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  报讯 记者吴剑锋报道:小学升入初中,本是好事,但如今对于南昌县莲塘第三小学六年级学生来说,他们却被突如其来的“跳级”感到无所适从,许多学生家长甚至表示反对。本报开通开学投诉热线(0791)86849315后,多名家长向本报举报称,今年该校不少新生通过家长花钱找关系被安排入学,导致新生数量一路飙升,最后学校竟强制要求六年级的全体学生转至莲塘四中的校园读书。

Newspaper reporter WuJianFeng reports:Primary to junior high school,This is a good thing,But now the lotus pond for NaChangXian third primary school grade six students,But they were all of a sudden"Advanced placement"Feel not know what to do,Many students parents even opposition.Our school open complaints hotline(0791)After 86849315,More than parents to our newspaper report said,This year the school many new through the parents spend looking for relations are arranged entrance,Lead to new number soared,The school was forced to six grade all students turn to the lotus pond in the four campus reading.


一条短信让家长炸开锅 A message to let the parents fry boil


"parents,How do you do!According to the county bureau of deployment,Our school grade six students the school moved to the lotus pond 4 in campus,Thank you for your cooperation!"This is recently NaChangXian lotus pond school grade six students parents bruin received a message,And when the school grade six all the students' parents receive such message,Suddenly like blasted away the cooker,Many parents have said against.


"Six grade is the key to another time,Suddenly so turn school,Will give the child's learning bring very adverse effects."The parents of the students ms. Chen made it clear that against,She told reporters revealed the reason to turn against the school.


转校举措广受质疑 Turn the school move widely questioned


In addition,At the press interview,There are a lot of parents to the school put forward the six grade school measures turn the deep problems."The first grade was only 13 class,This year it soared to at least 18 a class,Is not normal."The reasons behind the talked about,Parents ms royal has revealed,In this new school personnel,School recruit a lot of students outside,And some are not school-age children have also been receiving the."This kind of students have to spend money,Look for a relation to find relationship,Relationship hard less money."Says ms royal,She listen to their children a classmate's parents has said,The parents nephew return bad two months to conform to the school age,Because the relationship for opening up,Just bought two smoke goes into the students.


学校:现在进行了调整 The school:Now have been adjusted


According to the question that many parents,On September 2, afternoon,The reporter interviewed the lotus pond in NaChangXian jumps,The officials say,The school does not exist parents said the charge ZeJiaoFei,There is no difference in age students two months was receiving situation,Just have individual new age difference for a few days,The last school direction after the superior ask for instructions,To receive.


The reporter understands,According to the education department's recruit students admission rules,Only at least 6 years old children of school age,The school can handle the admission procedure,But why can't the school in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the?Reporter unknown.


interview,The official admitted that,The school did notice parents,Requirement grade six students move to lotus pond 4 in campus.The school chief explanation says,This is because of this year in ascension occupancy rate,That new increase many.If the class size according to the standard configuration,The number of each class will be greatly increased,So we have this relocation decision.


This person in charge said,Now because many parents objected to,And parents in the communication,This decision had adjustment."The school will depend on the wishes of the parents,The parents of their choice,Willing to 4 in the campus will go to,Do not wish to go will stay in our school."This person in charge said,Then a grade class size can only compression.


教体局:未接到找关系入学的举报 Combination of bureau:Not to look for a relation of school report


The matter,Reporter interviewed NaChangXian education by the education section."One is the school is hot school;Second, in recent years the built near a lot of buildings,Living it."The ROM section chief to reporters about the lotus pond school this year the number of new explosion reasons.

  罗科长说,为了应对这一情况,今秋专门为该校增加了18个老师,而将六年级学生转至四中校园,是因为四中的教室比较宽松。“我们也考虑了离家较远的学生上学和放学的情况,到时会专门请公交车免费接送这些学生。”罗科长称,家长所说的有不符合入学条件或不在地段内的孩子因家长通过花钱找关系进入莲塘三小的问题,教育部门未接到相关举报,如果确有此事,家长可以直接向教育部门反映。 http://www.cnr.cn/native/society/201209/t20120903_510821221.html

ROM. Section chief said,In order to deal with the situation,This autumn specifically for the school increased and a teacher,And will grade six students turn to 4 campus,Because of the four classroom more comfortable."We also considered the far from home students to go to school and the school,There will be special please free shuttle bus these students."ROM. Section chief says,Parents said does not conform to the entrance requirements or not within the area of the child for parents through the money look for a relation to enter the lotus pond three small problems,Education department has received the related report,If is this,Parents can reflect directly to the education department. http://www.cnr.cn/native/society/201209/t20120903_510821221.html
