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3岁双胞胎姐妹帮清洁工奶奶扫马路引关注(图)网友拍下一对三岁的双胞胎小姐妹在寒冷天气下清扫落叶。 网友 供图 Net friend take a three-year-old twins little sisters in cold weather cleaning the fallen leaves. Net friend for map3岁双胞胎姐妹帮清洁工奶奶扫马路引关注(图)双胞胎和奶奶在一起。徐醒 摄 The twins and grandma together.Xu taken up


Not long ago,Have net friend take a pair of two or three years old twin sister small hand take a broom in cold weather cleaning pictures of leaves,Drawing little sister is lovely and has and age not sensible.The net post in XiCiHuTong BBS brings all attention,HuTongKou soon become the ReTie.Reporter yesterday for the event occurred of the cool and refreshing gate street zhanjiang road intersection near a public toilet,To understand the original here is this for 3 years old twin sister and mother and grandmother place to live,Their grandma li fifty years old this year,Liuhe people,HuanWeiSuo drum tower is one of the cleaner,Responsible for the public toilet and small park near the cleaning.


网帖:超萌双胞胎小姐妹扫落叶 Network for:Super sprout twin sisters and small leaves


recently,In XiCiHuTong BBS,A title for[We help grandma and leaves]Nets for attention by all,Posts have two photo,It has two dress exactly the same little girl,One with a broom,A will take,Is a young woman led,With an air of importance to cleaning the fallen leaves.Nets for a a,Immediately have a lot of net friend is very concerned about the post said.Net friend"YaoYao spirit"said:Sensible child paper,Filial piety daughter-in-law!Net friend"jc"Is said:The child good behavior must be from the parents' precept,Is really a harmonious.


The reporter contact post man"Willows smile",She said,November and at noon on something out on his own,Pass by zhanjiang road intersection near a public toilet,See such a scene,Didn't want to think more,Just think a pair of twins girl to help my mother sweep deciduous,Very interesting,Shoot after,Think the young mother doesn't like to do cleaning ah,Just ask once,Who is in the help clean?The young mother said,Is in to help her clean.Usually in the Internet to see a lot of daughter-in-law said her mother-in-law this bad that bad,Real life,See don't abandon her mother-in-law do cleaning are willing to help her daughter-in-law work,It is easier to move,Her post is to bless the people.


探访:公厕旁建“竹林之家” visit:Public toilets built by"Bamboo home"


Reporter found yesterday noon in cool and refreshing door near the street intersection,In a public toilet nearby found are cleaning, li.At the age of fifty, li is cool and refreshing gate street zhanjiang road intersection public toilet cleaner,She got up at 6 every morning,The first more than 30 square meters of public toilet sanitation clean again,To eat breakfast.The next time,As long as see the public toilet is dirty,Went to clean,Have been busy until the evening 11 o 'clock.

  2006年,李静和丈夫从六合农村来到清凉门大街,李静当公厕保洁员,丈夫做清洁工。为了方便工作,他们就将家安在公厕旁边,由于周围是小公园的一片竹林,周围邻居就称他们一家为“竹林之家”。公厕的开放时间是早上7点到晚上11点,他们俩也就从一大早忙到晚上11点,几乎天天如此。当公厕保洁员6年来,李静几乎每一天都是这么度过,她的付出得到周围市民称赞, “她在这里工作多年,认真负责,公厕从来没有异味。”公厕旁一家店铺老板周女士说。

In 2006,,Li and her husband from the countryside to cool and refreshing door avenue,Li when public toilet cleaner,The husband do cleaner.In order to facilitate the work,They will be home in public toilets, beside,Because is a small park around a piece of bamboo forest,Surrounding neighbors called them a"Bamboo home".The toilet is open time at 7 am to 11 PM,Both of them are busy from early in the morning to 11 PM,Almost every day so.When the public toilet cleaner 6 years,Li almost every day is spent so,She paid public praise around, "She worked here for many years,responsible,Public toilet no peculiar smell."Public toilet side a shop owner weeks lady said.


奶奶:很多好心人主动帮她们 grandma:Many man volunteered to help them


The reporter understands,The son of li daughter-in-law in pu mouth original work,Three years ago daughter-in-law gave birth to twins little sisters HuangMengQi and HuangMengLin,In order to facilitate the care,Daughter-in-law, and moved to the child"Bamboo home"live.Li told reporters,Now twin sisters also nearby in kindergarten,A man a passage of time tuition is 3700 yuan,This is not high on the income of the family is a serious problem.


In a lot of good intention,Such as nearby qingjiang longyuan district is an old man,Her granddaughter slightly larger than the twins for several months,She knew that LiJingGu the often their own granddaughter clothes bring them here to li.There are a lot of good intention to see twins also often ask cold ask warm,From time to time also some milk snacks to their home,The twins is in these under the help of the man slowly grow up.


, li said,The family education in the process of twins often mention"gratitude",Hope they grow up can not forget those who have helped us.Twins little sister is very sensible,Especially after kindergarten like really became"grownup",Often in the mother under the leadership of the initiative to help grandma,This also let li very touched.
