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南大“标准哥”惹麻烦 侵老师邮箱搜考卷要被开除--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
"Standard elder brother"The nanjing university software institute LiuJingKang level 2010 boys,This nickname LiuJingKang from July this year"Abrupt fantasy",In 7000 he made pictures of nanjing university departments"Standard face",The net friend send nickname"Standard elder brother".
The south Yangtze evening news reported"Standard elder brother"LiuJingKang again become the focus,The former through phone button sound successful break 360 President ZhouHongYi mobile phone number"Software boy",Unexpectedly and use loophole invasion of school educational member email search to the final exam papers,And will be announced the intrusion process in all online.
But this time,He didn't so lucky,The school know this matter soon,Also called the liu dad,Even LiuJingKang oneself also said in everyone on the Internet:"Is likely to be fired."ntu"Technology of emperor"Really want to be fired?Yangzi evening news reporters yesterday launched after visit.
A “标准哥”又成焦点 A "Standard elder brother"And to focus on
发帖演示如何搜出期末试卷 Post show how to find out the final exam
26 night,LiuJingKang exploded in a everyone online news,How to through the invasion of the email to get the final test and modify results:"The first statement,This vulnerability was accidentally discovered,I just proved it feasible,But in the end there is no do bad things,Or is found will be dropped out……The other is the visual many colleges and universities mail system have such loopholes,Welcome to other schools the students to practice and validation……"
And then,the"Technology of emperor"Step by step detailed analysis of the invasion of the whole process of software college academic member mailbox."Generally speaking,,College is relatively independent of the organization,Our papers are made by teacher proposition and then sent to the college academic member to print,Finally delivered to our hands.How to send?,I don't think U disk by spectrum is bad also to management,Is email,So our aim is to log on to the academic part of mail there,To test.""Log in normally need a password……We will use the cookie(Cookie refers to some web sites in order to identify the user identity/In session tracking and stored in the data on the user's local terminal baidu encyclopedia of explanation),Because the server except the password also know this thing,And the things we can forge on the browser."
How to get a cookie?LiuJingKang said"We want to change idea again:Through the js to academic member his cookie back to us."25 more than 9 PM,He sent an email to academic member,Then after 26 received a reply,Quickly add something into the code to cookie,To open the court mail,In the console of chrome enter an academic member of the mail."The rest of the things easy,In the email search‘roll’,It all came out."In order to prove himself is done,LiuJingKang also posted the academic member email about the paper mail directory."There is too much,There are 13 pages,But we are grade three semesters,So next semester exam."LiuJingKang also guarantee,"I really did not open any email within and download a test paper!"
success"search"After the papers,LiuJingKang also published a paragraph about"How to modify results"guess:"As expected,Also teacher after finishing academic member there together,And then to the school office of academic affairs,Such as below this;Method is very simple,The title contains‘results’The mail Settings for spam,Academic hospital won't accept it,Then you go to spam and go back,Download the form,Modify results,In the same way hijacked teacher's email,To send a letter to educational administration(Probably feasible!,Haven't tried)."
This journal published in everyone nets,Immediately is reproduced crazy,A net friend big discussion.In a pile of"Bow down to"after,Someone said"Thinking is very novel,Is not enough detail.How to change after the key is to receive the teacher's email cookie."There are people"For postgraduate entrance exam specialized test!"
“标准哥”突然道歉删帖,说学校要开除他 "Standard elder brother"Suddenly an apology delete,That school to fire him
But also points to 27 morning,LiuJingKang deleted yourself of this journal."This morning at 8 o 'clock got a call from the instructor,The log has been ordered to delete,I'm sorry".He wrote:"I just verified,You didn't do bad things,Did not encourage everyone to do bad things.If you really want to use the loophole do bad things,I will a man steal the pleasures,Why do you send to share.In turn to speak,This hole is not so difficult to find,I think the school may be too confident of their system,Or know the vulnerabilities also lazy to change,No matter what kind of situation,They can't guarantee that no student must be secretly to do so before."He said,The log of velocity is also within the scope of my expectations.
Then LiuJingKang said in everyone online again,Is likely to be dropped out,Daddy has been the school called to talk."Technology of emperor"fired,The explosive news once again aroused the net friend of hot debate,A claim LiuJingKang drove the ntu students back to this micro bo sent occasionally,"Seniors find vulnerabilities cracked academic member of the school email last night of the password,The school to call his father to fire him……"
but,Soon LiuJingKang and made the explanation:"I'm very sorry,Just about out of state,Is my father understand and convey the meaning of the teacher was wrong."Yesterday afternoon,LiuJingKang formally apologize again:"In this,For my impulse/Impetuous and ways,To worry about me/Affected by the bad man,And therefore things damaged software college,Express my apologies,I'm sorry!And the results of the things will be in accordance with the school normal process.Other I still hope that the matter to court mail,Other school systems and inspired by the log to think and validation of the students will have positive results."
当事人变“忐忑”,学校暂无处理决定 The variable"eventually",School no decision
Yesterday afternoon,Yangzi evening news reporter dialed the telephone LiuJingKang again,Before because of him"innovation",Reporter has many times phone communication with him,But this time the standings"Technology of emperor"Agreed to,Eventually to say don't want to accept an interview.
Reporters then contacted the relevant person in charge of the nanjing university software institute,When reporters asked whether to LiuJingKang to quit school,She said no decision,And attention to this matter will be in accordance with the school normal process,Is not software college of unilateral decision.
B 网友热议 B/hot debate
是学校漏洞,还是“标准哥”玩过头 Is the school leak,or"Standard elder brother"Play too
"Without considering the consequences,Technology development can only lead to disaster"
From theft 7000 photo P into university departments"Standard face",To 2 seconds by telephone key sound break 360 President ZhouHongYi mobile phone number,Ntu LiuJingKang software institute,He can still win the favour of li,To be invited to join"Innovation workshop".But the incursion mail see test events on the Internet quite a lot dispute.Even caused a about"Technology and the humanities/responsibility"The discussion of the.
Netizens think,LiuJingKang found holes not only contact the relevant personnel,But in all online advertising,"Actually is ignorant of the butterfly effect of chain reaction.""Before the technology development of the possible consequences if not enough,Enough rational considerations,Technology can only bring disaster,Or worse,Bring unpredictable even human beings cannot understand the problem.""It's like the story the emperor's new clothes,Is the school's mail system have holes,Discovered by students after the break,Should be immediately to the holes,Rather than to punish students first."A lot of net friend) for him,"er……LiuJingKang classmates just found,No black it again,Can't take students' operation……"
Netizens also questioned the school study atmosphere,"Software professional students,Should not give him the space of free play,I think the love the Internet,Immersed in their own professional,And knowledge discovery,It is worth to encourage,But on the Internet,Teach you how to solve,A bit too much."
C 记者追访 C reporters follow
多数高校真的用邮箱传试卷 Most college really E-mail the test paper
Really like LiuJingKang said,School just transmitted via email?Survey reporters yesterday confirmed LiuJingKang,In nanjing audit college/Nanjing university of finance and economics, etc. Most of the colleges and universities,A roll of the teacher send papers to academic teacher from the mailbox.A university relevant personage told reporters,In the school,The period of calendar year/The final papers are teaching by the departments of special teacher in charge of the set,Determine the topic after review and correct,Directly to office of academic affairs for our file.And then by the school office of academic affairs contact printing enterprise organization uniformly.Such as Chinese/English/Think of general courses."School for transfer paper set up a special email,Only responsible for the matter of the teacher know the password."
两种情况下邮箱密码可破解 Two kinds of circumstances email password can be cracked
Under what circumstances the email password can be cracked?Reporters yesterday to consult a computer professionals."Through the email,Reply E-mail,Show the cookie,Theoretically, unable to realize."Think the professionals,LiuJingKang may hide some procedures.He analysis,Two kinds of cases,The email password can be cracked.Is a computer operator system has holes,Students and teachers are using the campus LAN,After students find loopholes,Can remote crack teacher computer Windows password,If the teacher is"Direct login state",Can log in directly.If a password,Control can be implanted Trojan email password,To realize the login.Another situation is mail system vulnerabilities,Is the server,Can also through some method to the data in the mail.
新闻链接 News link
他加分进南大 曾三门课交“白卷” He points into ntu has three classes"Blank examination paper"
Let the light of the lighter painting on the wall/Simple 3 d conversion technology,Camera to identify human body movement……Nanjing university software institute level 2010 boys LiuJingKang strange ideas have many,He himself has some independence.
“电脑”加20分进南大 "The computer"Added 20 points in ntu
LiuJingKang's father is in charge of a plush toy factory in guangdong,Mother used to work in a bank.LiuJingKang myself wondering from primary school grade five or six years beginning make a web page/Web site,His invention in the eyes of ordinary people"strange".In high school,He took part in the national primary and middle school students' computer competition at that time,According to Google maps can help users see the function of the street all over the world,He designed a"This plugin":Use camera to identify users leg forward/back/Turn the action of,According to the action in the computer display"go"The place where the street.LiuJingKang award for this project,A 20 points at the college entrance examination,Enter university study smoothly.
期末三门交“白卷” The final three hand in"Blank examination paper"
"Final exams this semester I have three classes in a blank examination paper,Ready to open to the make-up exam again."In an interview,LiuJingKang surprisingly,Their most of the time spent on interested"New stuff"On the design,That's what"Its main business".The time in class,LiuJingKang figured his own invention:The principle of light sensor design a lighter can be used/The light of the flashlight"Drawing a picture"The wall of the/"Fortress version"3 d technology,Everyone nets launched"Unrequited love"Function as the,He also designed a page.
他还写了一个可供苹果、安卓校园手机用户进行二手物品交易的软件。随后,他又花了一个月的时间完成了在视频中插入植入式广告的技术。在父亲的鼓励下,小刘期待将自己的作品投入到商业应用中,用技术进行自主创业,吸引了多家公司与他洽谈合作业务。(扬子晚报记者 蔡蕴琦 张琳)
He also wrote a for apple/Reviewing the campus mobile phone users in secondhand goods transactions of the software.then,He spent a month time to finish the video insert of implantable advertising technology.In his father's encouragement,Xiao liu to put their work into commercial applications,Use technology for self-employed,Attracted many companies to cooperate business with him.(Yangzi evening news reporter CaiYunQi zhang Lin)
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