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英语培训班黑幕:万元报班 跟电脑读发音?--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  部分英语培训机构学员诟病多多 被指培训内容与宣传不符

Part of the English training institution for students by many refers to the training content and publicity discrepancy


Reporter recently from citizen complaints,Says Wall Street English teaching effect and not introduced,The students spent nearly $forty thousand tuition but feel like self-study,Want my money back but meet multiple block.These students formed a QQ group rights.Wall Street responded that English,Communication is to verify the situation,And that part of the students has to solve.

  记者调查发现,部分英语培训机构被学员诟病连连:利用免费测试、试听课程作利诱,“疲劳轰炸”促销;报名承诺可以退钱,但实际上真要退钱时却诸多拖延;虽然标榜外教小班教学,但实际上学员能得到的关注大打折扣。有学员质疑,培训机构的英语教育内容与宣传不符。 文/记者何颖思

Reporter survey found,Part of the English training institution for students by repeatedly:Use the free test/Listen for the course,"Fatigue bombing"promotion;The acceptance may be a refund,But in fact really want money back but many delays;Although the foreign teachers as small class teaching,But the fact is that students can get attention to sell at a discount greatly.Have students questioned,Training institutions English education content and propaganda discrepancy. Wen/reporter HeYingSi


August,Mr Feng was crouching in guangzhou Wall Street English park center before to read the English course,Course consultant to sell can payment by installment.He has no job,But still can apply for to 24 issue of payment by installment,Throughout the course, a total of 38500 yuan of payment.


complaints:On the computer and read like self-study


Then Mr Think training effect not introduce good course consultant.To teach the before,Must complete the computer course,Is on the computer to read,With self-study almost,Give a person feel and spent tens of thousands of yuan is not consistent.


Mr Feng found,His no this ability owing on the loan,Want to put the remaining part of the back without learning.He said,In within one month after registration,Has offered a refund,But the course consultant persuaded.To November and puts forward a refund,Course consultant said money back almost no possibility.Now he has a month didn't go to school.


In order to refund,Mr Feng joined the"Wall Street E language refund group"QQ group,Now there were 49 people group.A group of Mr. Deng said,In order to refund he joined several group,And this group of people are in guangdong's Wall Street English learning,The inside of the group of thirty people,Only two or three people success a refund.


response:A foreign teacher's learning?


In the case of Mr,Wall Street English is responsible for the south China area public relations manager ZouRu said,She made sure to give reply.ZouRu said,At present there are ten students accepted solution,Including Shanghai/guangzhou/Shenzhen and other cities.Some students do not conform to the provisions of the refund,Institutions can't accept.She admitted that,Some course consultant in sales center may not confirm a refund/Study situation within a time limit.Each other said,Course consultant will review the sales technique.She also stressed,Wall Street English"Multivariate method"Teaching after registration certification,Is a ring buckles a ring,Not every time to center outside teach is learning.


Reporter survey found,English training institution was complaints are not isolated cases.September this year,CCTV reported that the ef education refund problem.In different English training institution of learning students questioned,A mechanism using free test/Audition course induced,Then fatigue bombing sell products.When the acceptance may be a refund,But in fact really want to refund when many delays.Although all that small class teaching foreign teachers,But the fact is that students can get attention to sell at a discount greatly,English training institution for by many.

  暗访: 一个外教带上百学生

investigations: One of the foreign teachers with hundreds of students


recently,Our reporter to consultant identity and training institutions,Be course consultant pester and keep on nearly two hours.consultation,When the reporter said that the price is too high to get back to consider when,The other party first said can apply for more favourable price,Then say as long as leave 300 yuan deposit,Can apply for 5800 yuan preferential deduction,Finally don't want to sign up can retreat.


"An agency has so many students,One of the foreign teachers took YiLiangBaiGe students,Do you think can give a student much attention?"And in the,A teacher has said to reporters.Reporter when and,A training center course consultant center said about 1000 students,But foreign teacher only nine(Reporters at the center inside see only four foreign teacher certificate).Count down a foreign teacher will take more than 100 students.


In another training center,Course consultant said there are six foreign teachers in value,Students about 2300 name.Such calculating come,Average a teacher will take forty or fifty students.

  业内: 课程顾问“业绩挂帅”

the: Course consultant"Trengthen the performance"


Some question,English training institution too commercial,The education as a commodity to sell,And ignore the right education of righteousness.A name in English training institution work miss wu told reporters the truth,The course consultant is actually selling,Every month sales business indicators,Sales is divided into two parts,Part of it is the first time the door for the guest,Mainly responsible for"Rimmon one foot"Let the students.The other part is deterring the teacher in charge,Responsible for"Secondary sales",Is to make the students for further study.


And the personage inside course of study to support,Course consultant"Trengthen the performance".Once in the training institutions served as the course consultant Chen said,She was every month should receive more than ten students to complete index,Otherwise, they can only take three or yuan base salary.Course consultant liquidity is bigger,Someone walked every month,Many are not complete performance.She said,Course consultant English level is not high,General English four six levels of can.

  律师: 属无形服务难衡量效果

A lawyer: Is difficult to measure the intangible service effect


Guangdong - Aaron LiuYuXing refers to the lawyer,Businesses to provide contract often is advantage for themselves,But education organization belongs to widely competitive industry,Consumer can choose on their own.If consumers think there business fraud,Can court proceedings.But the single look from the terms of the contract,The law is difficult to determine the terms belong to terms.


LiuYuXing special remind,For English training this intangible service,It is difficult to measure service effect.Consumers in when signing a contract must pay close attention to."Anyone to sell anything,No matter how said hype,Complete the transaction moment,Have to be carefully review again the terms of the contract,Such as some advertising selling point in the contract if not reflected,Will pay attention to."


LiuYuXing said,A lot of business advertising do very detailed,Such as"Sell how many money/How can achieve the effect"Has written,So it can be an offer.
