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2013中国就业形势如何? 高校毕业生形势严峻--亲稳舆论引导监测室

2013中国就业形势如何? 高校毕业生形势严峻


Near the end,Campus recruitment began to enter the off-season,Many college graduates are for"Have a good year"But the move.At the same time,Some migrant workers, migrant workers are where to go to work and do the planning for the coming year.


Human resources and social security ministry said earlier this year,In 2012 cities and towns to employment of the labor force to 25 million people,The scale of college graduates of 6.8 million people.


On December 18,,The Chinese academy of social sciences"In 2013,[The blue book]And China's social situation report"Held in Beijing,Face slightly grim employment situation,The participating experts called for,The implementation of the employment of priority development strategy,By increasing employment opportunities and labor income,Improve the quality of employment.


经济增速放缓未影响整体就业 Slowdown in economic growth does not influence the overall employment


Influenced by international economic situation,Since 2012,China's economic growth has slowed,From the first quarter GDP growth of 8.1% to 7.6% of the second quarter,To drop to 7.4% of the third quarter.After they were worried about the economy will drag the employment,The more severe employment situation.


Blue shows,In 2012,,China implemented a more active employment policy,The overall employment situation,Not of the nature of the employment with the economic growth rate decline.There was no tension migrant workers and college students' employment.


"WenZhongQiuJin."Human resources and social security of international labor and social security research institute MoRong to generalize the employment situation in China in 2012.


Human resources and social security minister YinWeiMin in 18 at the national conference on the human resources and social security said,In the first 11 months,Urban employment of 12.02 million people,Unemployed personnel again obtain employment of 5.25 million people,The employment difficult personnel 1.67 million people,At the end of the third quarter registered urban unemployment rate is 4.1%,The employment situation remained stable.


Chinese academy of social sciences institute of sociology of scare analysis said,Employment situation is not affected by the impact of the slowdown in economic growth,Main reason is that regional growth pattern of qualitative changes have taken place.


明年农民工招工难仍将上演 Hire migrant workers next year will continue to be difficult


Despite the overall look,Due to the implementation of a more active employment policy,First 11 months of this year China's urban employment number more than over the same period in history,But many experts point out that report at the meeting,Because of the influence of the economic situation on employment often have some lag effect,2013 employment situation is still facing great pressure and challenges,Expand employment of various measures still cannot relax.


Deputy director of the Chinese academy of social sciences institute of sociology zhang said in an interview with the newspaper,College graduates and rural migrant workers have always been two big key employment population.Since the second half of this year,With the economy rebounded,The services and manufacturing sector demand for rural migrant workers in increasing,Next year if the economy continues to maintain the warmer,The obtain employment of migrant workers groups will not be a problem,Years is expected to employ people/The phenomenon of enterprise laborer will still.


Zhang also said,College graduates employment situation next year will be tough this year than others,"This is mainly because the social new white-collar jobs is limited,While the number of college graduates to go all the way,Especially for those of the highly educated through on-the-job education graduates,The situation will be more severe."


实现就业数量和质量的双提升 To realize the employment quantity and quality of ascension


The eighteenth big report"To promote the realization of higher quality"The new target.In the overall stable employment situation/Registered urban unemployment rate under the condition of controllable,To realize the employment quantity and quality of ascension,Is a new topic of employment in China next year.


It seems to MoRong,Improve the quality of employment/Realize the decent labor is new development tendency in the field of employment.MoRong explained,For employment quality problems,Have more than one measurement dimensions in the world,Such as work time/The social security/Workers income levels and so on all is the content of the employment quality.


For how to realize the employment quantity and quality of ascension,Deputy director of the Chinese academy of social sciences institute of sociology ChenGuangJin in answer to our question,Just the situation,The most urgent is to speed up the adjustment of economic structure,Reduce the need for simple physical labor,Increase the demand of mental labor and skilled labor;Secondly to strengthen the legal adjustment of labor relations,Especially to the maintenance of social security and labor rights and interests of migrant workers.ChenGuangJin Suggestions,We should accelerate the reform of the income distribution system,Improve the income of the ordinary employees,And strengthen vocational skills training to workers,To promote employment JiNengHua transformation.
