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一位44岁教师的病榻绝笔 学生眼中他更像父亲--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

一位44岁教师的病榻绝笔 学生眼中他更像父亲  图为孙扬在病床上写给理科一班同学们的信,信的结尾处,字大小不一,可是每一笔一画,都凝结着孙扬对学生深深的祝福。本报记者 宋喜群摄 The graph is SunYang in bed to science class students letter,The end of the letter,Word sizes,But each one picture,All of SunYang on students' deep blessing.Our reporter SongXiQun perturbation


"Dear classmates,Though I was knocked out for disease,Always wish you confident before the college entrance examination,Lively and bravely sprint;Though I like a plant disease for a tree,But urgent watch live wire you in this beautiful spring bloom bright..."


This is April 16,,Gansu province ring county a language teacher/Next level science class teacher in charge SunYang,The truth BaoZhan his swan song.


In this year of college entrance examination,SunYang students Marlene/XuJing respectively to gansu province science and/24,Qingyang before science two outstanding achievements,Be admitted to tsinghua university,The whole class 69 students,64 more than a line,Another five also had 2 lines.but,SunYang failed to and students to share the joy of success.


In march of 2012,SunYang diagnosed gastric cancer/Double kidney failure.Twenty days may,Before the college entrance examination 17 days,SunYang with in the teachers' shed and looking forward to/With the students' thoughts and wishes/With the family love and care,Be serious illness took just 44 years old life.


学生眼中他更像父亲 Students' eyes he is more like his father


SunYang graduated from college in 1992 YuQingYang(This longdong college)Chinese,1999 from ring county hund township mountain city middle school call ring county one.As a teacher,SunYang not only good conscience to teaching,But also holding their own one cavity warm blood,To water the plants on the loess plateau.


"He is more like a father."Science class YangQianLiu tears said:"Sun teacher to student's love,Often in casual flowing,A lot of small place,Parents can.The day was cold he will tell students and some clothes,In the winter he will remind in off-campus housing students be careful not to be gas played."When YangQian with excellent grades of fudan university was accepted,YangQian father sighed:"If the sun is still in,He will be more happy than parents."


On May 21,,SunYang memorial service.Don't let the students to participate in the science class,In the ring county one principal ZhangKeYu heart some ravel:Immediately the university entrance exam,Be afraid influence students emotion,But as SunYang leaders and colleagues,He is full of regret and sorrow."See sun teacher last side than the university entrance exam important."The request of the students let a person can't refuse.


funeral,Shanghai/Lhasa/shenzhen/changsha/Lanzhou...Sun teacher's students came from all directions,Science class and other classmates came also,The students wearing small white flowers,Row tidy team,Carried wreath,With tears in her eyes,With their motherly teachers through the life the last a ride.


画出来的病榻绝笔 Painted his swan song


At noon on April 16,,Science class monitor YangGang should come to ring county people's hospital miss sun room."Sitting on the edge of the bed,The teacher took my hand and cry,Cry very sad,He said miss the classmates.Before he left,The teacher gave me a letter,The class meeting this afternoon to give the students read them,Give us class 600 yuan,Give him a substitute science class four 660 yuan,As the cost of the spring outing.""Before the students promised to go out to play together,Also didn't go into.’The teacher's voice is very weak."


"Dear classmates,Though I was knocked out for disease,Always wish you confident before the college entrance examination,Lively and bravely sprint...We just have to wait to rich harvest just...‘The May Day’Can a collective spring outing,Bring camera/Mineral water/Coca-Cola and smile..."Afternoon class meeting,YangGang he read the letter of the teacher,Solemn the classroom students choked with sobs.


This letter,SunYang from 15 began to write,16 morning didn't finish writing,The beginning of the letter writing still calculate neatly,But as usual is powerful,To end,Word sizes/Structure loose,But each one stroke,But all of SunYang on students' deep thoughts and wishes.


"Until the last,He has no strength wrote,Lying in bed,The paper is on the hand painted word."SunYang wife YanLi SOB to say.


留下太多的牵挂 Leave too much care


SunYang go,Left a 80 - year - old grandmother,Sixty farming parents,No job's wife,Also in the reading children.


SunYang a filial son,In the county town work,Usually can't take care of their parents,Sunday is often used to hund township beam bifurcation village to help parents work.My summer holiday in 2010,The floods damaged mountain roads,The donkey carts are go no way,SunYang abruptly to more than 400 bundles from the ground wheat back back.


In Beijing during the doctor,Mother SunYang sister SunYuXia call:"Can see see,I can't get the,The people bring me back,Let me wait for a period of time."SunYang last a period of time,Sixty parents could not hide the heart of sadness.SunYang joking mother encouraged:"Buck up!,I want a healthy/Strong mother,I want you to live to be 80 years old,Her grandson's wife,My grandma is 80 years old,You are still young?."


Wife YanLi is a female peasant woman,In the eyes of the SunYang,She is a long not big of the children."I can't,Leave you blame poor,How can do?"A SunYang said to her words,YanLi, tears streaming down her face."Him several times all want to tell me something,But after hesitation,It didn't say,He was afraid I accept to can not stand."


Female children and grandchildren Chen xiao yu is shandong zibo wanjie medical students,In the eyes of SunChen xiao yu,A long time,My father is a dedicated teacher.father,Want to rely on in her memory and thought about.

  “爸爸每天早出晚归,只有在吃饭的时候能见到,曾经想,爸爸更愿意见的是他的学生而不是女儿。追悼会上,那么多的老师、学生都来给爸爸送行,那时候才更真切地感受到他的人格魅力,人能活到这个份上,够了。”孙辰筱眼里噙着泪水对记者说:“爸爸给我只留了8个字‘做人、学习、求真、务实’,爸爸常说,读书不好,可以通过以后的努力去弥补,但人必须做好,我会沿着父亲指给我的道路走下去,直到永远。”(本报记者 宋喜群)

"Dad go out early and return till late every day,Only in time of have a meal to see,Ever want to,Dad more would like to see is his students rather than the daughter.funeral,So many teachers/Students are to give father off,At that time to deeply feel his personality charm,People can live to be the sake,enough."SunChen xiao yu's eyes with tears, told reporters:"My dad gave me only left eight words‘person/learning/truth/practical’,My father often said that,Reading good,Can through the future efforts to make up for,But people must be done well,I will show my father along the path to walk,Until forever."(Our reporter SongXiQun)
