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初中女生校厕产子 六旬姑父被指婴儿生父(组图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室

株洲县第一人民医院产房部,刚生完孩子的小欣背影显得很是单薄。 株洲县第一人民医院产房部,刚生完孩子的Small hin背影显得很是单薄.           15岁女孩校园厕所生子  15岁女孩校园厕所生子


  12月3日,对于株洲县堂市乡某校初三学生Small hin来说,是灾难性的一天.


  这一天下午4点20到5点之间,这个离自己16岁生日还仅有10天的初三学生,在The school内,离自己读书的教室不到20米远的校园公厕,产下一2.8公斤重的男婴.惊慌失措的Small hin独自扯断脐带后,把浑身是血的男婴抱到厕所旁一菜园的柴堆里.离开厕所前,Small hin担心厕所里留下的血吓到前来上厕所的同学,忍着剧烈的疼痛,用冷水把厕所地板上的血迹冲掉,然后,脱下上衣,裹着血迹斑斑的下身,"跑"回了离厕所约一百米远的宿舍.带血的胞衣和另外一截脐带,是在宿舍里掉落的.


  Small hin的同班同学,好朋友彭卉第一时间在宿舍里见到了生完孩子的Small hin."她走进宿舍,脸色发白."彭卉说,Small hin小声祈求她,她The body uncomfortable,希望宿舍其他同学回避一下,让她换一下衣服.


  当宿舍里只剩下Small hin和彭卉后,彭卉在帮Small hin换衣服和裤子的时候,才发现,"她的裤子从上到下都是血,都滴到宿舍地板上了."彭卉说,这时Small hin才告诉她,她刚才在厕所里生孩子了.不过,Small hin祈求彭卉,"千万不要告诉老师."


  "IVery afraid,I觉得事情已经不是I们能够处理得了."彭卉说,她在宿舍的厕所帮助Small hin清洗的时候,Small hin连站都站不稳了,摔在洗脸盆里.and胞衣和脐带,也自动掉在地上,吓得同样是孩子的彭卉大汗淋漓.当彭卉拼劲所有力气把Small hin搀扶到自己的床上后,惊魂未定的彭卉给班主任罗老师打了求助电话.


  and就在彭卉给班主任打电话的At the same time,宿舍外面,已经炸开了锅.一个老师家属去菜园里摘菜的时候,发现了赤身,浑身是血,哭的发颤的男婴.


  On December 12,上午,Small hin的班主任罗老师和The school许校长接受今日女报/凤网记者采访时,讲述了发现孩子后,The school采取的措施.


  "接到报告(指发现男婴)时,I们正在开会."许校长说,他们当即终止了会议,At the same time拨打110和120,由于当时的情况已经非常危险,The schoolAt the same time组织车辆把婴儿和Small hin送往株洲县第一人民医院.




  60岁"姑父"被指孩子生父 60岁"姑父"被指孩子生父


  株洲县王拾万乡某村,45岁的TangJun得到女儿Small hin出事的消息,刚从邻居家里杀完猪回来."大概六点钟,The school老师开着车来家里接I的时候,I晚饭还只吃到一半."TangJun说,随后,他和妻子刘香被老师接到医院,路上,来接他的老师担心他接受不了,The teacher said just that something serious.


  "I did not dream of,I gave birth to a daughter in school maomao(Refers to the baby,The same)."In the morning of December 7,,The reporter the first time I saw the dark skin TangJunShi,He said while constantly shook his head."From my daughter right now,I don't have a day good night's sleep,So concerned!."


The reporter understands,Small hin gave birth to the child in the evening of the day,Native of hexi public security bureau police station was involved in the investigation."On December 3, at 10 o 'clock,Police station of the two policemen to native people's hospital to give my daughter do the record,Until six o 'clock the next morning."TangJun说.


Reporters learned that after the event,Police in to small hin do record,TangJun,Small hin of aunt and three gu, and the teacher in charge for teachers participated in,不过,Four people say,The police do the whole process of the record,Four people no one always present.


From small daughter of mouth,TangJun learned a shocking news,"She said,Maomao is LiQing!"When small hin to say"LiQing"This name,TangJun couldn't believe it,because"LiQing",Is his brother-in-law,Has been 60 years old.


Things will get confirmed,LiQing also was taken to the police station.


  "On the night,My elder sister(Refers to the LiQing's wife)And others came to the hospital,Kneel before me,Asked me to forgive,Compensation and said to my mouth."TangJun说,不过,Consultation and didn't reach the result.Where in TangJun 村支书 Lao li looks like:"Personally, I think,This is not the mediation of the problem,Should is breaking the criminal law,According to legal procedures to solve."


Let TangJun think impassability,The second day,He will hear people say,LiQing has been put out.this,TangJun expressed doubts,"The explanation is that police station,After finish them the day of my daughter and LiQing record,Think there is no evidence that LiQingYou crime."Afterwards the little hin told the women today/feng network reporter when doing the record,"当天做笔录的时候,Because of gave birth to a child is very afraid,More worried about uncle LiQingLai hospital hurt me and my family,so,Do the record for the first time,I dare not say by LiQing rape".


On December 7, at noon,Reporter the first time in the native of the first people's hospital of gynecology and obstetrics see figure thin small hin,Small hin on the hospital bed and my mother is eating just bought lunch box.If it's not in obstetrics and gynecology,记者很难相信,The childishness not to take off in the sight of delicate girl,That just as a mother.


A 15 year old junior high school girl,从怀孕到孩子最后在厕所里出生,Why the family and school teachers have been found no?This had to mention small hin special family.


  坎坷女孩遭遇"罕见"怀孕现象 Bumpy girl in"rare"Pregnancy phenomena


Small hin is actually a yunnan dai girl,有一段坎坷的身世.


Small hin mother LiuXiang with mentally handicapped,Small hin are very young,His father died.Concrete is died that year for what reason,LiuXiang said,She doesn't know.TangJun说,Did marry LiuXiang wife,完全就是想成一个家,now,They had a eight year old daughter.


Small hin 6 years old,Her mother remarried to hunan home now,Small hin also coming together.Small hin said,Their hometown in yunnan,还有外婆和其他的亲人,just,Because too far away,The fare is too expensive,She seldom go back.thanks,Stepfather TangJun is good for her.


TangJun LiuXiang diligence with his wife in the village,"They are husband and wife only know work,Of the 30 mu of land,He also at ordinary times people kill pig."


Although now household registration is still in yunnan,不过,Nearly 10 years of life in hunan,Has the little hin assimilation into a genuine"xiang",She speaks fluent in the local language.In everyone's eyes,Small hin introverted,Honest clever,Rarely communicate with other people.


Small hin aunt and its neighbor told newspaper female today/feng network reporter,She is only 15 years old,Pregnant things don't understand,And the mother LiuXiang,Is basically a only know work of retarded.Stepfather TangJun,More often in the outside busy living,hoping.And small hin again almost at school,Where would have thought that such a thing happen?


Can every day together with students of the teacher,Also didn't find small hin body changes?


Small hin of teacher in charge teacher is a unmarried girl of 26 years old.On December 12,,ROM. The teacher and make the headmaster told reporters."In accordance with the time that,Small hin pregnancy was in March this year,The school summer vacation in July,Small hin just four months pregnant,When the pregnancy signs not too obvious,After the summer vacation."


After school,September came to,The weather is cool off,Students to wear more clothes."She likes to wear more comfortable clothes."ROM. The teacher said,不过,She is not completely have not found a little strange."There is a period of time,I found some abnormal small hin walking posture."ROM. The teacher has asked small hin,不过,Small hin to tell her,She threw up,Stomach pain.so,Didn't go to want to pregnant this respect,She was just a child.不过,ROM. The teacher was to small hin TangJun once the father of telephone,Requirements with small hin go to a hospital be being checked the body,不过,Careless stepfather didn't care.


In the teacher in charge teacher's eyes,Small hin although scores by comparison,But be passive,nice/Ready to help others,"The students' books after class not timely arrangement,She would help."不过,Now this kind of thing happened,ROM. The teacher said"It hurts".


  "If our teacher to the student don't care,I don't agree with."许校长说,Ask every teacher in charge teacher to the student in the school life,Learning and health do know on a regular basis.Especially in the physiological period of female students.


Reporter in the ROM. The teacher provides a student handbook,See the ROM. The teacher of the four small hin talk notes.


The first time in this on September 6, shortly after the start of the semester,Wrote notes:"(Small hin,The same)Threw up,To comfort her."On September 21,:"The body uncomfortable,Shout outside the classroom to ask the situation,Ask her to pay attention to girls menstrual problems,Remind pay attention to the body."


On October 12:"Distraction in class,Lesson hold the body uncomfortable,Find the office,Carries on the inquiry,Because of menstrual body uncomfortable."


The last time,On the morning of the is a small hin gave birth to the child,It is on December 3:"The student belly uncomfortable,Ask the reason of my stomach,She said she body unwell,You can borrow some money to buy a girl."


ROM. The teacher said,On the morning of the children on the playground,Small hin also said to her,To the official holiday,You can borrow some money to buy sanitary napkin to her.


Small hin monthly"Official holiday phenomenon",Is to let the young teacher can't went to want to pregnancy.Small hin also told newspaper female today/feng network reporter,She did before giving birth to children every month"Official holiday",just,Every stomach pain,For your pregnancy,She almost know nothing.


For this strange phenomenon,Native of the first people's hospital of small hin GuoXing doctor told the woman today/feng network reporter,Like small hin,During pregnancy threw up a month the situation is extremely rare,But some during pregnancy,Do occasionally have menstruation,This related to the pregnant women of individual constitution,Menopause is not as the only standard to judge pregnancy.


Hunan people's hospital, director of the maternity doctor YaoSui also confirmed:"There are a few people after pregnancy,Appear in scheduled the date of the next menstrual cramps is vaginal bleeding,Then the average person is often mistaken for menstruation,So don't know if I already pregnant."Is called on medicine"The pregnancy period".

  这种罕见的现象,巧合的发生在一个懵懂的15岁初中生身上。直到孩子在厕所呱呱坠地,悲剧终于如同火山一样突然爆发了。 The rare phenomenon,Coincidence happen in a ignorant of 15 years old junior high school student.Until the child cries in the toilet,Tragedy finally suddenly erupted like volcano.
