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“教育工作满意度是个‘易碎品’,它警醒我们的工作永远只有更好,没有最好,只有心里始终装着百姓,才能真正赢得民心。”山东省文登市教育局局长 刘建舫
"Education job satisfaction is a‘fragile’,It keep watch our work always only better,There is no best,Only the heart always wore the people,Can really win the hearts."Shandong province WenDengShi education bureau chief LiuJianFang
"Children recent independent have more time!"Shandong province WenDengShi public community residents' committees of the WangHui found,On the fourth grade children early to my homework done,Have the energy to do outside the development.The original,In order to alleviate the burden on students,Since march this year,WenDengShi education bureau requires schools of each class total control activities,And in the school public web site,Received good results.
The Frenchman - talk about education change,Students and parents, as he sees them:The school canteen food's high quality and low price,The classroom is no longer cold winter's dormitory,Train students to transfer to the village head la la la la la la...Things are small,But some warm the heart.It is understood,This is due to the WenDengShi education in recent years of the people's livelihood project,The crowd satisfaction as the first standard,Trying my best to do a better job in every little thing.
"The child told me last night,Because buy rice late,Food will get cold,The school can not solve the problem?"Song village middle school student parents Mr. Lin had hold try ideas,In the education telephone surveys, say so.Didn't think,Only a week later,School is bought automatic constant temperature sale rice table.Since 2010,WenDengShi education bureau set up the primary and middle school students parents telephone information base,Monthly telephone survey,At present a total of more than 4000 solicit opinion suggestion.
"These opinion suggestion is our mirror,Only the follwing,To live up to the parents to trust and the great trust.All ideas suggested,We all keep item by item/Rectification within/Timely feedback,At present has solved the implementation of more than 3900,The 98% satisfaction."WenDengShi education bureau deputy director DongWenBo said.Open the door to tolerant education,For two years,WenDengShi in weihai city education bureau"To promote the development of the people praised body"The telephone survey of satisfaction at the top.
In 2012 the winter vacation,snow,The Frenchman - 2 in the classroom but the warm.The parents' meeting break a new path,health/The public security, and other units of parents take turns on the stage,For students to speak about"How to prevent the flu"/"The harm of network addiction",Burst of applause from.The original,Tangerang, located in,The fifty middle schools and primary schools all parents committee was established,Invite parents to participate in school for the people's livelihood issues/Class affairs management/The classroom teaching activities."Parents committee is the school education think-tank and beneficial supplement,Only by giving full play to their talents and resources,To make school/family/Social trinity of education effect more in-depth solid."WenDengShi education bureau deputy director HouXiPing said.According to the statistics,WenDengShi organization has been more than 600 times"Parent volunteers in campus"activities.
"Education this two years of change so much,Children in elementary school and junior high school reading need not spend the tuition fee,The classroom is on the heating,Eat have a restaurant,ShangXiaXue have bus,The party's policy is getting better and better!"Several old man standing in front MaGuAn community publicity column,Watching posted[Education train]Side full of praise.
"Education job satisfaction is a‘fragile’,It keep watch our work always only better,There is no best,Only the heart always wore the people,Can really win the hearts."WenDengShi education bureau chief LiuJianFang said.
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