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校园凶杀案频发 看各国如何撑起校园安全蓝天--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  12月14日早上7:40分,河南文光县陈棚村完全小学门口,一男子持刀疯狂砍伤22名小学生。犯罪嫌疑人闵应军(男,36岁,文殊乡邹棚村桃元组人)已被警方控制…… [详细]

On December 14, 7 in the morning:40 points,Henan WenGuang county Chen tent village elementary school door,Help a man crazy cuts and pupils.The criminal suspect MinYingJun(male,36 years old,Manjusri township zou tent village peach yuan group)Has been the police control…… (detailed)


Why do the students became the object of people revenge and hatred?The innocent children in this area should be very safe in school,Repeatedly hurt.The following,Introduce foreign implement methods to protect the safety of campus:


美国 The United States

  恶性事件 Malignant events:绑架杀人案件频发 Frequent kidnapping murder case

  近年来, 美国学校频发恶性绑架杀人案件。2006年9月,一个中年男子持枪进入 美国科罗拉多州杰斐逊县一所高中,绑架6个学生。3个多小时后,绑匪终止谈判。当特警队准备冲入教室解救人质时,绑匪开枪重伤一个女生,然后自尽。

In recent years, American schools frequent malignant kidnapping murder case.In September 2006,A middle-aged man armed to enter the United States in Colorado Jefferson county, a high school,Kidnapped six students.After more than three hours,The kidnappers to terminate negotiations.When the force to rescue hostages into the classroom,The kidnappers shot badly hurt a girl,And suicide.


措施 measures

  训练"关锁保护法" training"For the protection"

  美国俄亥俄州肯伍德小学三年级的孩子们正在上算术课,突然校长发出通知说,有一持枪匪徒进入学校。孩子们马上放下课本,安静地在老师的指点下退到墙边盘膝坐下。老师迅速关好窗户,用厚纸挡住教室门上的小玻璃。10分钟后,校长宣布,枪匪警报解除。这是上一周, 美国多所中小学里进行的抵御枪匪来袭的演习之一。

Ken wood, Ohio, United States primary school grade three of the children are in subjects like mathematics,Suddenly the notice said,The bandit with a gun into the school.The children immediately put down the book,Under the guidance of the teacher quietly back to the wall cross legs and sat down.The teacher quickly close the window,With thick paper block the small glass on the door of the classroom.After ten minutes,The President announced,Gun bandit alarm.This is the last week, Middle schools and primary schools in more than in the United States against gun bandits to one of the drill.

  专家认为,重要的是减少疯狂枪手射杀进入他视线中所有人的可能性;尽量锁住房门,保持黑暗,让歹徒误认为房间内没有人;不要刺激歹徒杀回马枪等。 美国学校将这一保护方式称为"关锁保护法"。警方说,在实施"关锁保护"时,千万不要听到有人敲门就应,老师要在可能的情况下用手机保持与外界的联系。

Experts say,The important thing is to reduce the crazy gunman shot into the possibility of all the people in his line of sight;As far as possible housing door locked,Keep the dark,Let the gunman as no one in the room;Don't stimulate the gunman killed back thrust, etc. Call it a way to protect American school"For the protection".Police said,In the implementation"For protection"when,Never heard someone knocking at the door should be,The teacher to be possible to use a mobile phone to keep in touch with the outside world.


As Ken wood primary school after exercise,9 years old boy Michael said when he heard the alarm don't afraid,The teacher gave them"concealed"Is very good,He felt very safe.


定期进行多种演习 Variety of exercise on a regular basis

  火警是最常见的一种演习,也是 美国从小学到高中学生必须熟知的一种演习。一旦发出火警警报,孩子们会立即放下正在做的事情,听从老师的指挥,自动排成单行离开教室,不拥挤,不乱跑,直到顺利走出学校建筑。

Fire is the most common kind of exercise,Is the United States from the high school students must be familiar with a kind of exercise.Once a fire alarm,The children are doing down immediately,Listen to the teacher's command,Automatically in a single line to leave the classroom,Don't crowded,Don't run,Until well out of the school buildings.


In addition to,School also such disasters as earthquake drill.According to the provisions of each school year,Schools to carry out security drill once or twice.

  日本 Japan

  恶性事件: Malignant events:放学途中学生遇险 School students in distress on the way

  2005年11月22日,广岛县一个小学一年级女学生在放学途中被诱拐杀害。2005年12月1日,枥木县一个小学一年级女学生在放学途中失踪,后发现被杀害,尸体被遗弃在山林中。接二连三发生的针对学生的恶性杀人事件,引起 日本社会舆论哗然。

On November 22, 2005,Hiroshima county a a grade female students were killed by the kidnapping in the school on the way.On December 1, 2005,LiMuXian a a grade female students missing on the way home after school,That were killed,Bodies were abandoned in the forest.Consecutive malignant murder happened in view of the students,Caused by Japanese society.


措施 measures

  学校从开放走向封闭 School from open to closed

  长期以来, 日本的学校是面向当地社区开放的场所。因为寸土寸金,也只有学校才可能拥有大操场和较大的室内聚会场所。所以一些重要的社区公共活动,比如参众两院大选的投票和社区运动会等都在学校举行。但这几起校园凶杀事件导致 日本学校不得不开始更加注重自身的安全,走向封闭。

For a long time, Japan's school open to the local community is the place.Because by,Only school may also have a big playground and large indoor meeting place.So some important community public activities,Such as the general election in the house and the senate vote and community sports meeting is held in the school, etc.But this several campus massacre in Japanese schools to begin to pay more attention to their own safety,To close.


书包手机均可定位报警 Mobile phone bag can be positioning the police


In recent years,Children's mobile phone with GPS positioning function,Popular with parents.Before many schools think that mobile phone will interfere with the children's learning,Therefore prohibited students to bring mobile phones to school.But now,Electric appliance store have a children's mobile phone shop.There is a mobile phone,In case of emergency,As long as the pull all,Mobile phone alarm bell will be ringing,At the same time will send their position to the specified device(Such as security agencies/Parents' mobile phones),And parents can always through the computer and other equipment that determines the location of the child/Grasp the child's whereabouts.


Japanese students in bag also under a lot of time,Launched in 2004 with GPS locator students bag,popular.The experts also remind,Students must regularly carry alarm/A whistle, etc,And don't put in the bag,And should be put in hand,For a rainy day.


俄罗斯 Russia

  恶性事件: Malignant events:学生宿舍深夜起火 Students' dormitory fire at night


A night in November 2003,A student at the university of Moscow friendship building fires,Were killed 38 foreign students.Escaped the students said,They are choked by the heavy smoke wake up,Didn't hear any alarm.

  措施 measures

  加大对校园消防安全重视 More attention to campus fire control safety


The incident caused people's attention to the campus safety, especially fire safety.Plastering MoSiKeShi immediately to the city of 315 on the fire control safety inspection,The results found that there is 55 building fire control safety hidden trouble,The corridor was/Wire aging and fire alarm system is imperfect, and so on.

  在 俄罗斯的《高校安全条例》中有明确规定,如果因校方管理不当而引起火灾,责任人将被追究刑事责任。

In Russia[The safety regulations]There are clear rules,If the fire caused by improper management of the school,Responsible persons will be shall be investigated for criminal responsibility.

  恶性事件 Malignant events

  别斯兰中学人质大劫持 Beslan school held hostage

  2004年9月1日,恐怖分子劫持了 俄罗斯别斯兰市第一中学的学生、老师以及前来参加新学年开学典礼的家长,并与闻讯赶来的警方展开对峙,直到9月3日,反恐行动展开后,匪徒们被消灭,人质方才获救,但在本次恐怖事件中,共有333人死亡,其中包括180多名儿童。

On September 1, 2004,Terrorists hijacked the Russian beslan city the first middle school students/The teacher and the parents to attend the opening ceremony for the new academic year,And open confrontation with the police rushed to,On September 3, until,After the campaign against terrorism,The bandits are destroyed,The hostages have been rescued,But in the terror attacks,A total of 333 people were killed,Including more than 180 children.

  措施 measures

  中小学生配备身份登记卡 Primary and middle school students are equipped with identity CARDS

  别斯兰事件发生后, 俄罗斯政府在部分地区为中小学生配置了身份登记卡,上面记录着学生的身份和基本医疗信息,同时还有一些指导学生如何应对洪水、火灾、交通事故以及恐怖袭击的知识。据悉,目前这一计划还在试运行当中,如果效果良好,将在全国范围内推广。 

After the events in beslan, The Russian government in parts for primary and middle school students equipped with identity CARDS,It records the identity of the students and the basic medical information,At the same time there are some guiding students how to deal with the flood/The fire/The knowledge of traffic accidents and terrorist attacks.It is reported,Now the plan is still in commissioning,If the effect is good,Will spread throughout the country.


