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武汉一中学严禁学生摆阔 每人每天最多消费20元--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


Report from our correspondent(Reporter YangJingYa)Before every pocket will pack the bumps yuan money of hanyang ChuCai middle school students XiaoHao early(alias),Now can only be an austere life after the.Recently the new rules,It is strictly prohibited to students spend too recklessly:Each student's day consumption may not exceed twenty yuan,Words and/Actions may not reveal"bandwagon"that,Once found a student"Conspicuous consumption",Will inform parents,Control students".".


14 the regulation XiaoHao is on the first"victim",He said:"Every week before almost 1000 ~ 1500 yuan of money,Now a week to 150 yuan,Saves the flowers to stay a week."


"High school students in the school which have so much money?"The teacher in charge teacher XiaoHao song XiaoHao careful observation found,He not only more pocket money,In the behavior also reveal"Show off"that,Daily relative"luxury",A T-shirt nearly one thousand yuan,A rod box bag thousands of block,This song teacher family visit many times the door,Communication with mother.finally,In the new school rules"supervision"under,Will XiaoHao pocket money control in twenty dollars per day.


The school ZhengJiaoChu director ZouGuoWen is introduced,The new rules[Ten students behavior is not allowed]Article 6 expressly provided in students"No conspicuous consumption",Every pocket money within twenty yuan of the following.This rule is based on student cadres/The BanBan director and teacher and many students feedback behavior situation,Combining the actual situation of the set."Can calculate a bill,Fare $4(Don't change)/Breakfast 2 ~ 3 yuan/Chinese 5 ~ 7 yuan(In the school dining)/Drinking water(Buy drinks)1 ~ 3 yuan/Snacks 1 ~ 3 yuan...Generally speaking,Students spend every day twenty yuan of the following belongs to the normal consumption,reasonable."


"For cultivating students' consciousness of thrift,Clear campus‘bandwagon’wind,Special will‘No conspicuous consumption’write[Behavior ten no]code."The principal ChenChangJun said,Some high school students to daily life into big,Dress to wear brand,eat"Out on",Bandwagon articles of everyday use,Mobile phone not apple don't,Birthday dinner/singing,ChengRenHua consumption tendency,These are conducive to the physical and mental health development.


Hubei university education college leaf show hair professor said,The school issued before the school rules,Can let the students discuss on campus,To life view/Values of the correct guidance,Mandatory regulation could make it difficult for all the students recognition/accept.But through the discussion among students,Let them know the nature of the problem,Understand the parents hard-earned money/Money is not their own hard work income,As middle school students should be moderate consumption,Shoulds not be blind bandwagon.


"无奈接受"新校规 "But accept"The new rules


也有同学不喜欢摆阔 Also have students don't like conspicuous consumption


[反应] [reaction]


"No conspicuous consumption"After the new rules issued,XiaoHao by limiting the".".this,XiaoHao said only"accept".


"Pocket money to reduce,Led directly to the classmate birthday party‘class’reduce.Take a recent for party,Meal will have to‘wost’,KTV can only do."XiaoHao said,According to the past"brother"birthday"specifications",The total cost is in commonly 1200 yuan,As a"Eldest brother",Whip-round money are 400 ~ 500 yuan.If the hand is enough pocket money,"Pay all"Too many,"Now only a bitter days cough up!"


XiaoHao classmates XiaoWei said,XiaoHao of"generous"In between classmates is a famous,Break and a group of senior friend to the supermarket to buy snacks,All the people after chosen,The payment of XiaoHao always,One is more than fifty to block."Sometimes he offered to help me pay,I declined,Feel or AA good."


In fact,XiaoHao family general,Father is a bank clerk,Mother runs a subsidiary food store,But to XiaoHao pocket money is"loose".


The teacher in charge teacher song said,Family economic condition slightly better,Children pocket money more this understandable,But this"more"Also get a good grasp of degrees.once,A classmate in the playground pick up to 15 c-notes, please,At first thought it was a teacher who lost,Then find out"owner"Is XiaoHao,This let everyone was surprised.


如何发现学生"摆阔"? 学校鼓励学生"告密" How to find students"Conspicuous consumption"? Schools encourage students to"peach"


[解读] [reading]


何为"摆阔"?老师如何知道有学生"摆阔"? What is"Conspicuous consumption"?The teacher how to know that there is a student"Conspicuous consumption"?


ChuCai middle school ZhengJiaoChu director ZouGuoWen said,According to the school rules[Ten students behavior is not allowed]Code in the,The school also match with[Middle school students behavior evaluation sheet]To monitor.The class meeting held every Friday,Each class control"Ten no code"Self evaluation and mutual evaluation,This means that everyone is"supervisor",Everyone has"Snitch right"and"accusation".


Reporter saw in evaluation sheet,Ten code of conduct are set up self assessment/Leading two column,If this week to oneself and the other students daily behavior satisfaction,Is playing the;Not satisfied with the text brief description,The school of information security.


"Article 9 the reflect last week‘litter’Classmates more,In the early morning on the students teaching thought."ZouGuoWen said,Have students reflect individual students on campus to smoke,The school immediately check,After confirmed united the teacher in charge/Parents tutorial.For most students to reflect problems,Timely to the parents to send[Against parents books],For parents to supervise the student with the school,Sign the receipt that children's behavior is good or not.


ZouGuoWen says,[Ten no]Since the implementation of,Students in"Conspicuous consumption"The peach is not much,Sometimes in the campus random inspection,Found that most of the students pocket money in the twenty yuan.


中学生每月用多少零花钱? High school students how many money every month?


四成学生吐槽零花钱太少 Forty percent of students vomit slot pocket money too little


[调查] [investigation]


两成学生每天花销超过20元 Twenty percent of the students spend every day more than twenty yuan


Now the general high school students how to use pocket money every month?Recently reporter visited wuhan third boarding school/ChuCai middle school/The third ShiErZhong learn/Zhuo knife spring high school/Wuhan no.6 middle school high school in wisdom/Wu Luo road middle school, and junior high school,Random survey found that 349 students,Only twenty percent of students pocket money more than 600 yuan per month,"Conspicuous consumption"The phenomenon of the minority.Students daily spending more for snacks/School supplies/Transportation, etc,Belong to"Normal consumption".


The reporter interviewed 6 school,For junior middle school second grade 349 students sampling survey,Found that 62 people daily allowance in twenty yuan and above,Accounted for 17.8%;254 people daily allowance in twenty yuan of the following,Accounted for 72.8%;33 people say little pocket money,9.4%.


"Although in science and technology museum,From school is quite close,But in order to every morning to sleep a few minutes,Mother special allow myself to playing."The junior middle school second grade XiaoTao said,Sometimes will also played 15 yuan province down,To buy a card game three kingdoms kill booster packs.


Survey found that,Daily allowance in twenty yuan in the students,Play is very common,To the movies on weekends/Sing K, and other entertainment activities occupy part of the costs,Students birthday party"gifts"May also play a part.


Junior high school students' birthday"gifts",Also is to have cultured.A there HuangTongXue revealed,Relationship between good friends,The price of the gift in fifty to 100 yuan,Relationship general,Present price mostly in twenty to thirty yuan,Less than twenty yuan would some"Take do not move".If you don't give gifts,you"whip-round"Get together,The per capita consumption is in commonly fifty yuan.


"Each month to save 200 yuan,It's my samsung mobile phone also good far away,It's too hard to save 3500 yuan!"14-year-old xiao sea said,His mobile phone is now 1399 yuan to buy the last year,This year has dropped to 650 yuan,The performance is garbage,With the very"drop".


In fact,The monthly 200 yuan is xiao sea"Net income",In the pocket money inside.Xiao sea and mother to reach an agreement:As long as the teachers don't"Parents please",The pocket money to RMB 200 as a reward.In order to the pocket money,Xiao sea finish the homework every day,Also not to sleep in class.


In the random survey of 349 students,137 students vomit slot pocket money isn't enough,Forty percent.Money no enough reason for most can't buy the heart's desire,Such as mobile phone/watch/Cosplay props,Some things may not support parents.But in the stationery/Teaching book/Snacks, etc,Parents usually meet the needs of the children.


"Weekly will buy[Companion diffuse guest]weekly,5 yuan,This is the unshakable practice."Wuhan no.6 middle school high school are XiaoJun said,Parents give their pocket money rarely,But every time monthly exam/midterm/The final result"standard"Will be an added bonus:The whole grade fifty name before awarded 100 yuan,Before 70 but not in the top fifty name reward fifty yuan,This makes the right pocket money to buy books,Feel very have learning power.


家长、学校应配合 培养孩子勤俭节约好习惯 parents/The school should cultivate children with thrift good habits


[观点] [view]


Central China normal university professor to teach science institute FanXianZuo think,As the improvement of living conditions,The child's pocket money from the part/A few hair/A few pieces of growth to today's dozens of pieces,This is the inevitable phenomenon of economic and social development.


The school according to their own actual situation,make"No conspicuous consumption"The school's rules is necessary,But for"Pocket money"Limit can be agile regulation,The key lies in the front of the education for students,Set up the good habit of thrift.In the process should pay attention to methods,Especially parents and close contact,communicate.otherwise,Schools banning,Parents according to,The rules will have gone.


"The school issued before the school rules,Can let the students discuss on campus,To life view/Values of the correct guidance."Hubei university education college professor leaf show hair said,Mandatory regulation is difficult to let all the students recognition/accept,But through the discussion between students,Let them know the nature of the problem,Understand the parents hard-earned money/Money is not their own hard work income,As middle school students should be moderate consumption,Shoulds not be blind bandwagon."Don't encourage students birthday party‘whip-round’,Go to KTV this adult entertainment places celebrate,Parents should guide the children more meaningfully‘birthday’."
