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南开自主招生考察诚信和公益表现 天大重专才--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  昨日,南开大学、天津大学公布了《2013年自主选拔实施方案》。这两所天津的“985工程”高校自主选拔笔试科目均有“瘦身”,笔试时间大大缩短,在为考生减负的同时使该考试更具有“选拔”特点。在选拔对象上,南大把公益活动和诚信表现纳入考核范围,天大单科优胜者将获更大优惠。 yesterday,Nankai university/Tianjin university announced[2013 independent selection plan].This two tianjin"985 project"The selection of test subjects are independent"Thin body",Written such a short time,To alleviate the burden on students in at the same time make the test is more"selection"characteristics.In the selection of objects,The university public activities and an honest assessment into range,Specifies the big winners will be more preferential.


南大方案 Ntu scheme


The public welfare activities and an honest assessment into range,Written test subjects"Thin body".The increase in the proportion of comprehensive performance interview,This year by 20%, rising to 40%.In the recruit students object,Nankai university autonomous enrolment will continue to tilt in the western region,In order to promote education fair.


Nankai university autonomous selection the public benefit activities and an honest assessment into the range,Written test subjects"Thin body",Increase the proportion of the interview.In the application form,In addition to the high school principal's recommendations/Personal transcript/The copy of the certificates, etc,Still need to login nankai university undergraduate enrollment network download and fill in a["Male can"statements].This form the requirements stated in the past to participate in social practice and social public welfare activities of the situation,Fill out after the completion of the,Candidates must be"Confirmation of good faith"Part handwritten signature.The material will be written qualification review and interview assessment of the important reference.Nankai university in 2013 independent selection for the test subjects"Thin body",Will shorten test time for half a day.Exam course also corresponding reduced to a door will test the liberal arts foundation or science foundation.At the same time,Also can choose according to individual circumstance is single test.In the 2013 years of independent selection,Nankai university increase the interview in the proportion of comprehensive performance,This year by 20%, rising to 40%.In the recruit students object,Nankai university autonomous enrolment will continue to tilt in the western region,In order to promote education fair.In the national model high school and concentrated difficult areas key high school result is outstanding/A discipline specialties,Can the school recommend or cover way to declare nankai university independent selection admissions tests.


天大方案 Big scheme


In the course/Two aspects at the same time duration"Thin body",Will only a name"The base of the discipline of a test"/The total score 200 points/Duration of 3 hours written.Specifies the winner will get more preferential.

  天大的自主选拔也将笔试部分大幅“瘦身”,不苛求“全才”更青睐“专才”,单科优胜者将获得更大优惠。与今年考查社会科学、数学、自然科学三门科目、330分钟考查时间相比,2013年的笔试环节在科目、时长两方面同时“瘦身”,将只进行一场名为“学科基础测试一”(涵盖数学和物理知识)、总分200分、时长3小时的笔试。由于科目“瘦身”,联考笔试时间将在半天内完成。根据天大公布的《自主选拔实施方案》,考生可享受的优惠政策包括:(1)经笔试和面试考核合格的考生,可在天大录取分数线下降30分(上海、江苏考生在录取分数线下20分之内)录取;若其高考成绩已达到天大在当地录取分数线,则加10分安排专业。(2)单科(数学或物理)考核成绩位于前20名的考生,高考成绩达到当地一本线,即可录取;若其高考成绩已达到天大在当地录取分数线,则加20分安排专业。(3)单科(物理)考核成绩位于前30名的考生,高考成绩达到当地一本线,且报考精密仪器与光电子工程学院(国家试点学院)工程科学相关专业,即可被录取。(4)优惠政策降分后学生高考成绩不得低于当地一本线,且学生在填报专业时需服从专业调剂。(记者 赵晖)

Big independent selection will be written test greatly"Thin body",Don't criticize"able"More favour"professionals",Specifies the winner will get more preferential.And this year check social science/mathematics/Natural science three subjects/330 minutes compared test time,2013 years of written link in the subject/Two aspects at the same time duration"Thin body",Will only a name"The base of the discipline of a test"(Covers mathematics and physics knowledge)/The total score 200 points/Duration of 3 hours written.Due to the subject"Thin body",Entrance exam time in half a day will be written to finish.According to the published big[Independent selection plan],Students can enjoy preferential policies including:(1)The written examination and interview assessment qualified candidates,Can be in big admits fractional line down 30 points(Shanghai/Jiangsu candidates in the next twenty points in admit fractional line)admission;If the university entrance exam has reached in the local big admit fractional line,Then add 10 points arrangement professional.(2)specifies(Mathematical or physical)Ranked in the top twenty,The university entrance exam to a local this line,Can admit;If the university entrance exam has reached in the local big admit fractional line,Then add twenty points arrangement professional.(3)specifies(physical)Ranked in the top 30 candidates,The university entrance exam to a local this line,And enter oneself for an examination precision instrument and optoelectronic engineering institute(National pilot college)Engineering science related,Can be accepted.(4)Preferential policies drop points of the university entrance exam students shall not be lower than the local a line,And students in professional provided to obey the professional dispensing.(Reporter ZhaoHui)
