pay 500000 yuan and immediately dismissed from the requirements of the teacher,Minhang district education bureau requires schools to sincerely apologize to students and their parents,Properly deal with the follow-up work.And in accordance with the relevant policies and regulations to the parties to the teacher makes the corresponding treatment.


老师用剪刀划伤学生脸 The teacher use scissors to cut the students face


Things happen in November and the morning of the second class.


If if seat in the classroom door on the left,The first column of the first row an aisle seat.


She recalled,The second lesson is math,During the school math teacher XueJin found a boy fiddled with the scissors,Xue teacher to confiscated the scissors,Then continue to class.after,If if is in the desk with the pencil sharpener,In her focus on the pencil,Xue teacher suddenly stood up to her left,Questioned why she doesn't pay attention in class.


"She grabbed my pencil sharpener,Throw out."If you say if,In the scramble for process,Xue teacher holding a scissors to stroke her left cheek.Is frightened and,If if grievance has cried.After for,Xue the teacher continue to class,Is not about crying if if too much attention.


Rest after class,The teacher in charge teacher gao patrol found still cry if if,Replacement class health committee if accompanied if go to school clinic treatment the wound.


"Just a little skin trauma,Sent to the clinic disinfection,The doctor didn't say serious wounds."Gao yesterday said the teacher,Because the wound not serious so she didn't pay attention to,Teacher: not to mention her classroom happen.


If you say if,Until the day for lunch,Health committee took her to the clinic treatment the wound.


家长指校方处理不积极 Parents refers to the processing is not positive


After 7 days,Yesterday afternoon,If if parents took her to a children's hospital,Clinic doctor diagnosed with bruises.


If if mother ms wu is introduced,The family found that face if the injury is in the last Friday(On November 30),Because if if school is residential,On Friday after school pick her grandfather came home to find the scratch cheek.But if if stop grandpa went to see the teacher,So that day ye both sun directly back to the home.


Ms wu said,She and her husband do business in wenzhou,Everyday they take if if brother live in wenzhou,If if is follow my grandparents live in Shanghai.In a telephone call in that daughter after injury,She and her husband from wenzhou to Shanghai,It also calls her daughter class teacher in charge,phone,The teacher in charge if admitted that if the face of the injury is xue teacher accidentally scratched.


Ms wu back to Shanghai,Daughter see the mother has been crying.Seeing his daughter on the wound,Ms wu love dearly unceasingly.

  “伤口有两处,上面是一个小洞,连着两道划痕。” 她说,当晚薛老师打了电话给他们,在电话里也承认了是她的行为所致,并称愿意当面向女儿赔礼道歉。但吴女士强调,薛老师并未付诸实际。

"Wound have two place,It is a small hole,Connecting two lines." She said,: the teacher called them,In the phone also admitted is caused by her behavior,And when the daughter to to offer an apology.But ms wu stressed,Teacher: not into practice.


Ms wu think,Daughter was hurt after,The teacher and the school processing attitude is not positive.December 3, on Monday,Ms wu came to the school to the school request to discharge xue teacher.


区教育局及警方介入 District education bureau and the police intervention


Yesterday morning,In the event the school were investigated.The whole class a total of 42 students,The twenty students say witnessed the process.


Start a prairie fire LiuJiaoChang interpretation,The teacher confiscated; students' creative after scissors,Walk with a scissors when teach bar to continue class,Then see if sat in the first row if low head is not to concentrate in class,Approached after,If found if playing pencil sharpener,So the left hand to rob a pencil sharpener,If at this time if looked up,Left face just hit the teacher: right hand on the scissors.


At the same time,Start a prairie fire officials released the results of the survey said,On the morning of November and the second maths lesson,XueJin found class a student playing creative scissors,To be on the safe side,Hence the creative scissors interim capture custody.This process,If found that if students low head,The hand on the table in the hole(Later learned that are using pencil sharpener),XueJin go if the seat if students looked up process,Scissors met his left cheek.When the teacher did not observe the child's condition,The pencil sharpener and continue to fall after class.At noon on the,The teacher in charge teacher found that if students face wound,Namely please health of the students accompanied to the infirmary for disinfection treatment.after,The teacher ask the apology many times,But did not get understanding.


December 3, in the morning to school parents complain,Puts forward pay 500000 yuan and immediately dismissed from the requirements of the teacher.The dean of students receive the parents,The students will scratch when apologize for parents,And immediately said investigation,Don't cover,above,Don't delay,According to the facts and laws and regulations for the teacher to sanctions,Properly handle the following matters.At the same time,Offering commitment,The results of the survey will be timely feedback parents.In the afternoon the parents to the school belongs to local police station,And minhang district education bureau to complain.


4 in the morning,In minhang district education bureau of investigation to verify the school events,At the same time which the public security organs is also involved in the incident investigation.


yesterday,Minhang district education bureau said,The morning to the school education of incident investigation and verification,At the same time, local police station to investigate the incident,Investigation to confirm that the teacher not deliberately hurt the behavior of students.


this,School education requirements:a/Sincerely apologize to students and parents,Properly deal with the follow-up work.two/In accordance with the relevant policies and regulations to the parties to the teacher makes the corresponding treatment.three/Aims to learn from,Strengthen the education,In order to improve teachers' ethics,Fine school management.
