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上海约辩异地高考女孩被房东逼退房 疑警察施压--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

今视网12月10日南昌讯 占海特,一名15岁的江西籍上海女孩,因在微博上公开“约辩”争取异地中高考权力,备受新闻媒体的关注。据报道,12月8日上午,占海特父亲占全喜在上海市人民广场被警方以涉嫌“妨害公务罪”拘留。10日,今视网记者致电占海特本人,称父亲还被关在看守所,没有消息。“如果(占全喜)长期被拘禁,我们将会起诉”,目前占海特及母亲正和律师商议此事的解决方法。
This fox on December 10 nanchang news accounts for the sea,A 15-year-old jiangxi Shanghai girl,Because of the public in micro bo"Argue about"For different ZhongGaoKao power,Has the attention of the news media.According to the report,On December 8 in the morning,Accounted for the sea, my father all happy for suspected by police in Shanghai people's square"Disrupt public sin"detention.The 10 th,This fox journalists call of the sea, I,Say father was put in jail,No news."if(For all the joy)Long-term detention,We will be charged",Currently accounts for the sea, and my mother is a lawyer deliberations of the solution.
微博再次被禁言 房东提前要求退房 Micro bo was banned the landlord again for check out in advance
In addition to the father of the detention,Reporters noticed that accounts for the sea, micro bo has been banned,On dec. 5, after,Micro bo is no new content updates,Tencent micro bo directly"This user has been banned".The previous,Of the sea, micro bo for discussion/Forwarding relevant different ZhongGaoKao topic,Have many times.10 th,Of the sea, micro bo once again the ban,Her at the first time on the last Saturday his father caught the scene of pictures,And issued by the police[Detention notice]The picture.
"The landlord also forced us to check-out."Of the sea, to introduce,Now the house they live more than a year,Getting along with the landlord"Has always been very good,What never happened conflict",The 8 th,The landlord request check out all of a sudden,The reason is given"Pressure on the police and neighborhood".
Check-out request to the landlord in advance,Of the sea, an unexpected,"I also don't know what to do",Of the said,She is now want to with my family and lawyers consulted the father of all things,Hope my father can come out early.
抗争异地高考近半年 被沪籍人士斥为“上海蝗虫” Against other college entrance examination half-year by Shanghai people remains"Shanghai locusts"
Of the sea,,A 15-year-old girl born in jiangxi province,Zhuhai was born,Grew up in Shanghai,The kindergarten/Elementary school and junior high school in Shanghai.
After graduating from junior high school in June this year,Because cannot attend the exam in Shanghai attending high school and began to study at home.Of the sea, said to reporter,In the impression of her,A total of not more than 3 months at the time of stay in jiangxi,Also does not have any family,Home reading must be away from my parents,And this is her most don't want to.
Many approaches on fruit,In Shanghai after the hopes of on-site tests,Of the sea, the micro bo as the one last life-saving straw,On the Internet called on education fairness,For SuiQian children in the school is located in ZhongGaoKao rights.
On October 21,,Accounted for in the sea on personal micro bo said,To on October 25, and the Shanghai people and other college entrance examination"Argue about".The results,On the day"battle"The Shanghai net friend take them as an irony"From the locusts",To them"Get out of Shanghai".On the day of the debate about,Some opponents of Shanghai nationality also hit"Locusts roll out of Shanghai!Shanghai do not need outside the locusts!"Such as banners,And sea between non - Shanghai people.
"I don't want to go back to jiangxi province to be a stay-at-home children,Separate with my parents",Of the sea, the phone said,She just wants to get equal opportunities for promotion,Stay in my parents,Even though she is no different ZhongGaoKao qualification,But to the back of the brother and sister will not encounter such a thing.
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