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  学生代表的意见在决策中,能起到多大作用?这些问题不解决,就可能让学生参与学校管理成为形式。 Student representative opinions on decision-making,Can have much effect?These problems are not solved,May let the students to participate in the school management become form.


University students if elected by the students,Become a real student autonomous organization,This is a symbolic students to enter the school nominal decision making mechanism,More valuable.

  近日, 南开大学作出一项重要决定:学校最高议事机构校务委员会里,将首次出现学生的身影。这一决定是南开大学校长龚克在该校第二十次学生代表大会、第三十一次研究生代表大会上透露的。他说,校务委员会将为学生设立两个固定席位,两名学生将以校务委员会委员的身份进入。

recently, Nankai university to make an important decision:The highest school the institutions in the school board,Will be the first time the figure of students.This decision is the principal in the school of nankai university GongKe once 20 students congress/31 times on the graduate student congress said.He said,The school board will be set up for students two fixed seats,Two students will be the identity of the school committee into.


It is reported,In addition to enter the school board representative,Nankai university will also have 16 students, into the processing committee/Traffic management committee/Dietary working committee,Participate in the school of management,Better get through between schools and their students of communication channels.Nankai university in school management,Pay attention to the students' participation,Worth society must.In the modern university system,Academic autonomy and student autonomy,It is very important content.Nankai in the school board members in establishing the students,To promote the democratic management of the school,The construction of modern school system is a step.


but,In view of the past in similar existing in the move"decoration"and"formalism"problem,On behalf of the students in the school management can really play a role,Remains to be seen.To academic autonomy as an example,Universities in China in recent years have established the committee of professors and academic committee,Trying to promote academic autonomy,But it is a pity that,Committee of professors and academic committee,Only its most,Without actually,Reason is that,This is not elected by the professor(But by the school administration assigned),And no independent operation(Usually the affiliated in academic administration/Graduate school or the personnel department),The academic decision,There's not much authority,This has led to the committee of professors and academic committee become decoration and tools.


The students to participate in the management of the school,If you don't have to solve student representative/How to participate in school management on behalf of the specific mechanism,Is likely to repeat committee of professors/Mistakes of the academic committee.For to nankai,That has to be answered including:The school school committee is the highest policy-making body of the school?In our country's colleges and universities,The organization usually does not have decision-making power,A year is symbolically a two meetings,Has the power to make decisions is the party committee standing committee or the headmaster club.On behalf of the students are students democratic election,Or appointed by the school?If only the school assigned,so,There would be no is a student"representative".Student representative opinions on decision-making,Can have much effect?These problems are not solved,May let the students to participate in the school management become form.As the students said,In the hope that the two students don't do the vase,"For students to speak,Say students words".


To test the move is"bids"or"ZouXingShi",In fact,As long as see students/Will graduate election form,You will know that.From the current situation to see,Nankai students and will graduate,Did not seem to take students way of democratic elections,But many years ago,Sun yat-sen university students has attempted to directly elected.The author seems to be in,University students if elected by the students,Become a real student autonomous organization,This is a symbolic students to enter the school nominal decision making mechanism,More valuable.

  需要注意的是,南开校长希望同学们把参与学校的民主管理当成“一种学习过程、一种社会体验、一种民主体验、一种成长的经历和职业的准备”,这很中肯,让学生参与学校民主管理,对学校来说,也是一种学习过程。学校应该切实推进民主管理,才能让学生有真切的体验。熊丙奇 (21世纪教育研究院副院长)

Need to pay attention to is,Nankai principal hope the students to participate in the democratic management of the school as"A learning process/A kind of social experience/A democratic experience/A kind of experiences and professional preparation",This is the point,Let the students to participate in the democratic management of the school,For schools,Is also a kind of learning process.Schools should promote the democratic management,To make students have really experience.XiongBingJi (The 21st century education research institute vice President)
