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安徽医科大学生持斧头砍死同学 疑因涉感情纠葛--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

EF EF T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB STYLE1 clear">   编者按: Editor's note:12月20日7时30分左右,安徽医科大学老校区图书馆六楼北侧发生命案,一名上自习的大学生谈某被学长胡某某用斧头砍死。凶手已被警察带走,行凶原因有待调查。据同学介绍,可能与感情纠纷有关,胡某某长期追求一女生未果,现以为谈某与该女生在谈恋爱,遂起了杀念。 Twenty days on December or so,Anhui medical university library old campus six floor north of homicide case happened,A top self-study students talk about one is senior HuMou a death with an axe.The murderer has being taken away by the police,The loose reasons unknown.According to introduce the,May and feelings about the dispute,HuMou a long-term pursuit of a girl not if really,Now think about a girl in love with it,Hence up kill read.更多精彩新闻>> More wonderful news>>


Twenty days on December or so,Anhui medical university library old campus six floor north of homicide case happened,A top self-study of college students is senior death with an axe.The murderer has being taken away by the police,The loose reasons unknown.


According to the survey,The man who cut HuMou one,male,22 years old,SiXian suzhou people,Anhui medical university is the first clinical college for a general branch level clinical medical students,Talk about the dead one is the next level students.HuMou a hurt after the first time by the school library staff and students will hold together the,The public security organ with and to its control and take away.Detailed reason public security organs are investigating.


案情推测 疑因感情纠葛引发悲剧 The case for emotional entanglement suspected that caused the tragedy


At noon that day,The reporter comes to talk about the dead live a life science college dormitory building.After understanding,Talk about a live in the room 403.At this time the floor have banned personnel to enter.Residence halls duty lodge keeper said,The school has the floor classmates call to talk.Lodge keeper memories,Talk about a kind man/Study hard."Every day to see him holding the book to go to self-study."Lodge keeper said,In the up and down the floor meet,Talk about one will take the initiative to greet it.


On that day and,Reporter toss linked to live in a dorm talk next to the horse classmate.According to introduce the horse,HuMou a cut to kill anybody,May and a girl about.


Talk about a relationship with the girls more intimate,But for a talk at ordinary times is relatively low,So can't determine whether two people for men and women friends.Horse classmate say,Talk about one and the girl is in the library self-study on the know.According to ma students understand,The man who cut HuMou a pursuit of the girl for many years,But always failed to fulfill a wish.The horse that students,HuMou a thought about a girl in love with it,Hence up kill read,Will talk about a chop down dead.


In AnYiDa library 6th floor self-study indoor,A student told reporters,Talk about a seat of self-study in the girl next door table.In addition to a few days ago,Often can see a HuMou to study room to find the girl.Two people in the self-study outdoor porch when talking,There was a fierce debate,The girl HuMou for a later don't again to find her.Because and talk about some more familiar with,The girl will inform about one,And I hope to find a can talk HuMou a conversation,Let HuMou one don't come to her.After a HuMou talk for a talk,But conversation effect is not ideal.It is reported,Dec 19 late,Talk about one and a HuMou between had happened a dispute.


but,The two sides also been among students because of a trigger disputes,And finally a tragedy.At present,The tragedy of the cause is under investigation.


警方发布 嫌疑人或早有预谋 The police suspect or released early premeditated


December twenty days,Hefei police is the case said in a news release,Called revenge talk about a victim,A suspect HuMou make,In a talk with an axe often reading library last row waiting,And talk about some sat down to study,HuMou a suddenly from the back comes to talk behind one,Take out the axe slashing its neck.


Day morning 8,Hefei city public security bureau 110 and warning desk received alarm says,Is located in hefei meishan address on the sixth floor reading room of university library,A student with an axe will another student cut down.

  接到报警后,在街面巡逻的民警和辖区派出所民警迅速到达现场,在该校保卫部门的配合下,迅速抓获犯罪嫌疑人。经120医护人员现场诊断,被砍倒的学生已经死亡。据了解,犯罪嫌疑人胡某某对受害人谈某一直心存不满。19日晚,胡某某与谈某发生纠纷后,胡某某决定报复谈某。案发当日7时30分许,胡某某携带作案的斧头,来到谈某时常看书学习的图书馆最后一排坐下等待谈某。待谈某坐下学习时,胡某某猛然从后排蹿到谈某身后,掏出斧头猛砍其颈部,致使谈某当场死亡。目前,犯罪嫌疑人胡某某对自己的犯罪事实供认不讳。此案还在进一步调查之中。 据江淮晨报报道

Received after the alarm,In the street level patrol police police police and the area quickly arrived at the scene,In the school to defend department cooperation,Quickly caught the criminal suspect.The 120 medical personnel field diagnosis,Cut down the students died.It is understood,The criminal suspect HuMou a victim to talk about a has been be discontent.19 night,HuMou one and talk about some after a dispute,HuMou a decided to revenge a talk.The day make,HuMou carry a crime the axe,Come to talk about a often reading learning library last row sit waiting for a talk.To talk about some sat down to study,HuMou a suddenly from the back comes to talk behind one,Take out the axe slashing its neck,The talk about a died on the spot.At present,The criminal suspect HuMou one to own confessed.The case is still in further investigation. According to the morning post reported the huaihe river

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