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四六级多题多卷:你考乔布斯 我考薯条--亲稳网络舆情监测室


On December 22,,Second half of 2012 the national college English four/Held six levels of tests.The test for the first time across the country"Much more volume",In the same test using many papers at the same time,The examinee of different papers.Many candidates reflect,Himself with the same test students' questions,Such as there are students of fast reading topic on jobs,And his own is French fries.


"Much more volume"The pattern is thought to put an end to cheating,On selling the answer illegal behavior, such as profit.But at the same time cause the examinee of fairness of the exam question different difficulty is how to keep the paper consistent.


考场 The examination room

  粘贴条形码区分试卷类型 Stick bar code to distinguish between types of papers


The national 9.38 million examinee enter oneself for an examination the university English four/Six levels of tests,Guangdong 652000 people enter oneself for an examination.This year./Six levels of tests for the first time"Much more volume",On the one hand, can put an end to cheating,On the other hand let cheating gang cannot judge examinee's test paper,Also they don't have a"business".


but,Different papers,How to distinguish between?Guangdong province education the examination yuan,Paper type to distinguish with the bar code on the reverse of the paper copies.When the answer,Candidates should be a bar code paste in sheet 2 of the specified position.If not according to stipulations stick bar code will be regarded as illegal,Test scores is invalid.Most students said yesterday,To stick bar code"Don't trouble","In fact and college entrance examination [micro bo],Stick to a(Bar code),Is very simple."The examinee Chen said.


 试题 Test questions

  六级作文题目也有多版本 Six titles of the composition also has many versions


At noon yesterday,South China agricultural university, many students out of the examination room,Then have to vomit slot test is difficult."I the fast reading the topic is about jobs,Good difficult!"English cet 4 candidates Chen said.Students answer:"It was‘Much more volume’ah,My reading test is associated with French fries."


soon,They will find their own questions in addition to writing and listening,Other topics are totally different.There are candidates joked:"Original band 4 and band 6 test is truly the end of the world".

  暨大参加英语六级考试的考生小邹说,六级的作文题目也不相同,他知道的就有两个版本,分别为computer&man(人类与计算机)和onmaintainingtrust (保持信任),其他完形填空、阅读理解等题目,也不尽相同。

JiDa part in the English six levels of tests the examinee of XiaoZou said,Six of the titles of the composition is not the same,He knows that there are two versions of the,For computer&man(Humans and computers)And onmaintainingtrust (Keep the trust),Other gestalt fills up/Reading comprehension of the topic,Also is not the same.


 说法 statement

  省教育考试院:每套试题难度系数相当 Provincial education the examination yuan:Each test difficulty coefficient


The examinee yellow said:"My topic is too difficult,I worry about other people's questions is simple than mine,I'll kui big."Yellow said,Test after the chat,He didn't"today"Others that the arrangement of the test is better than his own,think"Much more volume"Can cause unfair.

  不同试题难度如何保持一致?省教育考试院有关负责人解释,每套试题都经过了出题专家组论证,题目难度系数相当。同时,本次考试的时长、题目顺序设置、题目总量都没有任何变化,所以不存在“你难我易”的试题差异。教育学者、21世纪教育研究院[微博]副院长熊丙奇[微博]则认为,“多题多卷”确实会给“集团”作弊者“批发”答案带来更大的难度,但如果考生在考场把题目发出去,再求答案,“一题一解”就失灵了。熊丙奇认为,英语四六级等由行政部门统一组织的为数不多的大学学科考试,本质上说,是行政评估的一种。只有淡化这一考试的行政色彩和利益色彩,将其变为社会化考试,与学位、就业等现实利益脱钩,才能起到客观的评价作用,促进大学英语教学,而不是适得其反。(记者:陈红艳 通讯员:柳翠霞)

Different test difficulty is how to maintain consistent?Head of the provincial education the examination yuan,Each test set the panel have been proved,Topic difficulty coefficient.At the same time,The duration of the test/Title sequence Settings/Total of all subjects without any change,So there is no"You to me is"The test differences.Education scholars/Vice President of the 21 st century education research institute [micro bo] XiongBingJi/micro bo said,"Much more volume"Do give"group"A cheater"wholesale"Answers to bring more difficult,But if the examinee in the examination room the topic sent out,Again for the answer,"A question a solution"He failed.XiongBingJi think,English band 4 and band 6, unite by the administrative department of the organization of a few university subject test,essentially,Is a kind of administrative evaluation.Only weaken the examination of the administrative color and interests,The socialization into the exam,With the degree/Employment and realistic interests decoupling,Can play a role and objective evaluation,Promote the college English teaching,Rather than just the opposite to what one wished.(The reporter:ChenGongYan correspondent:LiuCuiXia)
