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"‘Palm leaf fan on the pen and ink’,Guess a pit star""Traffic jam please driver to open the door,Loud voice wuhan people will be how to call?Please write down."8,From wuhan city to teach science college students reading competition at the final ending,Teacher reflect more than:"Title is a bit‘partial’and‘cold’,Do not know these questions and reading have what relation?"


数万小学生参赛 Tens of thousands of students participating


8, 9 am xu,Reporter in the general road elementary school to see,The road near the stop full send test car,In a large parking lot near early is full.Although the weather is cold,But in the test/The flower bed full of hundreds of parents send test.


General test road primary school in ten examination,Each examination about fifty candidates,There were about 500 candidates."The competition in the 13 districts have test,The number of students who will break through 5000."The personage inside course of study to measure,According to the rules of a game,Final is all participating schools according to ten:The proportion of 1 to select the,Such calculating come,Race participants up to tens of thousands of people.Although the grade expressed to grade,By the students and parents voluntary application,But as a result of the competition"The official background",Some primary school grade all the unity.


题目“偏”“冷” topic"partial""cold"


"‘Ming and qing dynasties ancient village’,Guess the name of a writer."This is wuhan students reading competition in the final question.yesterday,Hankou a primary school Chinese teacher said,Primary school students in Chinese reading contest,Purpose is to encourage students to read more books/Reading good books,"The original intention is good,But the examination questions some‘partial’and‘cold’,Some primary school students and reading life was too far away".


She told reporters,When preliminary,Several problem in teacher of controversial.Such as,Youdao request that"The mandarin translation ChengWu HanHua","It's a little bit difficult for some children,Because the parent or teacher didn't taught wuhan words".and,"‘Palm leaf fan on the pen and ink’,Guess a pit star."This problem is even let many parents to answer,Estimates are hard to guess.


竞赛成绩或成小升初“筹码” The competition performance or into another"chip"


To come to PeiKao high woman says,Son read primary school grade 6,Let him entry is in order to be able to obtain the certificate,for"another"Chips will increase.High lady told reporters,Different with previous years,This year the preliminary reading contest,The son in grade 6 in almost all the year,Hope to get the final number,"Thus it can be seen,The league is very important.""In recent years,Wuhan students reading competition more and more‘heat’,And another‘Will be hot’Is closely related."Wuhan a junior high school principal said,Since last year's primary school students"Into mathematics kingdom"Competition after suspension,This has become a primary school"official"The only subject contest,Therefore it is certain"Gold content".


Also have junior high school principal said,"another"Independent when recruit students won't put too much stress on Chinese competition results,Because language learning needs knowledge accumulation,Reading competition result can not reflect the ability of students to learn Chinese.


备战读书竞赛:与读书无关 Reading competition for:Has nothing to do with reading


10 at,After the test,The pupils have walked out of the room.The reporter sees,Many students hand took a book[Reading for pleasure]."This is the reading direction of the competition 'book,Many students in the class are bought,Each book twenty yuan."Grade 6 students LinMin(alias)said,She also took part in the school's pre-match sprint class,Weekly with a.


"In these in the contest,School teacher than school teacher's information more smart."LinMin from the bag took out two books,were[Primary school students reading knowledge contest the entire simulation volume]on/Part ii,"This is the school teacher compiled,The price of 15 yuan each,Many students in the class are bought."


"Back to the answer will do,Don't back to affirmation won't do."Grade 6 students ZhengLi(alias)Walked out of the room's chagrin.She told reporters,1 week before,The teacher sent eight pages answer sheet,Involved in current events/astronomical/Geography knowledge of many aspects.


Wuchang parents ms wong told reporters reflect,before,The children to class everyday topic,Class is over do problem,Night back problem,"This reading activities,The children can really enjoy the joy of reading?"


And their parents think that,From the test on the test,Can request grade four children top know astronomy,Bottom know geography,Is familiar with the affairs of state.so,The teacher can ask them in just two weeks time by rote,Students only know the answer is"wrong",But don't know why"wrong".

   专家呼吁 The experts urged读书不能跟着考试走 Reading can't go with the exam


"Can't test??????,Let children read??????.Reading can't go with the exam."Hubei university education college professor leaf show hair said,The purpose of the study is to improve the students' literacy and grade,And through the reading guide your child to the society/Natural phenomena and laws of thinking,Is not back a few books/With a simple test is a tribute.

  他认为,小学正是孩子阅读的黄金时段,要呵护他们的阅读兴趣,培养阅读能力和习惯。老师可组织朗诵会、讲故事比赛、读书会和演讲等活动,提高学生课外阅读兴趣和阅读量,通过交流读书心得和体会,引导他们了解和关心社会。相反,通过竞赛的形式“逼”学生读书,反而容易让孩子失去阅读的乐趣。(楚天金报 记者郭会桥)

He thinks,Elementary school children to read is the prime time,To care for their reading interest,Training reading skills and habits.The teacher can organize the recitation/Story game/Activities such as reading group and speech,Improve the students' reading interest and reading quantity,Through the communication book and experience,To lead them to understand and care about the society.instead,Through the form of competition"force"Students read books,It is easy to let the children lose the pleasure of reading.(Chutian 27 reporter guo will bridge)
