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  深圳一位小学三年级女生的作文,不看则已,一看吓一跳:白雪公主虽然长得漂亮,但是毫无宫斗攻略,三番两次被继母王后害惨,值得鄙视!这让人不由想起前不久的新闻,小女生看了穿越剧后跳井自杀,想回到古代和皇帝谈恋爱飚“宫心计”。如今的孩子们在想些什么呢? Shenzhen a third grade girl composition,Watch has,A look surprised:Snow White although looks beautiful,But there is no GongDou strategy,Again and again was the queen's harm,Worth despise!This let a person do not think of the news recently,The little girl saw in shaoxing opera jumps well suicide,Think back to ancient times and the emperor MAO to fall in love"Palace calculation".Now the children want to what?


Fairy tale was generation after generation of precious childhood memory,Andersen fairy tales of the ugly duckling and the little mermaid,Grimm's fairy tales of Cinderella and the prince frog,ZhengYuanJie in fairy tale shunk and beta,This is a lot of people in the childhood memories fresh image,Warm with their growth time.In a network company work after 80 youth beam Sir,Still remember when I was a child was fascinated by ZhengYuanJie fairy tales,The little mouse shunk and beta optimistic upward/Never give up,The influence.


"Fairy tales have fall behind The Times!Realistic society,The fairy tale is just a beautiful bubble,I want to let the children from contact with the real thing,Even enemies we make,Also want to advance let her have immunity!"The despise the Snow White princess won't GongDou primary school girls,His father one expresses child.what shut the bladder.

  “家里被弄得很脏了,但是不做清洁,而是开始习于肮脏甚至创造肮脏,这位父亲的逻辑是不对的。道德滑坡,价值失范,社会教育去人文化越来越严重,这是事实,但是如果我们轻言放弃,让孩子从人生伊始就绝缘美好,我觉得这是家长的堕落和失职。” 近日刚刚出版新书《汤圆王子童话集》的作者南诏,直言不讳对“假丑恶”早教的坚决否定:“知识和能力教育都是其次的,我觉得从小的情怀和信念教育才是最关键的,如果孩子没有学会真心欣赏并认真体验这个世界,考试多厉害又有什么用?最后都会像钱理群教授说的那样,成为精致的利己主义者,高智商、世俗、老到,善于表演,懂得配合,更善于利用体制来达到自己的目的,这种人一旦掌握权力比一般的贪官污吏危害更大!我不想自己的孩子变成这样的人!”

"Home is very dirty,But do not clean,But a beginning used dirty even create dirty,The father's logic is wrong.Moral landslide,Value anomie,Social education to culture more and more serious,This is a fact,But if we give up,Let the child from the beginning of life good insulation,I think it is the parents fall and dereliction of duty." Just recently published book[Dumplings, prince]Author nanzhao,Call a spade a spade on"Enemies we make"The early firmly negative:"Knowledge and ability education are next,I think from the feelings and belief education is the key,If a child does not learn to truly appreciate and serious experience the world,Test well and have what use?The professor said QianLiQun will like it,Become the exquisite egoist,High intelligence quotient (IQ)/secular/old,Good performance,Know how to cooperate with,The more good at using the system to reach own purpose,This kind of person once power than the general corrupt officials more harmful!I don't want their children become such people!"


South Korea in the children's fairy tale activities is Japan initiative launched a very meaningful international communication project,August last year for the first time held in China.Interview activity reporter discovery,Chinese children"Won the intelligence lost upbringing",Although in intelligence and creativity are not inferior to Japan and South Korea,Foreign language/Musical Instruments are not strengths,But to the organizer ChenTian head teacher is feeling,Chinese children in civilized manners/People often disadvantage,compared,The girl is more like Japan and South Korea"The girl",A small fair maiden temperament.In fact,In the Chinese parents' education in the trend,This comparison is difference"As a,reap".


Investigation shows that,Domestic more than seventy percent of the parents think ahead of development is to learn the Chinese characters/English and mathematics,Beijing normal university cognitive development research director WoJianZhong think it is"Terrible error",and"Pay attention to the harmonious development of the IQ and eq is the essence of development."Beijing early education academy of sciences researcher at the institute of education LiaoLiYing pointed out"knowledge/High skill levels of people don't necessarily cultural quality is high."Mr Yu summarize their parents when experience,Is that the family education in several important factors must be pay attention to,The first is to the child's emotional cultivation,Including children appreciate the natural ability/To the humanities spirit experience and thinking ability,The second is how the basic norms,And the capacity to love.Like the fairy tale from the nanzhao think,These factors as it is in the fairy tale reading can solve,Fairy tale reading is a very good eq cultivation methods,Can subtly develop the child's sentimental feelings,Beautiful interesting imagination can increase the child's aesthetic feeling and sentimental,This will be good to yourself and the world,Believe that good,hope.


Children's education experts say,All education should start from the root,If rejected fundamental/The human nature beauty and virtue education,The rest is asking for the impossible,And the fairy tale reading the most precious,Is true and faith element refreshing.Like the fairy tale reading children,Don't read the fairy tale than children to emotional,Also have the courage.In fact,A dream of fairy tales contain human wisdom/virtue/Social customs,Also in deductive reality all the society,Deduction of good and evil sharp opposition,But the fairy tale with a feature,Good faith is to hold,It is very important for the children.

  据悉,《汤圆王子童话集》目前正走俏新年图书市场,网友纷纷评论这是“送给孩子和有梦成年人的2013年的最温暖礼物。” 网友“双面湖水”说:“读完《汤圆王子童话集》,感到了一种温暖的正能量,心里逐渐舒缓下来,这种感觉已经很久没有了。” 网友秋千则说看书时想起了法国作家圣?埃克苏佩里的传世童话《小王子》,她说:“多么庆幸,童话的世界里不再只有外国的王子,中国也有了属于自己的小王子。” (中新网生活频道)

It is reported,[Dumplings, prince]Is currently popular New Year book market,Users have commented that it is"To children and adults in 2013 dream of the most warm gift." Net friend"Double lake"said:"read[Dumplings, prince],Feel a kind of warm positive energy,Heart gradually slow down,This feeling has a long time have no." Net friend swing is said when reading of the French writer SAN?Eaker Sue perry handed down from ancient times of the fairy tale[The little prince],She said:"How glad,The world of fairy tale no longer only foreign prince,China also have their own little prince." (A life channel)
