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摘要: the:11月26日,《闯关到12》青少年平安成长论坛在北京中关村皇冠假日酒店隆重举行,中央电视台社会与法频道制片人万山红、新东方教育科技集团董事长兼首席执行官俞敏洪应邀出席并致辞。

November 26,[Recruit to 12]Youth peace growth BBS in Beijing crowne plaza zhongguancun was held,China central television channel society and method WanShanGong producer/New Oriental education technology group chairman of the board and CEO Mr Yu invited to attend and address.


November 26,New Oriental school education can best to CCTV channel society and law[Recruit to 12]Program conducts youth peace growth BBS in Beijing crowne plaza zhongguancun was held.China central television channel society and method WanShanGong producer/New Oriental education technology group chairman of the board and CEO Mr Yu invited to attend and address.The department of justice XuanChuanSi legal system/The central political and ZongZhi information center of politics and law/The central committee of the communist youth QuanYiBu departments as well as from the leadership of China university of politics and law/Beijing fourth middle school/The second affiliated middle school of Beijing normal university/Tianjin lawyer association professional committee of the protection of minors education/Legal boundary of experts/The scholars also took part in the seminar,At the same time present and part of the audience and parent.


As an invited guest,New Oriental education technology group chairman of the board and CEO Mr Yu said,Under the influence of education in the score,The school would sometimes put students' activities and is opposite to the college entrance examination,Only pay attention to test,This kind of education result of students' creativity is not high,Is lack of the spirit of team.At the same time,In the entrance under pressure,Students' psychological problems has become more obvious,Busy learning activities in the children life content monotone/The ambient occlusion also increases the risk of psychological problems they appear.Mr Yu think,The middle school education into the education is very important to them,Let the children really get rid of the sermon type education,In the joy to absorb the knowledge of nutrition.


With the guests in the communication,China central television society and law channel producer WanShanGong tell you,[Recruit to 12]Column is the central television channel society and law in 2011 making summer special programs[To monitor the]The new updated version.The main columns around teenagers how to avoid social environment easy access to or be hidden crisis/dangerous,Transfer the practical legal knowledge,Cultivate the students' legal consciousness.


This seminar is teenagers grow up on the topic of peace,Probes into the[Recruit to 12]The future development of columns.In the attendees after wit,China central television[Recruit to 12]Teenagers grow up a peace BBS to drop the curtain.

  论坛上嘉宾精彩观点: BBS on guest wonderful views:


嘉宾观点 Guest view:目前全国青少年法制教育主要存在三个方面问题,一、不规范,虽然有了纲要,但是各地落实起来还是有些出入。二、课室的问题一直没有很好的解决,师资也欠缺。三、社会方面,青少年教育打了折扣。

:At present the national youth legal education there are mainly three aspects,a/Don't regulate,Even though there is a outline,But all implement up or some access.two/Classroom problem hasn't been a very good solution to solve,Teachers also lack.three/social,Teenagers education played discount.


嘉宾观点: Guest view:从教育的角度,三个方面最重要,第一个是爱的教育;第二个是规则教育;第三个是是方法的教育。

From the point of view of education,The most important three aspects,The first is the love of education;The second rule is education;The third is the method of education.


嘉宾观点: Guest view:我们要关注青少年心理深层次的问题,关注成长过程中关键的细节和环节,在心理成长发育过程中一些小的细节。

We should pay attention to their mental problems in depth,Pay attention to the growth process of the key details and link,In psychological growth process of a small details.


嘉宾观点: Guest view:中国人跟其他国家不同的一点是,对于平安这种向往的追求,特别是针对于孩子这个层面,我们从益智普法转移到平安成长特别好,这两个母题对于吸引孩子,包括吸引孩子的家长是非常有号召力的。

Chinese and other countries it is different,The pursuit of yearning for peace,Especially for children in this aspect,We from educational dissemination transferred to peace grow very well,The two motif to attract children,Including attract the child's parents are very power.


嘉宾观点: Guest view:对于今天孩子的平安成长,应该是很复杂的一个问题,也是学校、家庭和社会共同关注的一个问题。

For the peace of today's children grow up,Should be very complicated a question,Is the/The family and social common attention of a problem.


 相关介绍: Related introduction:


[Recruit to 12]By the national PuFaBan columns/The justice department/The ministry of education and the group central teamed up to host,New Oriental education technology group optimal can participate in high school education and sponsored this column.This section mainly through reputation wisdom/Reality TV popularization of legal knowledge and social knowledge,Exercise and improve teenagers in all kinds of social relations in the strain and processing power,True love teenagers,To promote physical and mental health of teenagers grow up.Columns to win against the system,Every two teams,Each team 3 students,Game form for host questions,Players in different forms and answer the questions,The guest on the subject,All have each won awards winning team.The youth like the CCTV host wang xiaoya/Sa beining/LuYiMing bear your kind effort.


It is reported,New Oriental education technology group chairman of the board and CEO Mr Yu teacher has to participate in[Recruit to 12]column"Expert comments"Link to record,ChenXiangDong teacher as an invited guest has to participate in the program recording.


 青少年平安成长论坛与会嘉宾: Youth peace growth BBS the attendees:


The justice department deputy inspector general secretary YaoZhenHuai XuanChuanSi legal system


The central politics and law committee politics and law ZongZhi information center director WangMeng


The youth group QuanYiBu ZhangWeiGong director


The news spread of China university of politics and law, vice President of the college of liu xuzhou


Tianjin lawyer association the protection of minors, deputy director of the professional committee/[Recruit to 12]Legal experts YuJuanJuan


The fourth middle school of Beijing HeShiMing vice President


The second affiliated middle school of Beijing normal university with ChenGuoZhi director


In the wide association legal program working committee secretary general HuangHaiXin


China central television program WuZeTao editor-in-chief r&d department


CCTV - 2[opponents]Producer GeYa


CCTV - 2[Purchase fashion]Producer XuLi


China central television society and law channel producer - WanShanGong


[Recruit to 12]General director LinXiaoDong


New Oriental education technology group chairman of the board and CEO Mr Yu

  新东方教育科技集团助理副总裁、优能中学推广管理中心主任 罗娉

New Oriental education technology group assistant vice President/Optimal can middle school promotion management center director luo ping


Beijing new Oriental school middle school director li liang


Beijing new Oriental school primary and secondary schools XueXiBu personalized his director


New Oriental education technology group marketing product promotion center WangTingTing senior manager


New Oriental education technology group to promote optimal middle school management center market ZhaoJianFeng senior manager
